Saints Row IV

Saints Row IV

2015. dec. 21., 11:20
SteamOS versions of Saints Row IV and Gat out of Hell now available!
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115/88 megjegyzés mutatása
Can I play on Ubuntu 14.04 with a friend that has Windows?
The third do this please!
and I happened to saints row 2 and saints row the third? they will be released in linux? :nonplussed_creep:
Thanks! Just downloaded on Linux and was really impressed to see it had already synced my old Windows save from a couple years ago. Question -- is there any way to override the resolution selector? Right now it's only letting me go up to 1280x1024 because that happens to be my leftmost monitor, even though I have a 1080p screen and a 720p screen I'd rather be playing it on.
Thank you Deep Silver for being so awesome and supporting Linux.
I love you, Deep Silver! (PS: please bring Sacred 2 to Linux! If at all possible).
not deep silver's port, but nvm nice news. Srow 3 plz next.

Enlightened - i think, you can, cuz this port made by virtual engeneering as far as i know
Update: adding --eon_force_display=1 (where 0 is your leftmost monitor) in the shell script that launches the game lets you pick a monitor.
i am happy! w linux
The texture streaming definitely seems a little less efficient than it could be, but afaik all of the hacks that were recommended for the EON port of Bioshock Infinite were UE3-speciifc, so they wouldn't apply here.
This is great news! Finally! Now you got me interested!
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