Saints Row IV

Saints Row IV

Näytä tilastot:
Looking for Co-Op partner
I'm in EU so looking for someone that can power through co-op with me. Just trying to get my last achievement.
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Hi! I can join, need all 3 co-op achivs!
same here, I am from the netherlands and need the co-op achievements. hit me up!
South Africa time, same time as Germany.
Kennis2016 lähetti viestin:
If anyone sees this pls i need someone too. I'm in germany if that matters
I've already completed this so I'm no longer looking, good luck! :coolstar2022:
I don't know if anyone else is looking for a Co-op partner , but i am also looking for one
Muzlu Pasta lähetti viestin:
need all coop achievements

I'll send you a friend invite
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Näytetään 1-7 / 7 kommentista
Sivua kohden: 1530 50