Call of Juarez Gunslinger

Call of Juarez Gunslinger

Mr.Frost 2015 年 4 月 30 日 下午 11:17
Not able to draw in duel [solved - my fault]
I'm stuck on the first duel... I completely understand the instructions (the first duel doesn't even require the A/D to move your hand...) - just focus with the mouse, when Pat Garrett begins to draw, left click to draw my weapon then, theoretically, aim with the mouse and fire with left mouse button. However, I never get my gun out of the holster. I can't even draw dishonourably (not sure if it's possible in the first one or not, anyway). It's almost like my button doesn't do anything at all (thought it's working fine as the menu clicking works when loading the game, and I played through the opening scenario to get this far, so my mouse is fine).

This kind of ends my game a few minutes in. Any thoughts on why no mouse button response when trying to draw my weapon?
最後修改者:Mr.Frost; 2015 年 5 月 3 日 上午 8:07
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Jaguar 2015 年 4 月 30 日 下午 11:53 
The first few duels you don't even need to adadadad to add speed to win the duels. Just click as soon as he twitches to draw after the heatbeat and click again as quickly as you can (hell, click 50 times once you're beginning to draw).
Dingo 2015 年 5 月 1 日 上午 6:51 
引用自 Jaguar
The first few duels you don't even need to adadadad to add speed to win the duels. Just click as soon as he twitches to draw after the heatbeat and click again as quickly as you can (hell, click 50 times once you're beginning to draw).

This was... helpful.

Just for troubleshoting... have you tried binding the "fire" key to a different button?
最後修改者:Dingo; 2015 年 5 月 1 日 上午 6:51
Mr.Frost 2015 年 5 月 1 日 上午 6:51 
Yep... that's how it's supposed to work. But in my case it's like the mouse button isn't working at all. I can move the mouse around to stay in focus... no draw. It looks like a fun game, and I enjoyed the opening few minutes... but if this is where it ends for me, then I'll be seeking a refund.
Jaguar 2015 年 5 月 1 日 下午 4:07 
Try a dishonorable duel, draw first. See if you can. If you can, this means you are waiting too long after your opponent begins to draw (in an honorable duel).
最後修改者:Jaguar; 2015 年 5 月 1 日 下午 4:07
Mr.Frost 2015 年 5 月 1 日 下午 5:39 
Unable to dishonourable duel (I'm not sure that's permitted in the very first duel, though - the game seems to introduce arcane practices like drawing first and running in stages ;)

I can get the focus up into the mid 90s, so the focus shouldn't be an issue. If it requires more precision than that, I'll be looking for a way to bypass the duels or cheat through them. I can see that even if it did work it would be my least favourite part of the game - it is so far, anyway.

It's quite disappointing, really, that a mini-game that I can't bypass is going to ruin the whole game for me.
Mr.Frost 2015 年 5 月 1 日 下午 5:49 
I did a cache verify, which found one file that needed to be redownloaded (first time it's every done anything!). However, that didn't solve the problem. I got my focus at 98.8%, still couldn't draw just a split second after he draws his gun. I can't draw early ( though don't know if that's allowed in this duel), I can't draw on time, and, to answer your other question ThunderKeil, he just shoots me - no tracers or anything... but I do have time to press the button about 6 times between when he draws and I die (by clicking very quickly).

Mr.Frost 2015 年 5 月 1 日 下午 6:07 
And, just for fun, I changed my fire key to the K key... still unable to draw.

I did pop into duel mode, and was unable to draw there, either (though I see that the A and D thing works there, so it really is just disabled for the "tutorial" duel with Garrett).

Not pressing M2 - I did try it a while back, but made no difference. :)

I do appreciate the questions and ideas, though, and your time spent asking them in the quest to get my game working... :)
最後修改者:Mr.Frost; 2015 年 5 月 1 日 下午 6:09
Styxx42 2015 年 5 月 2 日 上午 9:17 
Do you have any other controllers plugged in?
Perhaps it is binding to a racing wheel or some other peripheral.

And I am with ThunderKell. the Duals are not very enjoyable.
最後修改者:Styxx42; 2015 年 5 月 2 日 上午 9:17
Mr.Frost 2015 年 5 月 3 日 上午 8:06 
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Didn't even realize I had the steering wheel plugged in. Thanks Styxx, that solved it.

Now I can continue with this neat game. Thanks for all the thoughts and troubleshooting questions. :)
最後修改者:Mr.Frost; 2015 年 5 月 3 日 上午 8:06
Shakespeare59 2015 年 5 月 3 日 下午 3:33 
引用自 ♥ Jenny ♥
I'd have to say the duels are my least favourite feature in this otherwise very enjoyable game.

Does the enemy's fire appear as tracing rounds or do they just flat out shoot you? If the latter I'm afraid it might just be something on your end, having too low of a 'focus' or whatever the game calls it, may disallow you from firing at all, from what I can tell.

It can be very frustrating, I'm the source on that. But if you're absolutely certain it's not just you, all I can recommend is the same-old. Verify integrity of game cache.

引用自 ♥ Jenny ♥
Yes, the draw speed isn't implemented until the second duel of the main game.

Gotta say I'm out of thoughts here, can't even find anyone anywhere with comparable issues. Maybe try running it in compatibility mode, it doesn't make sense on such a 'new' game, but I've seen it do wonders before.

Good luck mate.

Just wanted to agree with Jenny on the duels. A great game marred by these frustrating interruptions...
Drawings Freeman 2015 年 5 月 3 日 下午 7:39 
I agree too re duels, they spoil the game and block level progress with an unsatisfying and frustrating dynamic whereby your controls are made massively slow and imprecise.

It feels like a cheap way to add difficulty and spoils the experience.
Offensive Screen-name 2015 年 5 月 4 日 上午 2:04 
Just a tip: personally, without going into unasked for detail on my Arcade/Dueling rank and keybindings (standardized between all videogames which I play, basically), I recommend, aside from of course a good monitor with good graphics, turning your music volume to a low but appropriate level--keyword being "low". Not off, just low. Music is important to the atmosphere of the game, but especially in True West mode & Dueling, you might not want it blaring at default level--something I lowered to 50% initially with Hard mode and then 5% yesterday after I realized the difference.

Another tip: depending on your DPI ("dots per inch" or pixels per inch, really), IE mouse sensitivity on Windows or your mouse console, you may want to tweak your standard mouse sensitivity in-game. That being, mine being 40% non-dueling sensitivity, I'd recommend lowering the Mouse Sensitivity on Duel to at-the-least half that standard. My dueling sensitivity is, accordingly, about 15 or 20%. I'm not sure. Adust it to your needs, taste, & style. Furthermore, I placed Mouse Smoothing at 100%. It's good. Just don't lag too much with it if your hardware's terrible. If you're jittering in-game, something I found is that it's just the messy coding of the game slash engine and not your hardware or otherwise specifically. Good luck. No fun.
tupungato 2024 年 12 月 15 日 下午 2:08 
What helps in my case: after lost duel, ESC to go to menu, and then click CONTINUE.
What didn't work: clicking SPACE to restart duel. After this option the controls didn't work.
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