Call of Juarez Gunslinger

Call of Juarez Gunslinger

Преглед на статистиките:
unplayable framerate
I have an i5-7500 and rx 480, and im struggling to get more than 20 fps. anyone know how to fix? my cpu is only 4 cores so I can't use the solution commonly mentioned here.
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Strange, my computer is even worse than yours and I have on average 40-50 fps
for some reason the issue went away when I switched from 1920x1080 to 1680x1050, then back
Turn off Vsync and Threaded optimization in Nvidia settings.

I also put Low latency mode to Ultra but shouldn't be necessary to stop the issue.
Последно редактиран от Ninefinger; 27 дек. 2021 в 12:27
Първоначално публикувано от TuwYx:
rx 480 here 200fps ++

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