Twin Cobra
missing ranking option "no save"--->😢
Online Ranking option that currently exist:

- same offline hiscore also reported online--->😊👌👌👌
- no assist--->😊
- single credit--->😊
- different rankings for difficulty--->😊

"no save" ranking option--->does not exist--->😢--->all ruined

Allow saves for an online ranking of a score-based game??? no, please...😢

If I do 70% of the game excellently, I will necessarily have to save (otherwise, I will penalize myself compared to the others). In fact, if saving is allowed in the online ranking, what's the point of starting over if I can start from 70% of the game excellently done?
"Unfortunately", starting over is the essence of coin-op arcade and the essence of score-based games.
Start a "coin-op" score-based game from 70%?--->no, please...😢
A "no save" ranking option would have solved this problem, but... there isn't one--->😢

The incredible thing is that it is possible to insert your own record online even by reloading the save 1000 times...😢😭😭

I ask for a ranking as:

- no assist
- single credit
- default
- no save

Dernière modification de mickyc1; 20 juin 2024 à 5h18
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The game is too hard in the Japanese Version "D" to beat on 1 credit anyway.

And they know this.
Dernière modification de Imposter; 3 sept. 2024 à 17h22
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