EverQuest II

EverQuest II

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Since Daybreak is absolutely terrible at marketing. I figured I would post it in here for anyone that checks.

Currently we are in a 6-week beta for a new Time-Locked Expansion server. This server is their first real attempt at a true classic experience (2006 era). Itemization and tuning will return back to individual stats (Str, Agi, Sta, Wis, Int) as well as limiting all market (P2W items).

If you ever wanted to come back for nostalgia purposes this would be the server to do it. If you've never played Everquest, this server will have a great active population when it launches and typically there is plenty of new players and the EQ2 veterans love (most) to help.

Give it a shot, at the most you are out $15 if you don't enjoy it.
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Showing 1-15 of 40 comments
Valdrog 4 May @ 7:18pm 
do you know if characters you make in the Beta server will transplant to the server when it comes out of Beta ?

Originally posted by Valdrog:
do you know if characters you make in the Beta server will transplant to the server when it comes out of Beta ?


This will not happen. You will have to create a new character .
Last edited by Sweety D; 4 May @ 9:03pm
Originally posted by Sweety D:
Originally posted by Valdrog:
do you know if characters you make in the Beta server will transplant to the server when it comes out of Beta ?


This will not happen. You will have to create a new character .

In fact, I should add that on "Live" beta servers, you can do the opposite of this. You can take normal characters you have made and transfer them to the beta server. But NEVER the other way. Beta severs never allow outbound transfers, only inbound for testing purposes.
Last edited by Sweety D; 4 May @ 9:03pm
Just a reminder that EQ2 was originally designed to encourage grouping so, on Anashti Su, do not expect to solo all the way to max level -- with or without a Mercenary (if and when they become available). Adventurer levels are currently capped at 12th level and 9th level for crafting; intermediate and advanced crafting classes are not yet available. Grouping is easy right now because everyone is about the same level but tanks and healers are almost always in-demand though I do see calls for DPS occasionally.
Last edited by DiceWrangler; 5 May @ 8:12am
Originally posted by Valdrog:
do you know if characters you make in the Beta server will transplant to the server when it comes out of Beta ?


Everyone will start fresh for the actual launch of the server. Beta is just that, it's for testing. There is a lot to test since this is their first time being able to bring back old itemization, tuning, stats, etc.

If you have never played EQ2, I would wait till launch of the server so you get a good experience and there will be a ton of people and guilds willing to take you in and show you the ropes.
Originally posted by DiceWrangler:
Just a reminder that EQ][]grouping[/b] so, on Anashti Su, do not expect to solo all the way to max level -- with or without a Mercenary (if and when they become available). Adventurer levels are currently capped at 12th level and 9th level for crafting; intermediate and advanced crafting classes are not yet available. Grouping is easy right now because everyone is about the same level but tanks and healers are almost always in-demand though I do see calls for DPS occasionally.

This is for beta (not to be confused with when the server launches), there should be no intermediate level caps once the server launches, it will be 1-50.
sgtoxman 13 May @ 10:53am 
Is this the server that is opening in June?
Korafex 14 May @ 5:47am 
Considering the quantity and severity of the issues (not all are "bugs") the devs are currently working on I am thinking that June may be overly optimistic but I am also hoping that they will surprise me (in a good way).
Great. another server that dies in 3 months so i can waste my gd time and go start over in a new fresh start 3 months from now........neat. Is it going to have the p2w pets like the last 14 "fresh starts"?
Exemplar 26 May @ 8:26pm 
Originally posted by The Time Traveler:
Great. another server that dies in 3 months so i can waste my gd time and go start over in a new fresh start 3 months from now........neat. Is it going to have the p2w pets like the last 14 "fresh starts"?
dunno, but it will definitely have bots with ogre software, people playing 6-12 accounts at a time, people selling accounts, people engaging in real money transaction to do your daily chores like hunter quests, people logging off and on so they can warp from one place to another, next to no decency in spawn competition (because it's the 11th tle and it's so important to run over other players), people training stuff all over your group or raid if you pull something first, and the overall absolute garbage narcissistic attitudes from the creepoids who have played every tle because it's all they have to feel good about themselves in their lives.

there's a way lesser cool percentage of people who play this game than any other, even wow. it's pretty sickening really. i would not wish eq2 on anyone, unless you're going to play along, pay hundreds or thousands of extra dollars and ride douchebags' coattails.

oh, and i forgot the inevitable currency exploits or duping that will happen to destroy the economy, and not be fixed for a week or two because devs can't be asked to be on top of it, and the fact no one at the "top" (of the playerbase) ever really gets in serious trouble for any of this (usually 24-48 hr suspension), because with such a small population the devs can't afford to offend the whales.
Last edited by Exemplar; 26 May @ 8:44pm
Originally posted by Exemplar:
Originally posted by The Time Traveler:
Great. another server that dies in 3 months so i can waste my gd time and go start over in a new fresh start 3 months from now........neat. Is it going to have the p2w pets like the last 14 "fresh starts"?
dunno, but it will definitely have bots with ogre software, people playing 6-12 accounts at a time, people selling accounts, people engaging in real money transaction to do your daily chores like hunter quests, people logging off and on so they can warp from one place to another, next to no decency in spawn competition (because it's the 11th tle and it's so important to run over other players), people training stuff all over your group or raid if you pull something first, and the overall absolute garbage narcissistic attitudes from the creepoids who have played every tle because it's all they have to feel good about themselves in their lives.

there's a way lesser cool percentage of people who play this game than any other, even wow. it's pretty sickening really. i would not wish eq2 on anyone, unless you're going to play along, pay hundreds or thousands of extra dollars and ride douchebags' coattails.

oh, and i forgot the inevitable currency exploits or duping that will happen to destroy the economy, and not be fixed for a week or two because devs can't be asked to be on top of it, and the fact no one at the "top" (of the playerbase) ever really gets in serious trouble for any of this (usually 24-48 hr suspension), because with such a small population the devs can't afford to offend the whales.
Tell me about it, theirs two such creepoids on the EQ2 forums that tends to B.S and talk down to everyone, think their names were Zenji and Maegroth. Forum mods seem to favor them too since so far they both broken alot of rules but never get punished for it.

If thats the kinda behavior from players, and unprofessional behavior from moderators ill be seeing, its making me rethink Origins server, spite I wanted to play EQ2 again since I never played it past the first expansion, gave up on it for some reason that wasnt related to the game itself. Oh well.
Originally posted by The Time Traveler:
Great. another server that dies in 3 months so i can waste my gd time and go start over in a new fresh start 3 months from now........neat. Is it going to have the p2w pets like the last 14 "fresh starts"?

Most TLEs have lasted a couple years each with a couple exceptions. This is the first TLE of it's kind and very very close to 2006 era. There is zero p2w (very limited marketplace), and no krono or free-trade.
Originally posted by Exemplar:
Originally posted by The Time Traveler:
Great. another server that dies in 3 months so i can waste my gd time and go start over in a new fresh start 3 months from now........neat. Is it going to have the p2w pets like the last 14 "fresh starts"?
dunno, but it will definitely have bots with ogre software, people playing 6-12 accounts at a time, people selling accounts, people engaging in real money transaction to do your daily chores like hunter quests, people logging off and on so they can warp from one place to another, next to no decency in spawn competition (because it's the 11th tle and it's so important to run over other players), people training stuff all over your group or raid if you pull something first, and the overall absolute garbage narcissistic attitudes from the creepoids who have played every tle because it's all they have to feel good about themselves in their lives.

there's a way lesser cool percentage of people who play this game than any other, even wow. it's pretty sickening really. i would not wish eq2 on anyone, unless you're going to play along, pay hundreds or thousands of extra dollars and ride douchebags' coattails.

oh, and i forgot the inevitable currency exploits or duping that will happen to destroy the economy, and not be fixed for a week or two because devs can't be asked to be on top of it, and the fact no one at the "top" (of the playerbase) ever really gets in serious trouble for any of this (usually 24-48 hr suspension), because with such a small population the devs can't afford to offend the whales.

Bots are typically an issue in almost any MMO and certainly in older MMOs with less population. This server not being free-trade and not having krono available on server will cut down a lot on the botting (for profit atleast).

There has been currency dupes on previous TLE launches, those people were banned and the server rolled back 24 hours to mitigate all damage done to the economy. This server being separated from live client and not having krono available will help with investigating and resolving those issues quicker if they do arise. There has been a list of all known exploits from previous TLEs that have been corrected for this launch.
Originally posted by Attaboy Alex:
Originally posted by Exemplar:
dunno, but it will definitely have bots with ogre software, people playing 6-12 accounts at a time, people selling accounts, people engaging in real money transaction to do your daily chores like hunter quests, people logging off and on so they can warp from one place to another, next to no decency in spawn competition (because it's the 11th tle and it's so important to run over other players), people training stuff all over your group or raid if you pull something first, and the overall absolute garbage narcissistic attitudes from the creepoids who have played every tle because it's all they have to feel good about themselves in their lives.

there's a way lesser cool percentage of people who play this game than any other, even wow. it's pretty sickening really. i would not wish eq2 on anyone, unless you're going to play along, pay hundreds or thousands of extra dollars and ride douchebags' coattails.

oh, and i forgot the inevitable currency exploits or duping that will happen to destroy the economy, and not be fixed for a week or two because devs can't be asked to be on top of it, and the fact no one at the "top" (of the playerbase) ever really gets in serious trouble for any of this (usually 24-48 hr suspension), because with such a small population the devs can't afford to offend the whales.

Bots are typically an issue in almost any MMO and certainly in older MMOs with less population. This server not being free-trade and not having krono available on server will cut down a lot on the botting (for profit atleast).

There has been currency dupes on previous TLE launches, those people were banned and the server rolled back 24 hours to mitigate all damage done to the economy. This server being separated from live client and not having krono available will help with investigating and resolving those issues quicker if they do arise. There has been a list of all known exploits from previous TLEs that have been corrected for this launch.

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