What's the significance of the bugs?
I'm working on a video project for this game, and I'm really curious about the symbolism of the bugs that appear. The Scorpion appears all over the place and clearly indicates the Father. Maybe his family crest. But the Mother also has one, being the Spider. The only connection I know for these is the game Deadly Creatures, and I'm reasonably sure it's unrelated. While the scorpion appears everywhere, the Spider only appears in a few places, usually places the son felt safe or cared for. I can't find any indication that spiders or scorpions treat their young drastically different. Nor do either routinely spare caterpillars (the son's symbol). I was kind of hoping to find some use of the reflection theme here but nothing solid has come up.
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SuperOver51 29 May, 2024 @ 11:33pm 
the son's symbol is actually the flower though I guess caterpillar would also work
spider is the mother
scorpion is the father

scorpions are poisonous and lone hunters, they are territorial and as far as I know they don't protect anything in specific (father is a poisonous person, don't allow for any opposition as we see dead maids because they worshiped a different religion)
spiders protect flowers by eating their predators. While they carry poison, not all of them are poisonous. But some spiders work in groups, and have slower acting poison (Mother was able to protect herself, and had the young maid helping her. Also the young maid planned her vengeance for at least a while, and she probably poisoned the father during the night of the fire)
That's what I understood
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