Ez a közösségközpont „Csak felnőtteknek” jelölésű. Azért látod, mert úgy adtad meg beállításaidat, hogy engedjék ezt a tartalmat.
 Ez a téma ki van emelve, tehát valószínűleg fontos.
English translation satisfaction survey
Hello, I'm HimitsuCP from Incubus.

Finally, English has been added as a supporting language.
Since our production company is not an English speaking company, English may be awkward.
To improve this, we would like to hear from users.

Were there any awkward moments while playing the game?

Please give us an active opinion on this.

Or please grade the English translation.
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111/11 megjegyzés mutatása
The translation is 1/5. It's awful. If I had paid for this game, I'd be furious. Since I got it for free (review code) I simply find it funny.

But seriously, this translation is bad, even for a machine translation.
Nice "Harem" Ending. :))
Its not THAT bad maybe but I would certainly be happy if more effort did go into it and it did go through an additional editing with the help of an English native speaker if possible.
Depends.. it's mostly decent.. but some parts are sooo awkward. I'd say 2 maybe 3 out of 5.
It's 2/5. I would request a refund from your translation service. This is not professional work. There are typos, missing punctuation, and hardly a single sentence sounds natural. It's bad enough that I refunded the game. But it is technically (mostly) comprehensible.
i want some ntr
español plis, estaria muy agradecido y otras de milllones de personas mas, ya que español es el n°4 idioma hablado en el mundo
The game is just too short at the moment. English translation wise - it's definitely not great, probably 3 out of 5.
If u want I can help to translate to Chinese, the current google translation is too bad to play
Not sure if it's been updated since this post was made but I'd rate you at 3/5. It's far from good, but i've played games with WAY worse MTL. There is 2 maybe 3 places in game where translations were missed on buttons, which is probably confusing to people who aren't used to playing foreign games.
The English is not too bad........... so maybe 4/5 but for technically maybe 3/5

By Technically I mean that some of the normal chat and or "Sex descriptions" and or "Dirty Talk" could be improved much better......... I could give some examples... but this might not be the best place ^^
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111/11 megjegyzés mutatása
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