Lethal Company

Lethal Company

Dine's Recourse - Recommendations of Improvement with the Least Changes Possible
Since v50, Dine had been one of my top 3 moons. I loved the exterior of Dine in V50 and its general design, I loved the usage of butlers and being trap-filled, being a different counterpart to Rend and its high Masked and Nutcracker. The amount of items that you can get is generally more 'valued' than Rend, as although both have the same maximum, Rend has a lower minimum that can dip the maximum money you get to as low as below 700 currency from all collectable loot if you just get bad RNG.

I do understand, however, why people don't like Dine. For context, I am someone who enjoys and loves all of the V50 maps (which Dine might as well have been a new map considering how Zeekers has altered it drastically)... however, the design of Dine can be quite unforgiving in its own right, and although I myself enjoy the challenge that it can conjure, the reward (loot) gained from it can often feel offputing, especially since it is worth 50 dollars more than Rend.

So I want to make a somewhat thorough but generally basic way to 'change' Dine to make it more favoured to players, whilst also changing it as LITTLE as possible. I am someone that does not want an overhaul, in fact I think that the change of V60 Dine was pretty... shortsighted, of Zeekers (and I know that a number agree with me on that one). So, let's break Dine down and attempt to make it more favoured by others whilst doing the least amount of changes as possible.

1) Revert the Map to V50
The Change of both the Interior being too dominated by Mineshaft (even though its a butler map) and the fire and main being changed was not a great idea. For starters, the Mineshaft should have been, lore wise, moved to be part of Titan, a map that is meant to be a mining facility... not Dine, the Moon that makes use of Butlers. The Mineshaft also makes it so that in many ways, it NERFS the already terrible main entrance into being above all else something you should NEVER touch in any circumstance.

Speaking of Main, let's talk about why its bad. A lot of people say that Fire and Main simply 'changed' places. This is wrong. This is the reality of the map as it stands: Fire Did Replace Main, but Main was changed from being around the Southern (Forested) part of Dine... to be at the Center.

Now, some people would say "But now Main is closer, so its better~". The reason why Main sucks is because it is where enemies will be at the most, including Giants. Giants that are not blinded at all by the winter fog, yet you are, and always constantly go through it and wander since everywhere connect s to it. That's like playing Adamance that had its Fire being moved to Main, and Main being moved to the Death Pit where your vision was cut down by more than half, whilst the other enemies can see clear as day. That's awful.

The Fire Exit as it was before was desirable as it was a short distance and although it can be risky of a Forest Keeper was wandering the Forested Area, they were less likely to patrol said area over the Central Part of the map even in V50... and the best aspect about the Main Entrance is not only did it have easy access to a light source, its platform also made it so that Forest Keepers, unless they were near the light poles that are north of it, will have to go around the Platform in order to reach you, acting as a safe haven. As it stands, V60 Dine only made it so that players have only one credible place to go, the Fire Exit, as the Main Entrance is way too hostile. Even with Stun Grenades, a weapon that is not always great against dealing with multiple Forest Keepers at once since it has a limited range, the player can get screwed hard by the Main Entrance.

As it stands, V60 Dine was an unnecessary nerf to a map that was often still not looked with a great light to many. The Mineshaft does not work with Butlers either since they are an especially chonky enemy that can corner you harder than even a Jester or Coilhead and can get you stuck, and the Mineshaft blocks vision far too easily for Butlers to go aggro. Go back to Dine's door placement and interior being that of V50, being one of its original door placements and a mansion-dominant map.

2) "More Like Adamance"
As I said before, I enjoy all of the four V50 maps, including Dine... and Embrion. And Adamance. The two later maps mentioned being particularly quite hostile. I have no interest in 'reducing' said hostility, in fact I think it should be right where it is. However, there are a few things to mention.

Whilst Embrion is considered a Joke map, Adamance and Embrion both have two things in common: Their interiors are quite small. In particular with Adamance, Adamance has around a 1.18 interior size in contrast to Offense 1.25 or March 2.0. This works because Adamance holds more of a hostile environment than both, with Adamance sharing a similar interior hostility to Offense whilst outplaying both of them with their Exterior dangers.

Dine is a map that is 1.8 in size. It also has one of the most dangerous exteriors in the game. I would say that of the maps, Dine is only second to hostility to Embrion, and is above Adamance that comes in third place. Whilst most might argue that Adamance is quite hostile, for one Adamance has multiple amount of routes (that don't require jetpacks/cruisers/whatever) in order to go 'around' the large assortment of hostiles. Embrion is a troll map, it should be the most hostile map in the game. Yet, for some reason, in spite of having a greater hostility of not only the interior but also the exterior to Rend, BOTH share the same size.

The fix is very simple; reduce the interior of Dine to around 1.3 ~ 1.6. As the player already has to deal with an exterior and interior that is quite hostile, having a map that is also the same size as Rend is a bit off. Instead of altering the loot amount or enemy tables or whatever, just reduce the size of Dine's interior slightly. The player is already contending with a number of dangers as is, having the player waste time going DEEP into the interior to find scraps that are generally the same quantity as Rend is a bit silly. Having the more consistent loot of Dine's Min/Max whilst also having a smaller interior size than Rend would induce a lot of greater favourtism for the map.

3) Fog and Forest Keepers
I don't generally have a problem with Forest Keepers, I play around them all the time. I am not most people, however, and I can say that there is a good reason why people don't like the Forest Keepers, especially on Dine and Rend: The Fog. As the Fog reduces your vision on snowy maps a great deal more than half, it is a bit silly to have the Forest Keepers be able to see you from across the map. Whilst Dine is known for having its mountains for natural cover, the fact is that the vision for the player on this map can be often too blinding (to the point that if you are outside on Dine at 10pm without a Pro-Flashlight, you are dead sort of Blind).

This can be fixed in one or two ways. One is to remove the Fog of Dine. Seems simple enough, although I actually do like the Fog in some ways. I think the best course of action is to simply reduce the vision of the Forest Keepers on the snowy moons by a drastic amount (around 50-65%, about 1/2 or 2/3s of its OG vision) in order to be akin to the player's already hampered vision. That's it.

As I said, I don't want an overhaul of Dine. In spite of its... rather unnecessary, uncalled for changes that hurt the moon more than added to it, I still love all of the V50s, and I really want to play Dine more since I just like it more than Titan and Rend. I enjoy the hostility to it. But there are some things that most people don't like about it, and I can see it from their perspective. And of the changes listed above, I want Dine to change as very little as possible whilst also changing enough to make it more appealing (so that I can actually get people to play this map, honestly).
Date Posted: 3 Jan @ 4:57pm
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