Gigantic: Rampage Edition

Gigantic: Rampage Edition

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How is this game not free yet?
I think they're just waiting for it to die. Why make it so slow and painful? Just give it the axe already if you're still gonna charge $20 for an online only game with THREE 24h-peak players on steam :Chubby::Jumbo::Rudy::Shorty::SlimKlown::SpikeyKlown::bleach:
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because the people that re-released it a greedy ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ thats why.
Rifluvr 29 Jan @ 5:37pm 
Wait till fans make it custom f2p version, like they did with Evolve. Don't give money to this hacks. Or it will die, at least in peace.
Digby 30 Jan @ 6:16pm 
the "fought" to get the game back and feel like we owe them now. I had this game on epic and played it a bunch when they had it up for free. this game is fun but it's NOT special in any way and needs to be free to compete in the market. sadly the devs seem fine letting it die a slow death
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