Hand of Doom

Hand of Doom

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RavenWorks 16 Jan, 2024 @ 5:20pm
Can't collect elemental hands?
I brought the earth key to Tchrinket, and he said something about the hands becoming collectable, and I remembered seeing a hand in one of the worlds, so I went to it, but it wasn't actually collectable. I then double-checked my quest log to be sure, but it still said "bring the earth key to Tchrinket". I saved and quit and resumed to see if that would fix anything, and it *did* remove "bring the earth key to Tchrinket" from my quest log, but it didn't replace it with anything; my only quest is now "work with tchrinket to find the doomlord". Talking to him still says that the hands are collectable, but I still can't collect the hand sticking out of the ground in the fire realm near the dragon head mountain. Is my save file broken, or am I maybe just misunderstanding what I'm meant to do?
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Rex-Wil 29 Oct, 2024 @ 12:46pm 
Im around that spot, but have yet to find all the keys. :thekey:
I did however find a magical hand inside a chest in the air realm, and got an objective to collect one in each realm, with 1/4 showing. My guess is these are the hands they are referring to, and not the ones sticking out of the ground. Think those are just aesthetic.
Still I cant find even the keys myself, so I dont have all the elemental hands yet at all either.
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