Fray Fight

Fray Fight

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Fa3de! 17 Sep, 2022 @ 12:36am
TThis is fun in shool
This game is kinda like a phone game but litlle better. You geting good items to upgrade you weapon or armor.7\10
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Showing 1-2 of 2 comments
Kranel_San 12 Oct, 2022 @ 2:01pm 
I'm actually surprised there is not a mobile version of the game. I think this is due the amount of enemies in later waves which might be too much for some phones to handle (If not most) but yeah I can really imagine a much bigger support to the game if it was released on phones.
Radiowavehero 20 Oct, 2022 @ 2:38am 
They could reduce the number of enemies but make them bigger , stronger and harder to kill , it would still be hard to dodge 3 huge guys cornering you as it would a crowd of smaller ones.

I wouldn't mind having a real game to play on mobile either, as it stands my go to mobile games aren't mobile games at all, just emulated psp or NDS games because "mobile" games are usually garbage.

There is a huge mobile market but it feels like it's all just quick cashgrabs and for some reason people have accepted it.
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