Fray Fight

Fray Fight

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Your competition and those who you've emulated to make this game charge 3 dollars for their games. Why would one pay more than 3x that price for some gems to unlock a few characters and upgrades in your game?
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Showing 1-15 of 22 comments
Playsaurus_Dev  [developer] 12 Jun, 2022 @ 5:27pm 
Idk why you would, but some people might want to and if they choose to support us that's great! We're not trying to shove purchasing down your throat. You can earn souls at a pretty comparable rate to unlock the meta upgrades and characters in the same way you could in those other games.
Tatanka 13 Jun, 2022 @ 2:52am 
Its painful to see how this game gets bashed on because of this, doesnt deserve all the negativity.
TaterTot 13 Jun, 2022 @ 7:54am 
Originally posted by RNGeepers:
Its painful to see how this game gets bashed on because of this, doesnt deserve all the negativity.

You cant really help against all the people that just sit at home and demand the most possible.
I dont think people like this actually view developers as real people. Somehow developers are supposed to be robots working 24/7 day in and day out. Its not like developers need to eat, sleep, spend time with their families, and take care of their lives or anything... O wait Developers are just people and they cant just instantly make everything happen.

Demand demand demand is all children know how to do now a days and its really bad for those that work their asses off trying to make a game function for everyone. Devs cant please everyone even tho they break their necks trying to and still get ♥♥♥♥♥ on by mindless souls.

Devs are doin a great job getting this game up and running!!! Dont know how big the team is but you guys are awesome no question!!
plou333 14 Jun, 2022 @ 9:08am 
I don't see any issue with getting gems just by playing. Yeah it takes a bit longer, but isn't that the point to playing a game like this? I haven't unlock all chars, but thats cause they don't really interest me. Also the upgrades I got most of what I think its a must while playing a few times a day. So I think its okay. I think what is more important is adjusting gameplay and adding more interesting skills or skill upgrades.
2chainz4bracletz 14 Jun, 2022 @ 10:23am 
It was moreso a "what does this game bring to the table" question that could warrant that price as compared to competition. I don't knock people trying to make money lol if people wanna give you money, hell yeah.

I hope the guy talking about mindless souls and what children know has given you some money instead of solely oddly bashing people for asking questions about your game!
Playsaurus_Dev  [developer] 14 Jun, 2022 @ 12:58pm 
Originally posted by 2chainz4bracletz:
It was moreso a "what does this game bring to the table" question that could warrant that price as compared to competition. I don't knock people trying to make money lol if people wanna give you money, hell yeah.

I hope the guy talking about mindless souls and what children know has given you some money instead of solely oddly bashing people for asking questions about your game!

Warrant what price? The game is free, if you don't want to spend money don't the game is free.
treos100 14 Jun, 2022 @ 7:40pm 
Originally posted by McNiiby:
Originally posted by 2chainz4bracletz:
It was moreso a "what does this game bring to the table" question that could warrant that price as compared to competition. I don't knock people trying to make money lol if people wanna give you money, hell yeah.

I hope the guy talking about mindless souls and what children know has given you some money instead of solely oddly bashing people for asking questions about your game!

Warrant what price? The game is free, if you don't want to spend money don't the game is free.

except, if this game has microtransactions in it, you are quite literally lying by saying it's "free".

and that's how it is for almost all f2p games. free to play doesn't actually mean the game is free. the devs will still find some way into your wallet.

i mean, would it kill a f2p game dev to show some transparency and honesty for once? maybe not but then that's the point of f2p games in the first place. lying to gamers faces and deceiving them into giving you money.

Diablo Immortal is free to play but it's estimated total price tag to fully max out a character is anywhere from...$85k to $110k.

diablo immortal is free to play but it's not free. and that's the lesson both gamers and game devs need to learn. the game devs are lying to you for profit!

Originally posted by TaterTot:
I dont think people like this actually view developers as real people. Somehow developers are supposed to be robots working 24/7 day in and day out. Its not like developers need to eat, sleep, spend time with their families, and take care of their lives or anything... O wait Developers are just people and they cant just instantly make everything happen.

yes, we should all just shut up, suck it up, and hold our wallets open for the very people lying to our faces.

i think i've spent a few dollars (less than $10) across...ALL f2p games i've ever played within the past decade. and who boy at all the psychological manipulation, skinner box, and gambling tactics f2p games just LOVE to use in their games. here's some educational content to help teach people what to watch out for when it comes to f2p games.

edit: i know one thing that transparency would most definitely kill if f2p game devs were more honest about the monetization: the. entire. fing. GENRE. would drop dead FAST!

because it's a genre built on lies and deception and psychological manipulation as its foundation.
Last edited by treos100; 14 Jun, 2022 @ 7:43pm
Tatanka 14 Jun, 2022 @ 9:53pm 

Yup i agree, Totally dispise paywalls and predatory cashshop tactics ... but eh, keep that hatred for games that use them where it belongs,
Fray Fight isnt doing any of these things, the cashshop is just there, use it dont use it, it wont change anything while playing other then upgrades and characters available a bit faster. You wont all of a sudden wipe out an entire screen and be on godmode because you bought crystals.
The game isnt ''lying'' when it says its free, it is free. If they removed the cashshop nothing in the game would change.
treos100 17 Jun, 2022 @ 7:07pm 
Originally posted by RNGeepers:

Yup i agree, Totally dispise paywalls and predatory cashshop tactics ... but eh, keep that hatred for games that use them where it belongs,
Fray Fight isnt doing any of these things, the cashshop is just there, use it dont use it, it wont change anything while playing other then upgrades and characters available a bit faster. You wont all of a sudden wipe out an entire screen and be on godmode because you bought crystals.
The game isnt ''lying'' when it says its free, it is free. If they removed the cashshop nothing in the game would change.

"pay to skip the grind" is still p2w.

"The game isnt ''lying'' when it says its free, it is free." f2p game is truly free if it has a cash shop that in any way affects gameplay.
je suis en mousse 17 Jun, 2022 @ 8:19pm 
""pay to skip the grind" is still p2w. "
no, "pay to skip the grind" is p2f (pay to fast)
Surviving the 3 boss without paying on this game is completely possible, so there is no reason to call it p2w
Last edited by je suis en mousse; 17 Jun, 2022 @ 8:21pm
FapandNap 22 Jun, 2022 @ 4:35am 
I'm not sure what crazy logic it takes to make these ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ comments about p2w and micro-transactions but anyone complaining about this is a child and their opinions don't matter. Full. Stop.
FapandNap 22 Jun, 2022 @ 4:38am 
Originally posted by treos100:
Originally posted by McNiiby:

Warrant what price? The game is free, if you don't want to spend money don't the game is free.

except, if this game has microtransactions in it, you are quite literally lying by saying it's "free".

and that's how it is for almost all f2p games. free to play doesn't actually mean the game is free. the devs will still find some way into your wallet.

i mean, would it kill a f2p game dev to show some transparency and honesty for once? maybe not but then that's the point of f2p games in the first place. lying to gamers faces and deceiving them into giving you money.

Diablo Immortal is free to play but it's estimated total price tag to fully max out a character is anywhere from...$85k to $110k.

diablo immortal is free to play but it's not free. and that's the lesson both gamers and game devs need to learn. the game devs are lying to you for profit!

Originally posted by TaterTot:
I dont think people like this actually view developers as real people. Somehow developers are supposed to be robots working 24/7 day in and day out. Its not like developers need to eat, sleep, spend time with their families, and take care of their lives or anything... O wait Developers are just people and they cant just instantly make everything happen.

yes, we should all just shut up, suck it up, and hold our wallets open for the very people lying to our faces.

i think i've spent a few dollars (less than $10) across...ALL f2p games i've ever played within the past decade. and who boy at all the psychological manipulation, skinner box, and gambling tactics f2p games just LOVE to use in their games. here's some educational content to help teach people what to watch out for when it comes to f2p games.

edit: i know one thing that transparency would most definitely kill if f2p game devs were more honest about the monetization: the. entire. fing. GENRE. would drop dead FAST!

because it's a genre built on lies and deception and psychological manipulation as its foundation.

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, you miss the plot soooo hard on this it's insane.
Rammy 23 Jun, 2022 @ 8:07pm 
Originally posted by RNGeepers:
Its painful to see how this game gets bashed on because of this, doesnt deserve all the negativity.
its probably because it feels like a scam when theres a CAP to spending souls. imaging spending money on an in-game currency that you can't spend the currency on anything in-game. it would make sense if there were no caps or more you can spend the souls on but no, it didn't take me long to get souls on my own and upgrade everything 100%. so uh, yeah, this mobile game deserves bashing for their greed lol
I unlocked all in 71 hours ..stop being lazy and play .. is not pay to win game
roslolian 24 Jun, 2022 @ 5:41am 
Originally posted by treos100:
Originally posted by McNiiby:

Warrant what price? The game is free, if you don't want to spend money don't the game is free.

except, if this game has microtransactions in it, you are quite literally lying by saying it's "free".

and that's how it is for almost all f2p games. free to play doesn't actually mean the game is free. the devs will still find some way into your wallet.

i mean, would it kill a f2p game dev to show some transparency and honesty for once? maybe not but then that's the point of f2p games in the first place. lying to gamers faces and deceiving them into giving you money.

Diablo Immortal is free to play but it's estimated total price tag to fully max out a character is anywhere from...$85k to $110k.

diablo immortal is free to play but it's not free. and that's the lesson both gamers and game devs need to learn. the game devs are lying to you for profit!

Originally posted by TaterTot:
I dont think people like this actually view developers as real people. Somehow developers are supposed to be robots working 24/7 day in and day out. Its not like developers need to eat, sleep, spend time with their families, and take care of their lives or anything... O wait Developers are just people and they cant just instantly make everything happen.

yes, we should all just shut up, suck it up, and hold our wallets open for the very people lying to our faces.

i think i've spent a few dollars (less than $10) across...ALL f2p games i've ever played within the past decade. and who boy at all the psychological manipulation, skinner box, and gambling tactics f2p games just LOVE to use in their games. here's some educational content to help teach people what to watch out for when it comes to f2p games.

edit: i know one thing that transparency would most definitely kill if f2p game devs were more honest about the monetization: the. entire. fing. GENRE. would drop dead FAST!

because it's a genre built on lies and deception and psychological manipulation as its foundation.
Are you serious?

The game is completely free. The only currency which you can buy are gems which also drop quite regularly in the game. I have played and own majority of the vampire survivors clones on Steam and I can say the drop rate for gems is not any different from other "1 purchase" games.

How is this a game built on lies? Instead of posting vids just make you points outright cuz then you will realize how dumb your post really is.
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