 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
PLAYISM_CS  [developer] 16 May, 2022 @ 9:00pm
Bug Reports
Hi all,
If you discover any bugs while playing please post it here.
If possible, when reporting bugs it would be extremely helpful if you posted a screenshot of the bug in question along with a DxDiag report so we are better able to determine the cause of the issue

◆ If the game do not run, please have a look and try the tips in the following links first.

◆ The Save file
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Ib\www\save
It depends on the location of installation folder, but there is inside Ib game folder.

◆ How to set full screen to play
You can switch between the window mode and full screen mode with F4 key.

◆ Streaming guideline
Kindly check the following guideline.

PLAYISM Facebook[www.facebook.com]
PLAYISM Official Website [playism.com]
Last edited by PLAYISM_CS; 17 May, 2022 @ 3:41am
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Showing 1-15 of 52 comments
SweetKyley 17 May, 2022 @ 6:50pm 
Just updated to access the English patch but the Carrie Careless cutscene crashes the entire game and closes it upon playing; identical to the glitch present in the original game.
Video James 17 May, 2022 @ 7:48pm 
I downloaded IB to play with the English patch on steam deck. I cannot get the game to start. I have updated my system, ensured the use of proton, and checked the integrity of the files. I haven't downloaded any external applications to my steam deck. I can't figure out if it's a bug? Please help!
final grrll 17 May, 2022 @ 8:02pm 
Upon reading the back of the bookcase in the New Game + (teal room where Garry falls asleep, the save file calls it "Large Bookshelves Room") I get an error that says "Uncaught Error: Header is Wrong". However upon relaunching, it does not do this. I did it while the bookcases were shaking, so maybe that's part of the issue.
Ohighyoooo 17 May, 2022 @ 8:59pm 
Ohighyoooo 17 May, 2022 @ 9:02pm 
about debut.log
[0411/191045.689:ERROR:settings.cc(263)] Settings version is not 1
[0411/191633.266:ERROR:settings.cc(263)] Settings version is not 1
[0411/215234.546:ERROR:settings.cc(263)] Settings version is not 1
[0414/213413.130:ERROR:settings.cc(263)] Settings version is not 1
[0418/214156.627:ERROR:settings.cc(263)] Settings version is not 1
[0419/214225.165:ERROR:settings.cc(263)] Settings version is not 1
[0420/204237.278:ERROR:settings.cc(263)] Settings version is not 1
[0420/220420.982:ERROR:settings.cc(263)] Settings version is not 1
[0420/233021.022:ERROR:settings.cc(263)] Settings version is not 1
[0427/171900.967:ERROR:settings.cc(263)] Settings version is not 1
[0427/175815.203:ERROR:settings.cc(263)] Settings version is not 1
[0502/221221.902:ERROR:settings.cc(263)] Settings version is not 1
[0505/212638.546:ERROR:settings.cc(263)] Settings version is not 1
[0511/002634.696:ERROR:settings.cc(263)] Settings version is not 1
[0518/112002.290:ERROR:settings.cc(263)] Settings version is not 1
[0518/112032.527:ERROR:exception_handler_server.cc(526)] ConnectNamedPipe: 管道正關閉中。 (0xE8)
mlemle 17 May, 2022 @ 10:58pm 
Originally posted by final grrll:
Upon reading the back of the bookcase in the New Game + (teal room where Garry falls asleep, the save file calls it "Large Bookshelves Room") I get an error that says "Uncaught Error: Header is Wrong". However upon relaunching, it does not do this. I did it while the bookcases were shaking, so maybe that's part of the issue.

I have also run into this issue!
mlemle 17 May, 2022 @ 11:19pm 
In the Large Bookshelves Room, after Garry falls asleep the bookshelves rumble, but then an error pops up that looks like this:


It first occurred when I clicked on the Bookshelf during the rumbling, but from then on I get this error message, I cannot move forward in the game :(

I hope this helps!
Mydlak 18 May, 2022 @ 9:17am 
Same problem in the Large Bookshelves Room sadly... I get this error: https://i.gyazo.com/df13aff98529457efd6961362c201cfc.png
Echoing the above, I also had the same issue in the Large Bookshelves room, though I was able to quit and reload an earlier save and continue past this part of the game.
final grrll 18 May, 2022 @ 1:07pm 
Originally posted by Mydlak:
Same problem in the Large Bookshelves Room sadly... I get this error: https://i.gyazo.com/df13aff98529457efd6961362c201cfc.png
yeah it kinda sucks... i'm pretty sure the night variant of that puzzle is the last painting i need too, lol. unfortunate.
I'm not sure if it's a bug per se, but I've noticed that when playing with an Xbox controller, the B button is confirm and the A button is cancel.
Eriko's 18 May, 2022 @ 2:21pm 
I'm in the "Large bookshelves room" and when Garry is sleeping and the bookshelves start to move the game show me "Uncaught Error: Header is wrong".
AnKong1220 18 May, 2022 @ 2:44pm 
I see the achievement "True Guertena Exhibition Completed" is updated, and I finished finding all artworks before it updates, then how can I finished the achievement in steam?:Ib_Mary:
Originally posted by va❤️ni⭐lla:
Originally posted by HououinKyouma1048596:
I'm not sure if it's a bug per se, but I've noticed that when playing with an Xbox controller, the B button is confirm and the A button is cancel.
If I had to guess, it's probably meant to be configured how you'd play games in Japan.
As an example, on a PlayStation controller, their confirmation button would be circle, and cancel would be cross.
Well, yeah, but one would think that there would be a way to change that when playing in English.
Twink Prime 18 May, 2022 @ 3:56pm 
Got this screen + crash upon Garry falling asleep in the Large Bookshelves Room
Error report image link[imgur.com]
Last edited by Twink Prime; 18 May, 2022 @ 3:58pm
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