Garbage Pail Kids: Mad Mike and the Quest for Stale Gum

Garbage Pail Kids: Mad Mike and the Quest for Stale Gum

Statistiken ansehen:
Sounds like Blinking White Guy worked on this game
Drew Scanlon, former member of the golden era of Giant Bomb, works as a producer at Digital Eclipse.

Apparently, he also bikes for donations to the National MS Society every year at

Go Drew! o7
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Beiträge 14 von 4
KeesKaas 23. Okt. 2022 um 6:53 
why should we care?
Arenow 23. Okt. 2022 um 9:08 
You clearly do, dedicating your free time typing an answer.
Thank you for your time!
WarLyric 26. Okt. 2022 um 13:24 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von KeesKaas:
why should we care?
m_train1 10. Nov. 2022 um 19:11 
Better than Blinking black guy.
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