Source Filmmaker

Source Filmmaker

SFM's Legacy Mode and Comic Creator
Remember this guy?
Ah yes, the old days of SFM, before QT and other fantastical things that make SFM's experience much better. But what if I could tell you you could go back in time, but stay in the present? SFM has support for legacy mode, which will disable the QT port on the engine window and allow you to access SFM before QT. And there are some interesting things inside.
Add these to your launch parameters:
-noqt -usevgui
Then, go up to Windows->Engine Window->Uncheck Auto Hide Engine Window. You will now have a window that looks like this![]
Congradulations! It's confusing! It's buggy! It's nostalgia-enducing!

Now you may be wondering why this would at all be useful. Well for one reason, it enabled some hidden features, mostly outdated or crashy stuff. Let's take a look.
File Manager[]
Shows you all of the currently imported dmxs, including presets.
Clip Bin[]
No Idea. Allows you to add or remove clips. Not sure how to use this yet.
Element Info[]
Gives you bianary info on the dmx. Useful for those using dmxconvert. Works kind of like the unreleased sceneviewer.
Midi Sources[]
Related to something about midi files/keyboards/controllers. May have to relate to the old intruder alert music found in TF.

And by far, the most interesting is the Comic Creator.
The comic creator has been mentioned multiple times, and I've seen it in use before, but never have we been able to figure out how to enable it.
Add this to your params to enable it
and open up the windows through Windows->Comic Editor/etc.
Go into the Comic Page Transport tab, and Add a New Page.[]
Then, add a panel from sequence by right clicking the comic editor.[]
Hit Add + Done.
Now, you can manipulate it. Use the selection[] tool to scale and change the aspect ratio (the borders will even widen with it!) Then, add a bubble by right clicking and hitting add balloon. You can type new text by using the text tool next to the selection tool. If you need to, use the third tool, the camera tool, to move the camera around and get a different shot.
An example.[]
If you need to manipulate the poses, you may have noticed in the timeline that shots will be created of each panel. Once you're ready, turn on your render settings and render it out by right clicking the comic editor and going to the export tab.
Here's an example of what can be created by the comic creator.[]

Narry Gewman takes all the credit for discovering this stuff. I just wrote the thread.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von caseytube; 31. Aug. 2013 um 8:44
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interesting. do you have to activate the older version first, then activate the comic creator?

I wonder what else is hidden in there.
Ursprünglich geschrieben von raptornx01:
interesting. do you have to activate the older version first, then activate the comic creator?

I wonder what else is hidden in there.
Order doesn't matter
no. i tried it. the options only appear in the older version of sfm.

not to say it couldn't be possible to make it appear. some of the stuff still floats around in options. Messing around with override materials in the element viewer i found quite a few references to the comic editor. (all with the dme prefix) but haven't a clue how to use that info.
That's what I did. you can click your panels, then pose them after. (i posted a tutorial in the other comic related thread)
No, i know what you meant. I was saying I did the same thing.
Lol, yeah, there is a script you can get to reorganize it, but i've gotten used to how it is, so reorganizing now will just mess me up. XD
Lol, oh, ok, well, it's hard to keep track of different usernames over different sites. (especially here where some people seem to have a different name for each day of the week)

Appreciate the work though. ^_^ Especially since coding, script writing and all that is not my forte.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von raptornx01; 8. Sep. 2013 um 11:35
Better then I could do. :)

yeah, it's a neat little thing, with lots of options hidden in there (I was still finding stuff as I was making that tut.). it's just gets very obvious they never finished it. like the fact you can reshape the balloons, and that the panels have to exact same reshape options, but clicking on them does nothing. meaning they never implemented them. (it like walking into an abandoned house and finding that at the time it was abandoned the table had been set for dinner, but never touched)
i dont get it... how can i export the comic i have tried all possible options and still nothing
someone actually using it after all these years. I did a tutorial on it for my youtube channel. its been so long tho I forgot myself how to use it. but the tut is there if you need it.
Alright, my apologies for necroposting, but I have found a small bit of information on my own. Or these are errors that I am too stupid to figure out how to fix.

1: You can't use different camera's on different Panels.
2: The way to use the same camera is by using different shots and the graph editor to move the camera
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Joose_2005:
Alright, my apologies for necroposting,
Had you not necroposted I'd have never found this. The contents here really should be in a Steam Guide so it can bookmarked.
I found this in the FAQ discussion. I believe it was a link in the first message.
I made a guide on how to activate it.
Don't expect a huge documentation on it though.
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Geschrieben am: 31. Aug. 2013 um 8:42
Beiträge: 14