Source Filmmaker

Source Filmmaker

 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Marco Skoll 20 Jan, 2018 @ 12:38pm
Artwork Thread 2: Art Harder
Although I think we can all accept that the last artwork thread had gone off the rails by the end, I felt that when the thread worked, it was an asset to the community, giving people more of a chance to discuss their art and get feedback than the Artwork gallery provides, as well as a bit more exposure for the kind of art that doesn't get easily up-voted.

And so, here is an attempt at a new artwork thread.


You may post your Source Filmmaker artwork (be it images, animations or workshop items) here at your own discretion.

Bear in mind that anything you post here is potentially open to feedback (either positive or negative), but if you particularly want in-depth critique, feel free to specifically request it - just please be prepared to potentially get your artwork painstakingly dissected.

Please do not post the work of others; it's very rude to post other people's work for (potential) critique.
(Partial exception will be made if the work is being used as a positive example to assist a critique. Please do not use other people's work as "what not to do" examples, because again, that's rude).

Given that the last artwork thread went off-track, it is worth a reminder that the following are forbidden in general across the Steam community (and also that several people got banned for doing such things in the last thread):

- Flaming or insulting other members
- Derailing a thread's topic
- Posting spam
- Threatening violence or other harassment (even as a joke)
- Racism and discrimination
- Abusive language (including swearing)
- Religious, political, or other "prone to huge arguments" subjects

A non-exhaustive list of subjects that will be updated if/when things prove prone to argument:
- Criticising fandoms or their interests.
- Discussion of commission pricing.

Please also remember that community rules do not make exceptions for any of the following:
- Any abuse directed towards members (or the artwork of members) who are not in the thread.
- "But we're best friends, this is just banter". (Your relationship is not evident to outsiders, and any such behaviour sets a bad precedent).
- "The thread's gone quiet, so it doesn't matter".
- Being funny, no matter how funny you think it is.

If necessary, anyone flaunting the community rules will be reported directly to the moderation team.

Giving critique
If you're giving feedback on someone's work, be specific. Explain exactly what you think is wrong, and suggest how to improve.

Just saying something like "bad lighting, bad FOV, bad posing" is useless, particularly to an inexperienced newcomer.

But the same points put like this are much more useful:
- Your lighting is washing out the shadows - if you turn your fill-lighting down, I think the picture would look better with more contrast.
- The camera is unnaturally close to Spy, so try pulling it back and instead zooming in to frame the scene.
- Heavy's pose looks stiff. Try to make the spine and collarbones less rigid.

Thinking about critique this way also helps keep it valid. Is the art genuinely flawed, or is it simply just not to your taste?

The most useful critiques will also pick out positive points. Being told what you've done well is not only useful for improvement, but is also encouraging.


With that said, go forth and art!
Last edited by Marco Skoll; 6 Aug, 2018 @ 2:35pm
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Showing 1-15 of 4,817 comments
Marco Skoll 20 Jan, 2018 @ 12:52pm 
I suppose I should get us started as well:
I didn't start with this image in mind, but this silhouette caught my attention while I was working on something else, and I thought I'd make a quick artwork out of it.
Stuf 20 Jan, 2018 @ 1:40pm I need to improve the lighting, but this is still very WIP
surfer171 20 Jan, 2018 @ 3:14pm

Figured to post these two progression of a walk cycle animation here as reference to those who didn't see my first 2 attempts . Nice thread by the way so hopefully everything's according to the rules.

Anyways, link below is the latest version of my progress

third time's a charm, hopefully this is closer to my goals.

anyways, this next attempts features:

chest and spine 2 movement that is antagonistic to the pelvis and hip movement after spending hours into figuring out how to edit the first attempt while maintaining the keyframe. so much Y and Z rotation default @_@

spine 1 acts as a straightener in terms of rotation

the collar bones are made to swing lesser now

and... i think that's about it
Stuf 20 Jan, 2018 @ 3:24pm 
It's looking pretty sweet dude. One thing I'd suggest is making his feet not go as high when he's walking. I think it'd look more natural if his feet were closer to the ground as he's about to make a foot plant. (I'm not very good at explaining stuff, so it doesn't matter if you dont get what I mean heh.)

Other than that, its looking good! :)
surfer171 20 Jan, 2018 @ 3:26pm 
This is referenced based on a book called "the animator survival kit book" but I guess I'll take a quick look on video references

Marco Skoll 20 Jan, 2018 @ 9:42pm 
Originally posted by cass:
Are you ever going to release your models for other people to play with?
If at all, not my fully customised versions.

Although they're originally based on other models, some of which are already in SFM, I've deliberately put in work to make them distinguishable from the originals*, so it'd be pretty illogical to release those versions.

* As an aside on that note, this picture actually shows a (partially) updated version of Athena. I'm trying to change her proportions and to make her body shape something a bit more "athletic" and a bit less "fashion model". (The original T6M body was really too spindly for the character I've decided she is).

It's possible though that I might release any enhancements that can be practically converted back to the original versions (e.g. IK rigs, weight painting, flexes, etc), but that's not exactly top priority.
(I'm also having trouble with that, as I tried talking to one of the original porters to either get permission or work with them, but even after a few attempts, I've not heard anything back).

Originally posted by surfer171:
Nice thread by the way so hopefully everything's according to the rules.
Here's hoping. I don't think the problem is inherent to the thread subject, but more that long threads are likely to drift.

Anyways, link below is the latest version of my progress
third time's a charm, hopefully this is closer to my goals.
It's definitely improving.

If I were offering feedback, I'd say this version has perhaps overdone the pelvis twist but underdone it in the upper torso.
He also seems to be jerking his right foot off the floor a bit quickly (you may need to alter the timing or interpolation on those keyframes a hair), and I'd say the feet should probably be flatter as he's putting weight on them.
Last edited by Marco Skoll; 20 Jan, 2018 @ 9:43pm
surfer171 20 Jan, 2018 @ 10:31pm 
The timing for the right foot is delayed by one frame (well… any foot that I start second will usually be given a one frame delay) but I'll check them real quick and see how to fix.

Gosh this is another round of defaulting the rotation. I guess I need to find the sweet spot between the antagonistic twist of both upper body and lower body huh
Jun 21 Jan, 2018 @ 7:27am 
Thank you for putting another one up!
Misterboy 21 Jan, 2018 @ 9:36am

This was my last poster from about half a year ago. Guess I should start getting back into SFM eh? Haha
surfer171 21 Jan, 2018 @ 9:47am 
Originally posted by Misterboy:

This was my last poster from about half a year ago. Guess I should start getting back into SFM eh? Haha
I would kinda want to recommend you fill out the empty spaces behind the spy with a few more characters in a suit that you can find it in the workshop:

And I kinda want to recommend you dim the lights a bit and give a little volumetric light above the spy to give that ominous atmosphere like giving the audience the feeling of they owe something.

I guess you could lean the spy forward to give him a more demanding look, in not sure but the pose didn't look all that demanding.
Last edited by surfer171; 21 Jan, 2018 @ 9:47am
Misterboy 21 Jan, 2018 @ 9:49am 
Originally posted by surfer171:
Originally posted by Misterboy:

This was my last poster from about half a year ago. Guess I should start getting back into SFM eh? Haha
I would kinda want to recommend you full out the empty spaces with a few more characters in a suit that you can find it in the workshop:

And I kinda want to recommend you dim the lights a bit and give a little volumetric light above the spy to give that ominous atmosphere like giving the audience the feeling of they owe something.

I guess you could lean the spy forward to give him a more demanding look, in not sure but the pose didn't look all that demanding.

Ty for the feedback, I should've mentioned that originally I was just doing it to test lighting and stuff so just had the spy. Maybe in the future though I should re-visit it and add more of an atmosphere and background.
Stuf 21 Jan, 2018 @ 6:08pm Here's a still image from an animation I'm working on. I think this is the best lighting I've ever done haha. Open to feedback! :P
Clearwater 22 Jan, 2018 @ 4:19am 
Originally posted by Stuffed: Here's a still image from an animation I'm working on. I think this is the best lighting I've ever done haha. Open to feedback! :P

Hm, I would say the FOV looks just tad too high; there's more 'outside' stuff in view rather than the medic himself. The most common (and quickest) fix is to bring the camera back slightly and zoom in. A good rule of thumb for FOV is this: If the camera FOV slider isn't the default value at most, it's gonna end up looking distorted to some degree.

The lighting on the Medic also seems rather flat; I can only see one key (?) light for where the sun is glowing on his face. Thing is, the color doesn't really match the color of the sky - there's no explicit thing on the skybox telling us 'oh this is a sunset so the key light need to be a more orang-y yellow color'. Excluding the light there, was the rest of the lighting all from the map perchance?

I'll get a pic of my own up later for y'all to roast, can't do it right now since I'm not on my 'pooter. :P
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