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How fast do new villagers spawn in after I've recruited someone?
(20 days into the game) I recruited 9 villagers from 3 villages. After a few in-game days, only one new villager had spawned in (according to the villager overview screen). How long should it take for replacement to spawn in afrer hiring or killing villagers, and do I need to do something such as restating the game?
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Showing 1-15 of 16 comments
gnrnr 20 Jan @ 6:09pm 
How do you mean ? i recruit them and they walk to the village, no spawning. If they die in a battle and are not showing a broken bone icon they respawn in the my village either next morning or about 6-8 in game hours, so if they were killed at 8am some time near the evening they will be up and about again.. If they have the broken bone symbol and you put them into battled agian and they die, I think that is a perma death for them.
Hodor 21 Jan @ 12:03am 
Sorry, I meant for a new villager to spawn to replace the one I took in the neutral village.
funnily enough i would like to know the answer to this question also so you've inspired me to conduct an experiment to find out.

from what ive already experienced though it could be as short a time as one ingame day as i have never seen a village be below its capacity from extra houses. i can also say when such a villager dies in your care they vanish from all records. their "hired" portrait thing in the village menu just spookies out of existence it seems. i think they are reasonably quickly replaced.

so im gunna go screenshot a village's roster, hire someone, then look at it again for a few days and i'll get back to you on that.

i'd like to add though i was under the impression a villager is only replaced when one dies rather than when one is hired. will also test this.
Last edited by The Gunsmith; 21 Jan @ 1:19am
Hodor 21 Jan @ 1:44am 
Real heroes don't wear capes, they do science! Thank you good sir
5 ingame minutes.... thats it....

tested in two ways:
built a fresh house in a neutral liberated village after taking note that we were at 32/33 villagers, within 5 ingame minutes of house being built we were at 34/35.

hired the only 2 remaining farmer apprentices from a neutral village, we were at 42/77 in this village, 5 ingame minutes pass as i set them up for priorities nicknames all that jazz, we are now at 44/79

5 ingame minutes. and even then this is an estimate, its a very short time.
Last edited by The Gunsmith; 21 Jan @ 4:54am
Hodor 21 Jan @ 5:32am 
Very strange, it takes in-game days for me for a single beggar to be replaced. Maybe the village has to be liberated first?
Tanyon 21 Jan @ 6:05am 
I've never had to wait more than 2 in game days.

Maybe the logic only applies to names villagers like blacksmith etc..
Hodor 21 Jan @ 7:17am 
That would explain it. Since I'm far from liberating anything I can only hire lower level villagers, so can't test it unfortunately.
Hodor 21 Jan @ 8:18am 
Originally posted by The Gunsmith:
5 ingame minutes.... thats it....

tested in two ways:
built a fresh house in a neutral liberated village after taking note that we were at 32/33 villagers, within 5 ingame minutes of house being built we were at 34/35.

hired the only 2 remaining farmer apprentices from a neutral village, we were at 42/77 in this village, 5 ingame minutes pass as i set them up for priorities nicknames all that jazz, we are now at 44/79

5 ingame minutes. and even then this is an estimate, its a very short time.
Sounds like you are using additional villager mod, that would explain why they spawn so fast in your game compared to mine?
Originally posted by Hodor:
Originally posted by The Gunsmith:
5 ingame minutes.... thats it....

tested in two ways:
built a fresh house in a neutral liberated village after taking note that we were at 32/33 villagers, within 5 ingame minutes of house being built we were at 34/35.

hired the only 2 remaining farmer apprentices from a neutral village, we were at 42/77 in this village, 5 ingame minutes pass as i set them up for priorities nicknames all that jazz, we are now at 44/79

5 ingame minutes. and even then this is an estimate, its a very short time.
Sounds like you are using additional villager mod, that would explain why they spawn so fast in your game compared to mine?

100% vanilla, but everywhere is liberated

i mean how else was i going to test building a house to create slots?

sudden thought though, for a brief second i thought "maybe its tied to prosperity" but the house build example was prosp 4 and the recruited example was prosp 5

also dont hire beggars. a villager's top end in a skill is their permanent top end and is the maximum they will ever achieve and beggars dont really go above 2 in anything, the price differences are negligible
Last edited by The Gunsmith; 21 Jan @ 9:37am
Hodor 21 Jan @ 9:43am 
Very weird. I only hired beggars because they are easier to kill and hope that someone better will spawn into the village. Maybe respawning is much faster after a village is liberated? I can't even get villager to respawn 2 days after killing them
Tanyon 21 Jan @ 10:09am 
Well I also think they re-spawn what you took..

So if you kill a beggar then another beggar comes.

Because in the later stages when you hire an apprentice another of the same one spawns so I'm assuming that is how it works with all classes or villagers.

Also, FYI I have never in all my playthroughs hired a beggar.. I've always skipped over them. As long as you keep doing quests and killing bandits you should be swimming in renown. I think I currently have over 100k in my game and I have like 50 villagers between my main base and 5 outposts.
Hodor 21 Jan @ 10:19am 
I've tried to hire and kill 2 non-beggars, with the same result. The town screen says 16/16 instead of 18/18. Does this mean no new villager will spawn in, no matter how long I wait?
Originally posted by Hodor:
I've tried to hire and kill 2 non-beggars, with the same result. The town screen says 16/16 instead of 18/18. Does this mean no new villager will spawn in, no matter how long I wait?

Check it after you recruit them rather than after you go to the effort to kill them off
Hodor 21 Jan @ 1:21pm 
I tested this 2 hours ago. I hired 5 random villagers from Haerndean, killed no one and left the game alone for 5 in-game days. Still now, Haerndean shows 13/18 villagers for hire, no one has spawned in. Am i missing something?

Village screen looks the same now as 2-3 hours ago:
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