The Enjenir

The Enjenir

Rummage 3 Aug, 2024 @ 10:57am
UI Stretched In Game?
Has anyone noticed with the most recent update that In game the UI seems to be too large? Main Menu seems fine but in game I cant see my Grades, They're off the screen. I've tried different resolutions and windowed modes both forced and native. nothing seems to help, anyone else find a fix?
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Fuzzywobs  [developer] 3 Aug, 2024 @ 1:16pm 
Originally posted by Aceofmistakes:
Has anyone noticed with the most recent update that In game the UI seems to be too large? Main Menu seems fine but in game I cant see my Grades, They're off the screen. I've tried different resolutions and windowed modes both forced and native. nothing seems to help, anyone else find a fix?
Hmm, that's a strange one. What resolution are you playing at? Are you able to share a screenshot of how it looks?
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