Software Company
Development cancelled?
The team's last update post is dated 17/07/2023, I checked the game yesterday for the first time in several months.
Could it be that the development was cancelled?
The game is definitely not playable for me, I usually don't get past the initial phase.
When creating a new game, some of the settings (character, values, company name!) are not applied.

Can the developers make a statement about this? It's not bad if it were like that, but some info would be cool.
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inkdevstudios  [Fejlesztő] 2023. dec. 20., 5:41 
Hello Uncle_Raymace,

First of all, thank you for still checking on the game's status despite not having the best experience with the game so far.

The development is not canceled. And you are right; a statement is long overdue. I have prepared another development blog, which will be published during the next couple of days. But since you already asked, I can give you a short summary:

I had some serious health issues (a minor heart attack) I had to battle during the last couple of months. On top of that, there have been some doubts regarding Unity and their change of policies, which made me think to switch to another engine in the future. But things are back on track now, and the first update will hit Steam in the next couple of weeks.

I am really sorry about the lack of communication lately, but it just was not possible for me to be more open and transparent.

I hope this answers your question a bit; stay tuned for the more in-depth blog coming up.

Sincere regards,

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