Have a Nice Death
Looking for some insight before I buy this game.
Hi, i'm looking for someone who has completed this game but is realistic about its flaws to give me some insight. I'm one of those people who really struggles to stop playing a game once i've bought it because I am insistent that if I bought something I finish it. So I really want to know if it's actually the game for me before I commit.

I'm looking to get some info on what the downsides to this game are so i can weigh everything up to see if I can look past them. I'm aware of the positives of the game. But I find that people who are negative are usually overly negative so it's hard to get a genuine idea of what are actual problems with the game. I would really appreciate if someone could be understanding of what i'm asking for here. Hopefully what i'm asking makes sense. Thanks.
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Показані коментарі 11 із 1
I just started play this yesterday because just saw it from XB pass.
Win 2 run already and now at Imminent Breakdown 2

1) Your hero movement and combat speed is quite fast, compare to Dead Cell and Oblivion Override
2) The full run is slightly longer compare to Hades and Dead Cell, more boss and mini boss
3) Boss difficulty few level above normal level mob encounter. Dangerous things have telegraph
4) I finish a run with pure focus spear and great sword, another with boulder rain spell. This indicate the game can actually play with more style. Of course I haven't know the real high difficulty, and experienced much other variety.
5) the dialogue are usually light hearted and enough to make me chuckle. Remind me of Hades.

I don't read review, because I only see my own feeling.
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Показані коментарі 11 із 1
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Опубліковано: 23 квіт. 2024 о 19:56
Дописів: 1