

sbhink805 19 Oct, 2024 @ 6:20pm
v.515 - Finding Dead Rats and Rabbits With Red X
I'm wondering if my cat kills are being blocked or something odd is happening. I'm finding freshly killed cat prey with red X's quite frequently. I haven't played a ton but I did a few weeks ago and didn't notice this. It is winter now, not sure if snow on the ground might affect the corpse.
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Finjachan 20 Oct, 2024 @ 12:26am 
cat prey will be stopped if the cat desides to not bring it home. currently that happens quiet frequently.

and yes snow/cold affects corpses as they won't spoil if cold so they might be accumulating
Last edited by Finjachan; 20 Oct, 2024 @ 12:27am
sbhink805 20 Oct, 2024 @ 11:05am 
I was meaning, maybe the snow/winter was causing the red X forbid icon. That is what seems new. I found a pile of 3 rabbits around a hole which all seemed fresh but had the red X on them all.

If the cat decides to not bring it home I wouldn't expect to see the red X.
mccurry.amanda 20 Oct, 2024 @ 6:35pm 
I have this almost all the time with rats now, indoors and out. I haven't seen it with rabbits, but maybe my cats are too busy with the rats. A few updates ago, it wasn't happening if I was out of stored meat, then kicked in when I had decent stock in the icehouse. I interpreted it as my Folk deciding that since they had plenty of better meat they weren't desperate enough to eat rat. :-) It would be nice if there were an option to feed to the pets, or dispose in a corpse pile without slaughtering for meat.
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