Worker wants to marry in, but the buttons are inactive
I had an outcast mother, I sent her away. she came back with her baby girl and I let her stay for the night. She fled in the middle of the night and left the baby behind. Said Baby girl just grew up.
As luck will have it, the firstborn son of the clan leader is a young man, still single and of good health. So I think, she became interested in marrying him, because it showed the two rings above her avatar and on the left side is a note, that she wants to become part of the clan. And I want her to stay, she is hard working and earned her keep. But when I click on her avater, both buttons for marrying (the one to stay in the clan after the wedding and the one where they have to go after the wedding) are still grey and therefor inactive. I still tried clicking the one with the staying option, but nothing happened.

So is there now another way to marry them, since the clan leader has to decide? If so, how do I marry them? I could not find it. Otherwise it might be a bug?
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Показані коментарі 17 із 7
Even If she showed once she wants to marry your Male (weeding band = two Rings above small clanfolk icon)
You need to have her at full satisfaction (100/100) for the buttons to be clickable. (Maybe she went into a smelly room and it went down?)

The marriage way is still the Same. You click the marriage buttoms (House or Arrow) Then a new Text window will Open where you can choose the Partner and/or confirm the marriage
Автор останньої редакції: Finjachan; 23 черв. 2024 о 12:22
Thanks for the answer, just checked again - she's as happy as a clam, 10000/10000 with "thankful" as the only booster. I thought it might be, because she only has the one possible partner and though cannot choose between partners. But if we had to wait for another male to grow up she would be already a middle aged woman and I really don't want her to have to wait that long. And even than I still would marry her of to the first born. Because his mother once also was an outcast, so this is something they have in common. But he was adopted by the Clan leader, when he married his mother.
Might this be the reason? That tjhe first born is adopted and therefore technically not of the same blood as the leader? But I don't think this has ever been an issue before...
When you hover over the "marry" button, it should tell you the name of the potential partner. Who does it name when you do that?
Blorf  [розробник] 27 черв. 2024 о 9:08 
Hi, could you please send me the save with this bug? I am curious to see what the problem is.

Here is how to send the save:
So I got the issue again, different family on a different map, a bit later in the game. Initially I had sent the outcast mother away, I think it was the second or third outcast mother, the one/s before her got succesfully married in. She came back later with her baby son, I let them stay the night and in the middle of the night she got up and left. Her son he left behind. He grew up and is now an adult and a really hard worker, the only one currently who does not belong to the clan.
One of the clans baby girls just grew up as well and immediately there was a sign, that my worker wants to marry in, but then the buttons "marry and stay" and "marry and leave" are grey and inactive.

So again the grown up abandoned child of an outcast mother is not able to marry in. I sent you my other save file, not sure if you had already time to look into it. Should I also send this one?
Blorf  [розробник] 16 верес. 2024 о 10:15 
This one should be fixed as of v0.507 thanks!
Thank you very much, it now works fine. Thank you also for fixing it for the old save games as well. I actually paused with playing the game because I still have the old save games. I can now play those again with everthing as it should be. It means a lot to me so I really appreciate the work you put into fixing this bug!
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