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Thank you, Blorf! I have emailed you my files..I want LOTS of babies!! :)
You can type this into windows file explorer address bar (the text field):
%appdata% is actually %userprofile%\appdata\roaming
On Linux, here's the correct path to the savefile:
Back in August 2023, apparently, I started writing up this ultra-specific walk-through on how to send save files, and got about 90% done and... my energy petered out, and I never posted it. But I saw someone in that one thread say he'd just joined the test server, and I suddenly remembered I'd started this, so I decided to finish it and post it. So here's an Extremely Specific Walk-through on how to make sure you get the right files to send to Blorf for a bug report!
(Also, I'm writing this for Windows because that's what I know. sufehmi mentioned Linux, but I don't know Linux... and if you're using Linux, you probably don't need this guide anyway.)
One Time Action: Set up the folder and the shortcut.
A. I made a folder in, let's call it 'This PC/Documents'. I called it Gamefiles_Clanfolk. You could, for example, make such a folder on the desktop if you wished. This will be the 'home base folder,' so put it somewhere you know how to get to easily. Open that folder in one File Explorer window.
B. Open a second File Explorer window, and to go to:
C:/Users/USERNAME/Appdata/LocalLow/MinMax Games
You should be looking at a screen that contains one folder called 'Clanfolk'. Right-click the 'Clanfolk' folder and select 'Create Shortcut'. Drag this shortcut over to the other window and drop it into the Gamefiles_Clanfolk folder. You can rename this shortcut, if you like; I called mine '_Clanfolk - Shortcut logs saves'. The leading underscore will keep the shortcut link at the top of the list of files.
C. Clicking this link will open the folder that contains: a 'Cloud' folder, 2 other folders you can ignore, and the Player.log and Player-prev.log files.
Now you are ready to make bug reports easily!
What I do when I send a bug report:
1. When I find a thing happening in game that I want to send to Blorf, I save the file and give it a name that I'm guessing will give him some useful info when he looks at it. Example: 'test405-egg loop'. This way he can easily see that this save file is for the test server game version .405, and the relevant issue is 'egg loop'.
(Naming files like this is not a truely necessary step. He can work just as well with a save file with any filename.)
Right after I save the file, I exit the game client.
2. I open up the 'Gamefiles_Clanfolk' folder, and make a new folder. I call it, in this example, 'CF-test405-egg loop'. I right-click this folder I just made and open in new window.
2. Back in the Gamefiles_Clanfolk window, I click '_Clanfolk - Shortcut logs saves' to go into that folder. I highlight the Player and Player-prev files, and copy them. I tab back to my empty 'CF-test405-egg loop' folder and paste them in.
3. Then I tab back to the folder containing the 'Cloud' folder, and click that Cloud folder. Then click the SavedData folder. This is the folder with the saved games. I made sure to sort by 'Date Modified', so that the most recent file is at the top: test405-egg loop.sav. I copy that.
4. I tab back to the 'CF-test405-egg loop' folder, and paste the save file in.
5. I right-click, New, Text Document, and rename it _Info.txt. In here I type everything that I assume is relevant to my bug report. So like:
Clanfolk test .405 IP - Aug 3 2023
Abigail has Cooking at higher priority than Lumber, and the Campfire has 'cook egg' queued. She will chop some lumber, then walk up to the eggs, then walk away and go chop some more lumber, then repeat this. Seems similar to what dissent was talking about.
Most of my info files are that short. Some might be longer, if there's more to say.
6. Save that text file, close it; at this point, the 'CF-test405-egg loop' folder should contain four files: two logs, a save, and an info txt.
7. In my browser, I compose an email to the contact email Blorf has listed here. I copy and paste the text out of the Info.txt into the email. I attach the two log files and the save file to the email, and hit send.
Yay! You have submitted a bug report!
Why do I make the file structure with the shortcuts? Because personally I just really hate navigating to multiple folders in the 'attach file' screen. I can 'attach file', navigate to one folder, highlight three files, attach them in one go, and be done with it. I just prefer to mess with copying files to a single folder before I even begin to write an email, rather than click around in various folders while writing an email.
Why do I write the body of the email in a text? It helps me to write it in a separate document, because for whatever reason, that makes me read the text multiple times and make sure I'm including what I need to. I can also, if I were to want to, save the text file, re-open the game, load the save (that's in the normal save folder, and isn't the copied file in the Gamefiles_Clanfolk\CF-test405-egg loop folder), and see what happens if I keep running the game for a little bit. Sometimes that gives me useful information to include in the text file, before I start sending the email to Blorf.
(I also have a shortcut to the Screenshots folder, but I'll make a separate post on that if anyone seems like they want that.)
This may feel like a lot of steps. Half of it is the setup; half of it is me being A Bit Verbose. It's really not hard at all once you get the hang of it.
- new folder
- copy logs, tab, paste
- copy save, tab, paste
- write info.txt
- email, paste, attach, send.
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