

Alex Bacchus 2 Dec, 2024 @ 12:42pm
economic system ?
(automatically translated text from French, sorry if some wording is strange)

Currently, I can sell as much stone as I want to a merchant, as long as he has enough money. I think this is a flaw. With enough work time, money flows freely for some resources.

This problem can be mitigated by my other suggestion of broken tools (My suggestions: but we can add a "realistic" economy.
By "realistic" I mean that we can't flood the market with a product without lowering the price.

I am aware that this is difficult to balance, and that the developers are more competent than me. They probably even thought of it before me.

Two possibilities:
1- Simple: a merchant buys a limited quantity of each resource. Either a fixed quantity or in proportion to his money. Example: a merchant does not spend more than 20% of his money on a single resource.

2- Complex: the more a resource is sold, the more its price decreases among all merchants. Over time, the price returns to a normal value.

The interest is to push the player to a varied production. He will also have to be provident: selling a little regularly will be more interesting than selling a lot at once. The one who plays "day by day" will be penalized, the one who plans will have a more stable game.

Additional suggestion:
With such an economy, events can be added: the price of a certain resource increases or decreases this year (or the quantity that can be sold increases). The player will then be able to change his production year by year to adapt. The kingdom builds a castle, it is a good year to sell stone! A quarry has been built, the price of stone decreases this year!
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Showing 1-2 of 2 comments
sakasiru 2 Dec, 2024 @ 2:42pm 
I'm quite happy with the way it is currently handled. The amount you can sell is limited by the money and wares the merchant brings. I also don't think it should become a trading simulation. In the end, it's a family that makes some cash by selling their surplus, not one building an industry.

Example: a merchant does not spend more than 20% of his money on a single resource.
Then they wouldn't ever buy animals.

the more a resource is sold, the more its price decreases among all merchants.
Why? They come from different clans, and just because clan McX currently drowns in planks doesn't mean clan McY doesn't need any.

The interest is to push the player to a varied production.
That you have to do anyway because not every clan buys every ware.
It's already quite hard to get to four stars with some of them because they don't buy anything where you amass a huge surplus (looking at you, forest clan). With the others, I usually sell just enough to get 100 reputation so that I have more left to sell when they come by next time.

I guess a more interesting change would be to add more ways to spend the money you make. Sure, lowering prices if you sell in bulk helps a bit to keep the purse small, but at some point you could just as well just burn the wares instead of waiting for a trader since you aren't really strapped for money anyway. Tax collectors are on the ToDo list as far as i know, and maybe you can also pay them in wares instead of coins?

Another nice change would be being able to buy more of the same ressource. If the same merchant can buy stacks of planks they can surely bring more than two bricks of peat, especially after I buy them every time they come. Maybe we can oder stuff for an increased price? That would be especially helpful when it comes to animals of the right species, age and gender.
Last edited by sakasiru; 2 Dec, 2024 @ 2:43pm
Alex Bacchus 2 Dec, 2024 @ 3:00pm 
Originally posted by sakasiru:
Then they wouldn't ever buy animals.

There may be exceptions, this is just an example. Resources can be sorted: raw materials are limited in sale, food and livestock are not.

Originally posted by sakasiru:
Why? They come from different clans, and just because clan McX currently drowns in planks doesn't mean clan McY doesn't need any.

I'm pretty sure the other clans trade with each other too. But global economy or not nevermind.

That you have to do anyway because not every clan buys every ware.

Yes, good point. But some resources, and therefore some clans, are more profitable than others.

It's already quite hard to get to four stars with some of them because they don't buy anything where you amass a huge surplus

With workers it's easy. I don't sell for reputation now, i get reputation with satisfaction workers.

I agree with the rest (tax and order stuff).
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