UNCHARTED™: Legacy of Thieves Collection

UNCHARTED™: Legacy of Thieves Collection

Statistiken ansehen:
CPU NO SOPORTADA Intel i7-4930k
Mi Equipo
Window 11 x 64
NVIDIA Geforce RTX 2060 , DX 12
Intel i7-4930k
ULTRAWIDE 2560 x 1080 , 144Hz
Zuletzt bearbeitet von rgarri2; 20. Okt. 2022 um 16:07
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What's ridiculous is thinking your CPU will be supported forever.
rgarri2 20. Okt. 2022 um 15:10 
LordOfTheBread do not defend the indefensible friend, it is more than the minimum requirement that they ask for, it is the only game of all that I have and in all the stores that I have that comes out with this nonsense, absurd and it is happening to many people with many different processors.
duplissi 20. Okt. 2022 um 15:14 
the game requires a hardware feature your cpu does not support. pretty much all modern ones do.

You need avx2, apparently your cpu lacks that.
Ursprünglich geschrieben von rgarri2:
LordOfTheBread do not defend the indefensible friend, it is more than the minimum requirement that they ask for, it is the only game of all that I have and in all the stores that I have that comes out with this nonsense, absurd and it is happening to many people with many different processors.

HYouri CPU is 9 years old WTF are you on about seriously? Games releasing now should run on 9 yearts old hardware? WQhen is it a good time to say stop and not support CPUs? 10 years, 15 years?

Your I7 has ran its course, it served you well for the almnost decade time you used it, time to upgrade, not surprising, this is the normal course of things.
Diego912 20. Okt. 2022 um 15:52 
Funny how this garbage runs on a tablet cpu, but not on a 4th gen intel desktop cpu. lol at the ones defending these devs
rgarri2 20. Okt. 2022 um 16:10 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Diego912:
Funny how this garbage runs on a tablet cpu, but not on a 4th gen intel desktop cpu. lol at the ones defending these devs
Samtaro 20. Okt. 2022 um 16:11 
I have MSI GTX 970 and Intel Core i7 5820k and have no issues lol
I'm glad is stumbled onto this thread I'm still using a i7-3770k @ 4.7ghz and was just about to buy this.I also have 32gb ram and a 1080ti,pretty sure I could run it,but unless they patch out avx2 or add a fix I guess I'm out.
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Diego912:
Funny how this garbage runs on a tablet cpu, but not on a 4th gen intel desktop cpu. lol at the ones defending these devs

Funny how a PS4 isn't a PC and are not comparable machines. Funny how this game is a prt of the PS5 remaster as well that probably has a way stronger CPU than your PC.
SM0K3Y 20. Okt. 2022 um 21:09 
yikes ud think 4th gen would work since its haswell but apparently the 4930k is still ivy bridge. sandy and ivy dont support avx2 sadly.
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Diego912:
Funny how this garbage runs on a tablet cpu, but not on a 4th gen intel desktop cpu. lol at the ones defending these devs

The M1 chip in my tablet ♥♥♥♥♥ all over a 4th gen desktop CPU that's why.
Nyxo100 20. Okt. 2022 um 22:53 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von LordOfTheBread:
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Diego912:
Funny how this garbage runs on a tablet cpu, but not on a 4th gen intel desktop cpu. lol at the ones defending these devs

Funny how a PS4 isn't a PC and are not comparable machines. Funny how this game is a prt of the PS5 remaster as well that probably has a way stronger CPU than your PC.

you are a clown my man
Daem0n 21. Okt. 2022 um 7:24 
I have an i5 3550 and I can play Red dead redemption 2 and Marvel spiderman with some compromises but this game won't start even for unsupported CPU.
Daigo 24. Okt. 2022 um 10:07 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Quick☢420™:
I'm glad is stumbled onto this thread I'm still using a i7-3770k @ 4.7ghz and was just about to buy this.I also have 32gb ram and a 1080ti,pretty sure I could run it,but unless they patch out avx2 or add a fix I guess I'm out.
i7-3770K + 1080Ti represent :) saved me the hassle to do a refund. Would have loved to play it on Ultrawide but it is what it is.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Daigo; 24. Okt. 2022 um 10:08
Diego912 24. Okt. 2022 um 11:05 
I'll reformulate my comment for those who couldn't understand, or are still shilling for these mediocre devs: "this garbage runs on a 2013 tablet cpu, but not on a 2014 desktop cpu"
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