UNCHARTED™: Legacy of Thieves Collection

UNCHARTED™: Legacy of Thieves Collection

I would like to get syphon filter collection on PC.
I recently played Syphon Filter 1-3 on a PS1 emulator and those games are really great. They can easily port them to PC.
They can simply replace the turn left/turn right buttons with strafe left/strafe right buttons and allow you to turn via using the mouse.(or using the right stick)

And they can make the harder difficulty available in the main menu.(Instead of forcing players to perform some button combinations to play at harder difficulty.)

Hope they release them on PC.
Цитата допису: Hyperion:
Цитата допису dprog1995:
Lmao. Both of you act like you are the owners of this forum. Since you are losing your minds over a simple thread I gave you some free jesters.
Don't encourage them... too much negativity
< >
Показані коментарі 19 із 9
i would like a sandwich

what do either have to do with uncharted?
Цитата допису space:
i would like a sandwich

what do either have to do with uncharted?
Sony owns that ip similar to the way they own Uncharted. lol. people here ask for The Last of Us remastered.
I would like a cheeseburger what does any of this have to do with uncharted
Lmao. Both of you act like you are the owners of this forum. Since you are losing your minds over a simple thread I gave you some free jesters.
Автор цієї теми позначив, що цей допис є відповіддю на питання у темі.
Цитата допису dprog1995:
Lmao. Both of you act like you are the owners of this forum. Since you are losing your minds over a simple thread I gave you some free jesters.
Don't encourage them... too much negativity
one of my favorite ps1 games !
Been waiting for decades for them to make a remastered pc version
Random wishes thread! I'd like a pony! I'm sure someone at Sony owns a pony and this post will surely be seen by them.
Автор останньої редакції: Hotel Security; 4 жовт. 2024 о 11:11
Цитата допису dprog1995:
I recently played Syphon Filter 1-3 on a PS1 emulator and those games are really great. They can easily port them to PC.
They can simply replace the turn left/turn right buttons with strafe left/strafe right buttons and allow you to turn via using the mouse.(or using the right stick)

And they can make the harder difficulty available in the main menu.(Instead of forcing players to perform some button combinations to play at harder difficulty.)

Hope they release them on PC.

☝️ ☝️ ☝️ I 2nd the vote for syphonfilter collection on steam also time splitters collection and socom us navy seals collection love all these classic games!!!!! And would like them all on one system and I would buy them and play them since once consoles go out of date it's hard to find or buy theses games anymore just to enjoy.... And I would still play them too!!!! Please steam add the games let people vote for old games it would be so cool....
< >
Показані коментарі 19 із 9
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