Northern Journey

Northern Journey

Wonderful game! Incredible atmosphere, memorable characters. This is my second attempt at finishing it. But the spiders. I've never been so terrified. They're uncanny but also eerily realistic. I'm trying to treat this as exposure therapy and it's not helping. A raft spider crept up on me and I ran away from it, backwards. Humbled.

EDIT: for anyone else with crippling arachnophobia trying to enjoy an otherwise wonderful game, I've found removing my headphones and just desensitising myself with a second screen of distraction helps, so I sort of play the troubling parts somewhat 'numb' and with breaks in-between. Trying to save will warn you of any interactions (something horrible incoming) with seconds to spare before taking damage, minus spidery sound effects.
Lần sửa cuối bởi Tentacle Radio; 22 Thg02 @ 4:15am