Cat Simulator : Animals on Farm

Cat Simulator : Animals on Farm

RealLocutus 8 Jul, 2022 @ 11:27am
Are there spiders in the game?
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fawkee 8 Jul, 2022 @ 10:23pm 
RealLocutus 9 Jul, 2022 @ 8:03am 
Thanks for the info. So another cute game my girlfriend can't play - why are there spiders in such games? Devs must know that there are people with phobia out there.
fawkee 9 Jul, 2022 @ 9:34pm 
I am so sorry for your girlfriend. the spiders are also in the same cute style of the game. I don't like spiders either, if it's that bad for your girlfriend, I really don't want to swap places with her. I hope for you that it may get better over time/ that you will find a way that you can cope better with it.
everything good for you :cathead::powerpaw::tigerinablanket:
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