Planet of Lana

Planet of Lana

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The Game Save system needs fixing
First, I love this game, like I really REALLY love Planet of Lana. I probably have more videos on YouTube about Planet of Lana (26 and growing) than anybody but there is one thing that has me tearing my hair out and screaming at the screen, the way you implemented the Game Saves.

I actually really like the Chapter selection in that it allows me to replay small(er) snippets of the Game as I chose, maybe looking for all the Shrines as example. But that's where the shine wears off.

Let's say I'm making Tutorial videos about how to solve the many Puzzles in the game and I make a small error and wish to remake the video for a superior take. Oh, but it's 4-5 Puzzles deep into a Chapter so now I have to redo the entire Chapter up to that point because it's one of the more intricate Puzzles that Autosaves or adds a Checkpoint in the middle of the Puzzle so there is no way to "start over".

There is a VERY simple fix to this, allow us to add a Manual Save, even if it's only 1 and it writes over itself each time. That would solve so much time spent and make me, and I know others as I'm not the 1st to bring this up, much happier with the game.

Please, I'm begging you to fix this.
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Any update on this from the Devs? I want to keep making videos because I think EVERYONE needs to experience this masterpiece but the way the saves are handled makes it utterly painful to create videos of certain locations/puzzles/etc.
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