This or Beyond Citadel?
Which of those two games have better gunplay?
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Dosto 9 Jan @ 4:43pm 
Different games, i like both but Selaco is far more polished overall.
BC has more detailed gunplay with a unique multi-step reload process and a rather complex control scheme. The weapon animations are all very well done. It's much less polished, howether. And i'd argue it is also very much inconsistent in it's gameplay design and degree of complexity/realism - relatively realistic gunplay is accompanied by double- and triple jumping and silly anime characters.

That's not to say that BC is bad; it's just very other the top, it's quality is all over the place, it's ambitous, strange, weird.

Selaco is a much more refined, much more focused shooter with gunplay right between a modern tactical shooter and the Doom/Quake gameplay style. It's controls are quite simple and it runs on a very tried and proven engine (the evolution of Doom1/2), and you can just feel the polish in the gameplay, don't know how to better describe it.

Overall, i think Selaco is the far better game. BC can still be fun if you don't mind the extreme weridness and the anime characters (the latter of those i personally do, but this is completely subjective).
KZ 10 Jan @ 2:15am 
I'd say Selaco. I tried the demo of Beyond Citadel and found myself bored pretty quickly. It has the sort of mechanics that are 'ocean wide yet puddle deep'. Sure, you can press the button to time the cycling of your weapon better, but the AI is braindead and just walks towards you until you put them out of their misery.

Selaco is so much more engaging as the AI itself is damn good. A lot of the weapon mods in Selaco also help mix up the gameplay, giving you a variety of approaches.
Selaco is better. It's more polished and far better designed. Everything from level layout and theme, enemy design and behavior, and gunplay. If you can only get one, it's a no-brainer
You must be joking. Selaco is better in every way, so this.
We on the Selaco page so i'm voting selaco!
A developer of this app has indicated that this post answers the original topic.
Nexxtic  [developer] 11 Jan @ 8:04pm 
The answer is The Last Exterminator

metaboy 12 Jan @ 12:46am 
They are different games, but a simple way to describe how they are different (combat wise) is that selaco is about the enemies and citadel is about the guns. Guns in selaco are great, but they are designed and balanced together with level design to make fighting the enemies as interesting as possible, they are conduits for the dance of combat. (instakills or free damage are rare for example because it's not fun if the enemy can't fight back)

In citadel, the guns themselves are interesting, they have complex reloads and ways of handling that are fun to figure out, but they aren't really balanced to make you engage with the enemy as much as possible (you are free to sit on a roof and snipe the whole map, but this is still fun because aiming has sway and bullets have arcs and travel time, and you have to reload the gun in a cool way).

Similar thing with movement -- citadel lets you jump around however you like if you get the right upgrades, to the point of breaking some maps; selaco has movement speed and lack of verticality balanced to make you engage with the enemy (while still letting you dash and slide around in a fun way)
Last edited by metaboy; 12 Jan @ 1:09am
yayokay 12 Jan @ 12:56pm 
Originally posted by metaboy:
They are different games, but a simple way to describe how they are different (combat wise) is that selaco is about the enemies and citadel is about the guns. Guns in selaco are great, but they are designed and balanced together with level design to make fighting the enemies as interesting as possible, they are conduits for the dance of combat. (instakills or free damage are rare for example because it's not fun if the enemy can't fight back)

In citadel, the guns themselves are interesting, they have complex reloads and ways of handling that are fun to figure out, but they aren't really balanced to make you engage with the enemy as much as possible (you are free to sit on a roof and snipe the whole map, but this is still fun because aiming has sway and bullets have arcs and travel time, and you have to reload the gun in a cool way).

Similar thing with movement -- citadel lets you jump around however you like if you get the right upgrades, to the point of breaking some maps; selaco has movement speed and lack of verticality balanced to make you engage with the enemy (while still letting you dash and slide around in a fun way)

So Beyond Citadel more for gunplay and Selaco for gameplay?
Selaco - by far. I tried the Beyond Citadel demo to see what all the fuss is about and couldn't get into it at all. Admittedly I didn't give it a fair chance, I guess, but I don't have a lot of time so a game really needs to grab me.

Selaco has far more atmosphere, action and polish IMO.
Having played Beyond Citadel I will say this. That game has gratuitous levels of gore and they are all anime girls. Also the borderline porn levels of nudity, incestuous story and otherwise EXTREMELY grim-dark storyline may not be for everyone.
Selaco has atmosphere, great gameplay, an interesting story, great art direction and full controller support. So that.

And in a month or so we may possibly have a hefty Chapter 2 update as well.
Selaco 100%
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