Dungeon Alchemist

Dungeon Alchemist

Really need Wilderness Maps
Really need Wilderness Maps. I don't know if this program is still actively being developed, but outdoor maps are really needed.

oh, and that inside sun vs roof (not existing) casting shadows thing.
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
MACx3D  [developer] 2 Dec, 2024 @ 7:46pm 
Originally posted by Luvac Zantor:
Really need Wilderness Maps. I don't know if this program is still actively being developed, but outdoor maps are really needed.

oh, and that inside sun vs roof (not existing) casting shadows thing.
I need clarification on the first half of this statement. Can you explain more about what you mean by Wilderness Maps? As it stands, Dungeon Alchemist makes incredible environmental maps from several different biomes.

Remember, we're in early access, so things that feel like they should exist are often in development. For example our next update will include roofing and multi-level which when in use should separate indoor and outdoor lighting.
Panic Fire 4 Dec, 2024 @ 5:38am 
Originally posted by Luvac Zantor:
Really need Wilderness Maps. I don't know if this program is still actively being developed, but outdoor maps are really needed.

oh, and that inside sun vs roof (not existing) casting shadows thing.

This already makes wilderness maps. Its ironically its best feature at the moment. You can make a wilderness encounter in seconds.
Peter B 9 Dec, 2024 @ 11:28am 
Originally posted by Luvac Zantor:
Really need Wilderness Maps. I don't know if this program is still actively being developed, but outdoor maps are really needed.
Like the others in this thread I feel kinda confused by this statement. DA makes great outdoor and wilderness maps and I use it on a weekly basis.
Bone 31 Dec, 2024 @ 4:53am 
For indoor maps Dungeon Alchemist is fantastic.
But maps in the wilderness need to be much bigger, for example if someone moves at full speed with their mount, they'll be off the map in a turn.
Generating large maps simply takes too long for my taste.
Kyde 31 Dec, 2024 @ 8:18am 
Originally posted by Bone:
For indoor maps Dungeon Alchemist is fantastic.
But maps in the wilderness need to be much bigger, for example if someone moves at full speed with their mount, they'll be off the map in a turn.
Generating large maps simply takes too long for my taste.
Yep! That's a valid complaint. DA was really designed for dungeons and smaller environmental/wilderness maps. BUT...the devs have expressed an interest in making DA be the one stop shop for all your mapping needs and after all the Kickstarter Promises (i.e. stretch goals) have been implemented they've talked about several types of expansions. Different themes/genres as paid DLC, some VTT Lite features (we don't know what those will be) and World Alchemist, which might end up being a separate product but I don't think so. All those are years away at this point, but still on the dev's minds.
Mykael 4 Feb @ 3:18pm 
I look forward to seeing it come to fruition. Thanks for the update!
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