The Chant
"Inventory full"
Hi guys,
I entered the mines for the first time and noticed i could not pick up any more bottles of the crystal upgrade material. I had about three of these in my inventory, which i was saving up for upgrading the health/heart after acquiring relevant xp . In order to not lose out on the bottle, I used all three upgrade material on prism and the game still would not let me pick up the bottle.
Am i required to jettison all the tapes or use up some on the healing items?
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Probably is oil used for crafting. Crystals are the only material that don't have a cap. Each material can only have 3 which kinda sucks but you can check what it is in your inventory.
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Probably is oil used for crafting. Crystals are the only material that don't have a cap. Each material can only have 3 which kinda sucks but you can check what it is in your inventory.
Thanks for getting back. it was lavender stored in a bottle that made it appear like it was crystals.
At the very start of the game, it confused me as the cursor does not seem to specify what item you are looking at. This ended up become game in itself when i started to eat random consumable to figure out what was in a bottle or can. It took me a while to figure out that the dull grey cans were needed to make throwing salt, as i barely used that power up.
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Laponként: 1530 50