The Chant

The Chant

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NotoriousTK 12 Feb, 2024 @ 7:00am
Thank you!
It's obvs this was not a AAA game. I hope everyone had appropriate expectations, even considering the price upon release. I wanted to thank the developers and whoever made this game happen. I think I paid 30$ for it maybe back when it came out because the trailers drew me in. The free DLC story content is an amazing bonus and very generous considering our current culture with digital add-on's. I hope despite any negative feedback that you don't give up, there are a lot of great things about this game that kept me wanting more.

in my book if it is entertaining then it's a win. Every single release doesn't have to be game of the year or an oscar winning 60fps/4k perfection and story and workable gameplay really is enough for many of us. I had fun, got my money's worth. I can see now it's so deep discounted on most key sites it's practically free. I can imagine that this will probably continue to sell for a long time at this discounted price, similar to Surge or Prey and eventually build and add on to the team's reputation for the future.

Here's to more unique, creepy games that are trying something new! Cheers.
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Showing 1-5 of 5 comments
TheBeak 26 Feb, 2024 @ 11:50am 
I enjoyed the heck out of this, and agree with everything you said. It wasn't perfect, but it's the first 3rd person survival horror in awhile with combat that at least tried to be its own thing in terms of story, mechanics, etc without going, "Hello, I'm just RE, Fatal Frame and SH repackaged." I just finished it twice, and the DLC, and hope we get more from this dev.
f5f9 5 Mar, 2024 @ 5:08am 
Originally posted by TheBeak:
I just finished it twice, and the DLC, and hope we get more from this dev.
I hope that Brass Token has sold many copies of "The Chant" and that he will soon give us another VG of this level, the talent certainly does not fail. I liked the game very much and I was able to enjoy it fully also thanks to the dubbing in Italian. Does anyone know if this developer is about to release something else? I would gladly make a preorder.
ChubbiChibbai 2 Apr, 2024 @ 2:04pm 
Yeah i really loved it.
I wasn't sure what to expect at first but i loved the fact that it was completely it's own thing and wasn't just trying to clone other games.

I enjoyed my time with the game and felt that it was more unsettling that terrifying but in a good way. The whole atmosphere was just off and it left you feeling really uneasy. I think the combat was really fun as well and felt very different.
[Redacted] 15 Apr, 2024 @ 10:20am 
I enjoyed it for what it was, but that isn't to say this game is within flaws. I wrote a honest review and I highlighted the game's shortcomings which really need attention.

It's an admirable AA attempt so hopefully the devs learn from this to improve with a sequel should they make one.
Coitadinho 21 Apr, 2024 @ 2:11pm 
A also would like to say Thank you to the developers, cause i played both main gamestory and dlc and i enjoyed both a lot.

I'm intenting to write a positive review of this game so my friends and other fellows can find out this cool game too. Its really good.
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