Outpost: Infinity Siege

Outpost: Infinity Siege

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Kaeista 23 Nov, 2024 @ 12:48am
can we please remove the split feature you forced on us?
i cant even play this anymore.. i know its a small things. i know i should just get us to it.. but i move my inventory around a lot to make room for things.. and i cant move anything now unless i split the stack... i have never split the stack on anything in this game. and now im forced to split the stack of EVERYTHING. i cant manage my inventory anymore. so now this game is dead until its fixed for me.. please for the love of this game remove the split stack feature.. it should be optional not mandatory. if i rate this game now its gonna be 1 star. also the 100 recovery achievement has anyone actually gotten that? i know i've done well over 100 recovery days.. and its still locked..
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Showing 1-13 of 13 comments
stanley37861 23 Nov, 2024 @ 5:42am 
how do you split a stack i have tried about every key and option? Been trying to split stacks of lock picks and after 5 minutes of trying i gave up. so how did you do it?
rditto48801 23 Nov, 2024 @ 4:57pm 
It sounds like you might be dealing with a bug/glitch of some sort.
Does this only occur in specific places, like when on a tour, or all the time, even when at base?
Does it affect moving items between inventories, or only when moving them around the same inventory?
Does it affect Shift-Click moving items between inventories?

I've run into item moving issues very rarely myself, of not being able to move items, unless I had the item nearly perfectly over the empty space I was moving it to..

One basic suggestion, since we had an update recently, is verify the integrity of your game files, in case something went wrong while updating.
It's a tip for any time a game starts acting odd, especially if it only starts happening after an update, is to verify the game files.

Originally posted by stanley37861:
how do you split a stack i have tried about every key and option? Been trying to split stacks of lock picks and after 5 minutes of trying i gave up. so how did you do it?
Hold Alt then click and drag the item stack to an empty slot, it will pop up a menu with a slide bar.
stanley37861 23 Nov, 2024 @ 5:42pm 
Originally posted by rditto48801:
It sounds like you might be dealing with a bug/glitch of some sort.
Does this only occur in specific places, like when on a tour, or all the time, even when at base?
Does it affect moving items between inventories, or only when moving them around the same inventory?
Does it affect Shift-Click moving items between inventories?

I've run into item moving issues very rarely myself, of not being able to move items, unless I had the item nearly perfectly over the empty space I was moving it to..

One basic suggestion, since we had an update recently, is verify the integrity of your game files, in case something went wrong while updating.
It's a tip for any time a game starts acting odd, especially if it only starts happening after an update, is to verify the game files.

Originally posted by stanley37861:
how do you split a stack i have tried about every key and option? Been trying to split stacks of lock picks and after 5 minutes of trying i gave up. so how did you do it?
Hold Alt then click and drag the item stack to an empty slot, it will pop up a menu with a slide bar.

i have seen the menu before i just havent been able to get it to come up. maybe i was just pressing the wrong button or at the wrong time or something. thank you for the information.
Kaeista 24 Nov, 2024 @ 9:12am 
Originally posted by stanley37861:
how do you split a stack i have tried about every key and option? Been trying to split stacks of lock picks and after 5 minutes of trying i gave up. so how did you do it?
left click and move it to another space. it now forces auto split with no way of doing it any other way XD at one point i had half my base in kanji and the other half in english XD for the longest time i had no idea what the healing station did XD but this new issue makes the game completely unplayable.
Kaeista 24 Nov, 2024 @ 9:16am 
Originally posted by rditto48801:
It sounds like you might be dealing with a bug/glitch of some sort.
Does this only occur in specific places, like when on a tour, or all the time, even when at base?
Does it affect moving items between inventories, or only when moving them around the same inventory?
Does it affect Shift-Click moving items between inventories?

I've run into item moving issues very rarely myself, of not being able to move items, unless I had the item nearly perfectly over the empty space I was moving it to..

One basic suggestion, since we had an update recently, is verify the integrity of your game files, in case something went wrong while updating.
It's a tip for any time a game starts acting odd, especially if it only starts happening after an update, is to verify the game files.

Originally posted by stanley37861:
how do you split a stack i have tried about every key and option? Been trying to split stacks of lock picks and after 5 minutes of trying i gave up. so how did you do it?
Hold Alt then click and drag the item stack to an empty slot, it will pop up a menu with a slide bar.
as for your question. if you have the inventory open it forces split... with everything. no matter what i clicked it forced the split.. my inventory is now filled with rounds that i cant get back together because it forces the split again.. so im done.. not toching the game for a long while after this.. maybe if i give them like 6months or a year they might actually make it playable.. no hate to the devs. they have been mostly awesome so far.. the concept of this game is freaking awesome.. just extremely poor exaction on their side.. almost every update it tends to become unplayable for about a month.. the half kanji half english bug i had was funny but it stayed from update to update. it only fixed itself on the update before this one. and it seems like everytime they fix one issue. they break another XD so ima take a break and see what happens after 6 months.. or till the next update i might try again.
rditto48801 24 Nov, 2024 @ 6:37pm 
Oh, then I misunderstood the exact issue.
If it is splitting items, just by dragging items, it should not do that, unless the Alt key is held down.
Which bares the question, if it does that to you without you holding down Alt, what happens if you try to move a stack while holding down Alt?

If anything, I guess we have 3 possible problems to check out.

#1: Go to Settings -> Ease of Access (win10)/Accessibility (win11) -> Keyboard . Look for the option called Sticky Keys. If that option is turned on, then turn it off, as it is a possible source of such issues as programs acting as if a certain key is 'always' being held down.

If that doesn't work or it's already turned off, then...
#2: Is one of your Alt keys stuck/sticking, or otherwise feels different when pressed down, compared to other keys? Either way, try the game with a different keyboard, if you have a spare one or if you know someone you can borrow one from, and see if that fixes the issue.

If trying with a different keyboard is not an available option, or the issue persists, then...
#3: Verify the Integrity of the Game Files.
If you don't know how to start that, then go to your Steam Library, right click on Outpost Infinity Siege on the list, select Properties, select Installed Files, and push/select the button/option marked "Verify integrity of game files", and let Steam do its thing.
Or just go with the 'nuke it from orbit' option, and just uninstall and reinstall the game in general.

(Edited to add something and fix the post a little bit.)
Last edited by rditto48801; 24 Nov, 2024 @ 6:47pm
Kaeista 26 Nov, 2024 @ 6:17am 
Originally posted by rditto48801:
Oh, then I misunderstood the exact issue.
If it is splitting items, just by dragging items, it should not do that, unless the Alt key is held down.
Which bares the question, if it does that to you without you holding down Alt, what happens if you try to move a stack while holding down Alt?

If anything, I guess we have 3 possible problems to check out.

#1: Go to Settings -> Ease of Access (win10)/Accessibility (win11) -> Keyboard . Look for the option called Sticky Keys. If that option is turned on, then turn it off, as it is a possible source of such issues as programs acting as if a certain key is 'always' being held down.

If that doesn't work or it's already turned off, then...
#2: Is one of your Alt keys stuck/sticking, or otherwise feels different when pressed down, compared to other keys? Either way, try the game with a different keyboard, if you have a spare one or if you know someone you can borrow one from, and see if that fixes the issue.

If trying with a different keyboard is not an available option, or the issue persists, then...
#3: Verify the Integrity of the Game Files.
If you don't know how to start that, then go to your Steam Library, right click on Outpost Infinity Siege on the list, select Properties, select Installed Files, and push/select the button/option marked "Verify integrity of game files", and let Steam do its thing.
Or just go with the 'nuke it from orbit' option, and just uninstall and reinstall the game in general.

(Edited to add something and fix the post a little bit.)

#!: sticky keys aren't on.

#2 i didn't even know the Alt key had a key binding to it XD i dont think splitting a stack in a game where your whole point is to collect as much crap as you can, should even be a thing. so thank you for showing me that trick because i had no idea XD

#3 this one... "nuke it from orbit" i have never laughed so hard in my life on hearing someone come up with a new term for whipping out a file XD that had me cracking up so bad.

#4 because i have to add my own thing into this.. i guess it was a bug or something that got either patched or was like a one day flu for the game. i just jumped back into it and moved things around, this time it didn't split anything till i hit the Alt key then it asked me to split the stack... so idk if they broke somemthing in the update ( IE when half my items turned to kanji writing instead of english ), that then fixed itself after i ran it twice or what... but it seems to be working just fine now.. hopefully it stays working find.. i only have one red piece of armor and i would love to find more.
rditto48801 26 Nov, 2024 @ 8:39am 
Good to hear the problem has apparently fixed itself.
There was an update about a week ago. So maybe that fixed it, or otherwise 'updated' what was previously a corrupt file?

IIRC, pressing (not holding) Alt key, is used when holding Q when viewing/changing your installed Xen when in the field, in order to change the 'format' of how it displays some things.

For stack splitting, it comes in handy for inventory management and can be just as handy as shift clicking.
Otherwise, as someone who has once turned the Recovery Day Evac Aircraft into a flying clown car for 6 Pack Mules, I can understand that sometimes, you just want to shove everything that isn't nailed down (including the entirety of the accessible woodlands), into whatever inventory space you can find, and that splitting stacks is the farthest thing from your mind. (and can lead to things like cramming Cargo Drones into every open nook and cranny you can find on your Outpost or otherwise building upper rear platforms 'just' for Cargo Dones, or otherwise lead to long periods of loitering by the Converters/Dismantlers... )
Random fun fact. If you got an Operative who has the Resource Manager -> Snatch Steal trait, you only need 84 trees, to make a full stack of Gold via the Dismantlers. Don't ask how/why I know that... *glances at an area where there used to be a small forest, just an hour before Operative Clifford was deployed to the area*
*glances at the part of the Warehouse that resembles a Lumber Supply Store*

I don't have red equipment yet
Which is a head scratcher for me, since red materials are no problem. In my last City run, I found quite a few red materials, including 3 Cruiser Cannon Barrels (which I can usually go several city runs without find any of those), but only found a few Orange equipment, even with a thing saying Heroic loot can drop.

About Nuking it from orbit.
It's an older term, from games or military type sci-fi or something.
Because Overkill is not enough. Or maybe overkill is not available and the orbital nuke is hopeful enough.
Goes well with two recent things I heard.
"Sir, enemy that direction!" "Remove that direction." "Yes sir! Removing that direction!"
"Soldier, do you see that enemy over there?" "Yes sir." "I don't want to." "Yes sir!"
Kaeista 1 Dec, 2024 @ 6:22am 
XD i didn't know for the longest time that you could cut down trees for the lumber.. i always just found some in the boxes... and you have issues finding cruiser cannons? i stopped grabbing them.. i have 2 fully upgraded cruiser guns ( i think they are rail guns now ) and about 20 barrels in my warehouse... so i just stopped grabbing them. same with a few other red parts... god i can use the mech cores and golfballs.... i have so many. and the update is what broke it XD but it fixed itself after a few days.. at least it wasn't like the kanji one.. that stayed that way for about a month before it adjusted... XD but i agree it should be more then a .000000000000000000000000000000000000001% chance of finding heroic items. or they need to make another area where its just that but the enemies are super hard to kill.
rditto48801 1 Dec, 2024 @ 7:57pm 
I do have at least a few Red XEN Morphs, like Gravity, so at least I am finding 'something' Red, as far as stuff my Operatives can make use of.

Now I just got to figure where to put my first Cruiser turret. The only good place, is where my lone Hellfire is at. Might use those new 'platform support' type parts, since it looks like the Cruiser turret can fit 'under' them if they are put on top of a wall, so I could have the Hellfire just 'above and behind' the Cruiser turret.

May have to just make a new Outpost layout and build up from scratch, but I am waiting to finish research on my latest Outpost upgrade. Although I'm doing a (now questioning my sanity) personal challenge of not doing the 'accelerate research' thing unless it's just for a few days left, so the later Outpost upgrades are turning into 'slowly and repeatedly head desk' situation.

Next step when I boot up the game again, I need to do more loot runs. For stuff like Xenium Soil, and one other Red item whose name I forget right now (Matter Reconstructor or something, tall skinny with slightly wider top part, looks sort of like a sword handle...)
Plus for research to complete.

My Outpost doesn't fare to well against Crius in past encounters (came back with more of an Outpost 5-1/2 after my previous encounter with Crius), so I mainly just recover stuff with Cargo Drones, unless I find a Risk that makes it worth recovery stuff normally. I ended up finding a Risk that doubles all Reds/Oranges, so started to recover those also, and that 3 Cruiser barrels became 6. Had to stuff a few Red/Orange items in Backpack to avoid a boss fight on Recovery Day. Didn't want to risk Crius showing up, with a few to many Risk buffs in place, and wreck everything.
Jahon 3 Dec, 2024 @ 8:37am 
Originally posted by rditto48801:
My Outpost doesn't fare to well against Crius in past encounters (came back with more of an Outpost 5-1/2 after my previous encounter with Crius), so I mainly just recover stuff with Cargo Drones, unless I find a Risk that makes it worth recovery stuff normally. I ended up finding a Risk that doubles all Reds/Oranges, so started to recover those also, and that 3 Cruiser barrels became 6. Had to stuff a few Red/Orange items in Backpack to avoid a boss fight on Recovery Day. Didn't want to risk Crius showing up, with a few to many Risk buffs in place, and wreck everything.

OUtpost 5-1/2 indeed. :) Snow 4 has been brutal for me. I really need to use my cargo drone more (or at all). I have one at the back of my base next to the 2 guardian makers, but have never used it. :steamfacepalm:
stanley37861 3 Dec, 2024 @ 11:21am 
Originally posted by Jahon:
Originally posted by rditto48801:
My Outpost doesn't fare to well against Crius in past encounters (came back with more of an Outpost 5-1/2 after my previous encounter with Crius), so I mainly just recover stuff with Cargo Drones, unless I find a Risk that makes it worth recovery stuff normally. I ended up finding a Risk that doubles all Reds/Oranges, so started to recover those also, and that 3 Cruiser barrels became 6. Had to stuff a few Red/Orange items in Backpack to avoid a boss fight on Recovery Day. Didn't want to risk Crius showing up, with a few to many Risk buffs in place, and wreck everything.

OUtpost 5-1/2 indeed. :) Snow 4 has been brutal for me. I really need to use my cargo drone more (or at all). I have one at the back of my base next to the 2 guardian makers, but have never used it. :steamfacepalm:

If you need help just set your game to public and have some people join you. I normally run snow a few extra times to get extra weapons before moving into city. City is when things really start to get hard. I have ran this game so many times and I still lose some times on city 1 and 2. If you are getting alot of good loot good chance you will not get to keep it. keep that inmind.
Kaeista 4 Dec, 2024 @ 6:50am 
Originally posted by stanley37861:
Originally posted by Jahon:

OUtpost 5-1/2 indeed. :) Snow 4 has been brutal for me. I really need to use my cargo drone more (or at all). I have one at the back of my base next to the 2 guardian makers, but have never used it. :steamfacepalm:

If you need help just set your game to public and have some people join you. I normally run snow a few extra times to get extra weapons before moving into city. City is when things really start to get hard. I have ran this game so many times and I still lose some times on city 1 and 2. If you are getting alot of good loot good chance you will not get to keep it. keep that inmind.

i wish i could show yall my set up. i kill crius in about .5 seconds.. he doesn't even get an attack on me.. i have both my cruiser cannons sitting over my Knight? mech.. i forgot what its called... but the cannons sit above them using a combo of pillars and normal walls.. and i have nothing but CIS turrets and now 2 Hellfires sitting on the top. and everything is hooked up to auto loaders. when the recovery day comes i just sit on the main platform and watch in command mode XD the Mechs are hard to drive with keyboard and trackball mouse. so i just order them around if something goes wrong... if i get bored i end up making a bunch of ice drones and order them to slowly move forward slowing them down so the main guns and rip in more. i kinda like playing starcraft XD

also forgot to mention ive already finished all the research and "beat the game" well the story anyways..
Last edited by Kaeista; 4 Dec, 2024 @ 6:50am
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