Outpost: Infinity Siege

Outpost: Infinity Siege

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My thoughts / Review
In short, the game is fun, and I enjoyed my time playing it. 19.2 hours in, I am almost at the final zone - The City, and from what I've seen in the screenshots of other people, I maybe have about 40%-50% of the content unlocked. However, there are many fundamental issues with the game, and the grind is becoming more of a chore at this point and no longer engaging. The reason is that the Risk vs Reward payoffs are becoming less and less as time goes on. I'm having to spend an hour or so with each run with the possibility of losing it all. I could of course take less items back to me to lessen the amount of waves I fight, but then it becomes a payoff of Time over Progress.

Very rarely do I go through the trouble of making these long detailed reviews, but I think this game has an *unprecedented* amount of potential here thats left on the table, and would like to bring to light some of the flaws and design decisions that are holding this game back.

The gameplay loop is fun and engaging for the majority of the game, but gets stale quick as you are constantly trying to play Risk vs. Reward on hundreds/thousands of materials to expand your base to take on higher challenges. The "Tarkov" style looting is fun, yet held back by an extensive lack of variety in maps / POI. The route-based "Pacific Drive" enounter system adds a bit of flair to the exploration side of the game, but I feel there are too many punishments for actually *USING* your hard-earned base which eventually will run your resources dry before Recovery Day.


Weapons can be customized with different effects and abilities, which make them versatile and fun to use, but I argue the level of customization is lackluster and in the end it likely forces players to utilize high ROF / damage later on due to the sheer volume of enemies in the later stages of the game.

  • Buffs can be swapped out on the fly during deployment
  • Handling is exelent. Recoil and "feel" is on point.
  • Customization of different parts can alter the behaviour of the weapons, like a 3-shot barrel, or grenade launcher under-barrel.

  • Not much variety in terms of "Cores". Ive found a Rapid Fire, Marksman, Fast Reload, and Damage core so far. The effects of which do not seem to do *anything* other than flavor text. The Rapid Fire core says its got some sort of accellerator on it to increase the ROF, yet Spray (the "fast" weapon skill) still has a 0.3 second cooldown between shots. The highest increase in Ammo I have found was 45 on a Legendary gun, which is next to nothing considering the average cost for the skills is around 10-15 ammo per shot. The cheapest I could get Spray down to was 6 ammo per shot. That means the most I can get is an extra 7 shots in my magazine... Whoop-de-do.
  • Adding to the above point, there is not enough variety in terms of "Style" of FPS play. Ive found 2 types of skills that essentially turn the gun into a close range shotgun, but the range before the projectiles disappear is way too short to be useful on anything other than Exploration. There is nothing that would allow me to have an insane magazine size to fit something like a Machine Gun / SMG. The Marksman core is supposed to be your "Sniper" but I just took the skill off of it, and threw it on a Rapid Fire with a Heavy Barrel and it behaved exactly the same.
  • The parts and benefit variety is extremely shallow. The only thing it seems to serve is damage / crit boosts, and some extra utility, like the previously mentioned 3 shot barrel, grenade launcher, and scopes that have thermal. I have yet to see any sort of bonus on it other than Damage related buffs. Give me some bonuses to the ammo capacity, or the rate of fire, or a cooldown reduction on my skills.
  • Every weapon has a base "ammo" of 180 per magazine. I highly enjoy the idea of different guns taking different amounts of ammo in order to fire, but give us a way to mitigate this issue other than using the Core that gives us a tiny bit of extra ammo. Maybe introduce a Magazine weapon part?
  • The design philosophy of the TDS modes do not encourage any sort of high damage / low ROF weapon combinations as the sheer amount of enemies will overwhelm you unless you are HEAVILY reliant on the TDS side of things, which we will get into the issues with it later.

Tour Mode / Exploration
The environments look pretty, but the maps are extremely small and same-y. The variety of POIs for each map are very minimal - less than a dozen different structures. If the map is procedurally generated, perhaps using some sort of tile-set fabrication of some of these POIs would have sprinkled a bit of variety to it. Once you see the current POIs and learn their loot locations, it becomes very monotonous and the "exploration" honey-moon phase dies off almost immediately. Combined with the fact that the most I've seen on these tiny maps is about 5 POIs, you can run through them in less than 10 mins or so for each map.

... There is not much I can say that is positive about the maps.

The Tour mode on the other hand is a decent substitute for the lack of large open-world maps. The problem I often run into is I am being penalized too greatly for *USING* features of my base rather than trying to save everything for Recovery Day.

The last thing I want to note is that I dont think I have *EVER* found a Core Weapon / Nanochip / etc. when it was listed as a "High Loot" probablity. I dont know what the numbers mean, but I even had a "2" on the guns and never found any.

  • "Choose Your Adventure" style route system for what you want to focus on in regards to materials / equipment

  • Maps are very small. You can strip them bare in about 10 mins or so, but as this is also how you "save" after a raid, it makes each mission piecemeal and easy to put down if you have your toddler pulling on your pants leg begging for attention.
  • Base can auto-harvest Building Materials for free, but the rate is *rediculously* slow, and depenedant on your X-Field size, which is barely enough to cover a few resources. On average, youre likely going to get only about 100 materials at most on average in the early game.

  • Penalties for using your base during exploration are *INSANE*.
  • Benefits of harvesting scrap materials like wrecks and trees are not worth it until you have *multiple* power cores to convert 150 material into 15 Energy.
  • Power requirements on many of the abilitys should be removed. Scanning the map takes 5 energy for a quick 10 second reveal of the items within a certain distance of your tower. To get this for "free" you would need to find and harvest a Huge Wreck for 300 Building Materials which in and of iteself costs 25 Power. This nets you 30 Power after using the Tower to convert it, leaving you with a net positive of 5 Power, which you can now use to scan the map. This constant need for conversion is not only anoyying to have to do, but also frustrating due to the long cooldowns on these features.
  • Another example would be Ammo Boxes and the Drone. Ammo Boxes take 100 Building Material, which early on is huge. The exchange rate for Energy / Ammo would be 3 Boxes (3000 "Ammo") for 25 Energy. Drones take 30 energy in order to deliver items *direcly* to your base and avoid the need for recovery. This cost is at - and sometimes double - the cost of traversing to an entirely different zone.
  • This brings us to the final point: There is no net-positive way to restore energy other than converting materials from your tower / power cores. The trade off is so minimal, it is almost not worth it having to wait for the cooldowns for a net positive of 5 Energy. The only mitigation to this is to spam the aboslute HELL out of batteries onto your basee, which gives you a higher cap of 5 energy per battery - but this assumes youve found the ingredients to craft them in the first place, meaning this problem will only mitigate itself over the long run, and there is no short term solution early game.
  • "High Loot" is not a garuntee - and from my experiance is more an indication that it WONT spawn. This makes targeted looting / raids almost completely pointless. You're better off just rolling the dice for RNGeesus.
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Showing 1-15 of 26 comments
Command Mode
Perhaps it is just my playstyle where I prefer to be fighting on the front lines, but I think Ive only ever used this mode MAYBE 3 times in the entirety of the near 20 hours of me playing - and one of them was forced for the story mission. The only time I ever go into this mode is to remotely convert resources to power. It wasnt until about 3/4ths of the way into the story did I even get ACCESS to the ability to create troops, but I never have enough resources to make a small army of Guardians to even warrant this mode, as most of it is spent on turret ammo or converting to power so I can keep playing.

This is probablly *THE* most underwhelming and half-baked feature in the game

  • There are no pros.

  • The UI is a NIGHTMARE to navigate. There is no QOL features like hotkeys to select troops, facilities, etc. The only hotkeys you get are *after* you have already selected something. This wants to mimic RTS-style games, but lacks about every single basic feature in one. The only exception is command groups with Control + a number to assign them to that group.
  • Reiterating the lack of hotkeys, In order to convert materials, I have to scroll to my tower and click it, or click the Tower button at the bottom right, then click the convert. Why cant we just have a hotkey to select the tower, or power converters, or ammo converters...
  • Mode has a minimap, but does not allow you to click on it to move in traditional RTS manners. The only quick-look feature is snapping to your tower, but as I am on the frontlines, and there is not a button to snap to ME - THE PLAYER - I have to move the camera to find me each and every time I want to look at the towers / artillery near my current frontline.
  • AI / Pathfinding is a joke - I barely even try. They get stuck on EVERYTHING. I made the mistake of putting the Guardian fabricator inside my base to protect it, and they cant even navigate out the door without me meticulously pointing them through it.
  • On recovery day, I find the amount of troops so insane that I cannot even take time away to UTILIZE the command mode to call in artillery, mines, etc. I just set them to Auto-fire and forget about them. Even with Bullet Time enabled, I feel its not enough to manage the handfull of guardians in traditional RTS-style gameplay where Im telling them to attack specific targets. My damage output as the player is substantially greater than the output of a handfull of guardians, so I dont bother.

Story & Characters
Big Machine go BRRRRRR. Scary AI kills mankind and forces them to hide from some sort of super huge stompy thing.

I tried to stay engaged with the story but its so bland and cliche I genuinely barely remember anything about it other than a bunch of people called the Envoy worship this new machine god-thing as a means of survival. You fight them to survive.

The AI-Generated voice acting is atrocious, and not only do the subtitles not match what they are saying, but nor does their lipsynching. The emotions / tones of voice often dont match the context of whats going on, and some of the characters are downright hate-able due to the poor voices that were chosen for them. MGT for example seems like a pretty chill dude, but the voices come out as stand-offish and the condecending tones in their voice just make them sounds like a total ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. At one point you save someone they care about and someone makes the remark that they are trying to say "Thank you". MGT responds with the most agressive and offensive "SHUT UP!". Its obviousl from the context of the conversation that this was likely meant to be more of a playful / teasing response, but no... The AI generated voice just makes him sound like a complete and ungreateful ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.

The constant back-and-forth between NPCs for a few one-liners as a means of progressing the story got tiring quick, making me run to the other side of the base to click a button, or research a free instant research just as a means of getting me to interact with that character. Do better.

Base Management
Recruitment of your characters is a neccesary part of the experiance, since when they die, theyre gone. However this was probably the MOST under-explained part of the game, and if it wasnt for small snippets in the menus I would have never figured it out. The whole Operator vs Local Operator thing was confusing, and it never explained to me in the tutorial segment that I had to go on tour with them atleast once in some hidden menu in the character select screen to *actually* become a part of my squad. Only THEN can you assign them to parts of your base, send them on missions, etc.

Skills for these RNG chracters were.... lackluster. I would have liked to see more combinations of these skills, but for now they appear to be entirely static. In short I've only seen 3 types of characters:
  • Infinite Ammo/ Skill Cooldown
  • Rocket Launcher / Decoy
  • Shield / Sword (Think Genji from Overwatch wher you deflect bullets)

Eventually you progress into the story enough to unlock modification of your XEN guns and the ability to transmute your XEN boots into other XEN boosts if you dont like them. A Neat idea, but I would like this to extend directly to manufacture / modification of the weapons and its parts too. Maybe I like that its got 4 Skill slots, but I hate the fact that its a +450 Attack... What if I wanted to convert it to a +50 Mag Size instead, or vice versa?

There are not really any Pros / Cons worth mentioning here. Most of it is just a means of associating a location with some sort of utility.

Base Building
This is obviously the strongest part of the game, as its the main focus. Building my base was a blast, but throughout my game, I was continously hit with features/mechanics that were poorly explained, or not at all. Some of it was likely due to poor translations and some of it seemd just completely forgotten about. A good example of this would be the power converter which can turn items into energy. The Option text is "Dismantle" which I thought meant it would dismantle the actual power converter, so I never clicked it. It wasnt until multiple hours in that I did it by accident and saw the UI and the big lightbulb went off.

  • Fun and *mostly* intuitive mechanics around base building. Stability gives me problems at times for no apparent reason. I could have a floor tile supported by 4 walls under it on each side, yet the game tells me I have no support.
  • Ability to save templates for different building styles... HUGE plus when I want to experiment and dont want to have to remember how my base was beforehand.

  • Some of the "upgraded" variants seem to be missing - like better batteries. I see the upgraded material storage, but nothing for power.
  • Lack of "storage" between tours. Would be great if I could pre-fill my autoloaders with ammo, or if they saved their contents between tours. This would greatly alleviate material costs for setting up base / prepare for Recovery Day
  • Auto-harvesting of resources does not scale based on capacity, meaning it might takes 10-20 minutes to harvest resources when your X-Field size is larger. Ive seen many other people complain about this too.
  • Auto-harvesting does not seem to STOP harvesting when storage is full, wasting the materials.

Final Thoughts
At the end of the day, I find the game fun, but it is slowly starting to get to the point where Im going to have to stop playing. The early game was a blast, and I loved every second of it. The Tower Defense / RTS modes I felt got underutilized in my gameplay and I almost never used it unless I was forced to. The story is not very memorable and generic, the AI on all accounts are dumb as a rock, the combat was fun but the numbers in later game seem to encourage high ROF / multi-hit weapon configurations which severely hinder survivability in terms of strategy. The material and power system seems too punishing to use your base which you worked hard to upgrade and actively penalizes you with less loot. Auto-looting seems to only give you a fraction of what you could find manually and costs extra power, but saves you time which is a nice tradeoff.

I think the game has a solid foundation to build on, but from what Ive seen in the responses so far its been due to budget constraints that these mechanics werent further fleshed out / fully implemented. Variety is the spice of life and this game has almost NO variety in terms of anything. I would have liked to see more variety in terms of weapon parts and abilities - Having every gun have 180 Ammo is pretty bland, and often means I am reloading every few seconds trying to shoot the enemies. I would have liked to see more options to build upon the gun stats other than just Attack, Crit Bonus, and Crit Chance. I would also loved to see better utility options for the base instead of just turrets and ammo. Perhaps harvester drones that can get resources outside the X-Field, or portable miners like you see in Recovery Day? Just give me SOMETHING else to do in Exploration days other than just rush the POIs and extract.

I can look past the poor character design, ♥♥♥♥♥♥ AI-generated voices, horrible story, and dated graphics, but I am sure most of the "newer generation" people here cannot.
Last edited by SeveredSkullz; 4 Apr @ 10:55am
That’s a lot to read and I’ll probably read the rest when I’m not at work.

But your entire segment on the guns just falls apart when… there’s a drum mag core gun.

Also your test with the rapid core gun was to take a fast firing xen and see how much faster it gets? Generally speed up fire rates is percentile in any game. So it’s completely trash and does nothing on rapid fire options. And seeing as some xen have 60 second timers… there’s more apparent uses for it. It’s not supposed to be used for fast firing. Also different higher rarity core guns just innately have more ammo. My purple rapid core gun with no ammo mods has 280. So at 10 cost that’s 28 rounds. Which to be fair I mostly use a 15 round firing option and a 173 round firing option. (Yeah those exist) it really sounds like you just haven’t found much yet. Also you mention how there’s 2 shotgun options then complain how there’s no ranged stuff. What about beam, piercing shot, heavy shot, missile, smite, etc there’s like 80 something xens for firing type alone.

You also complain that a thermal sight doesn’t do much… well it adds a thermal site that’s fairly effective in heavy weather which is nice. While also not giving much less stats than things without additional effects like smart sight or shield sight.

Underbarrels have bayonets, grenade launchers, functional bipods, laser pointers (the laser range for aiming is kinda anemic though) and at least 4 types of stocks. Then you 3 different barrels that all change how your gun fires.

Now we get down to the core guns, standard which later on keeps a damage buff, rapid which fires faster, marksmen which I don’t remember the effect, engineer which uses mend and loader xens better, support which uses support xens better, drum mag for extra ammo, Cavalry which reload faster while sprinting. And that’s just off memory.

So your complaints for the core gun largely seems like what you’ve seen in maybe a couple hours? Which is fair if that’s what it is. But yeah the system is extremely large. And this is ignoring how you can take turret guns and fire those by hand if you want. Or you can pilot mechs for fps content.
There are more than 3 barrel types. Standard, Heavy, Double Tap, Scattershot (3 shots instead of 2, doesn't actually become a shotgun), and a railgun type that charges up to do more damage once charged. Haven't used the railgun type so I don't know the full mechanics on it.

There is just a lot to this game. For the Risk vs Reward, the answer is simple. Farm up the previous levels where you can clear no issue to get more materials to build up your base to handle the harder levels.
Edit: Got a better understanding of the mechanics. Will hop in later. :)
Last edited by ThatGuyKhi; 4 Apr @ 2:33pm
Originally posted by FearParable:
There are more than 3 barrel types. Standard, Heavy, Double Tap, Scattershot (3 shots instead of 2, doesn't actually become a shotgun), and a railgun type that charges up to do more damage once charged. Haven't used the railgun type so I don't know the full mechanics on it.

There is just a lot to this game. For the Risk vs Reward, the answer is simple. Farm up the previous levels where you can clear no issue to get more materials to build up your base to handle the harder levels.

Oh sorry I meant there’s 3 that completely changed how you fire, double tap, scatter, and railgun.

But yeah there are more.
Originally posted by ThatGuyKhi:
As someone on the fence, this was very helpful. I'd enjoy the TD aspects but get severely annoyed from the other gameplay choices, especially Tour Mode.

Tour mode If wanted outside of trying to get blue prints can be completed using “instant explore” which costs more power to do but instantly gives you a (small) pool of loot from that area. So you can only run recovery days if you want or only explore the big nodes and recovery day etc.

It is a lot harder to use instant loot and get rarer resources but you can also do a lot more runs a lot faster to make up for that. Which will also cycle the store more often so you can find what you need and buy it more often to replace what you aren’t getting.
Originally posted by StellarSkys:
TSo your complaints for the core gun largely seems like what you’ve seen in maybe a couple hours?
"Complaints" is too harsh of a word here. Its just simple criticism. And I wouldn't call 20 hours a "handfull" That's more hours than most would spend on a game.

Also different higher rarity core guns just innately have more ammo. My purple rapid core gun with no ammo mods has 280. So at 10 cost that’s 28 rounds.
Ive got 3 Oranges with extended mag size and none of them go over 45. Either Im just getting bad rolls, or you got a god roll. And by "mods" I am assuming you mean Xen Boosts, and not the primary/secondary rolls on the weapon stats

As for the attachments - The focus was not on the utility feature - its about the buffs / bonuses. Either they dont exist, or I simply havent found them yet, but I have not found a single attachment in the 40+ or so that I have still sitting in my inventory that does not give you bonuses to anything other than Attack, Crit Chance, or Crit Damage. Im aware the Thermal actually works, the grenade launcher actually works, the bipod and long range scope works, etc. Thats not the issue.

Also your test with the rapid core gun was to take a fast firing xen and see how much faster it gets? Generally speed up fire rates is percentile in any game. So it’s completely trash and does nothing on rapid fire options.
Which I guess comes down to poor description / flavor text. Yes, I would expect the ROF to increase on faster firing Xen just as much. 0.3 rounds a second is still extremely slow in terms of SMG / Machine gun standards, and so far Spray is THE fastest Xen Morph I have.
Originally posted by FearParable:
There are more than 3 barrel types. Standard, Heavy, Double Tap, Scattershot (3 shots instead of 2, doesn't actually become a shotgun), and a railgun type that charges up to do more damage once charged. Haven't used the railgun type so I don't know the full mechanics on it.

There is just a lot to this game. For the Risk vs Reward, the answer is simple. Farm up the previous levels where you can clear no issue to get more materials to build up your base to handle the harder levels.
Where did I say in any portion of my post that there were only 3 barrel types? I literally listed 4 of them as examples in my post.
Originally posted by SeveredSkullz:
Originally posted by StellarSkys:
TSo your complaints for the core gun largely seems like what you’ve seen in maybe a couple hours?
"Complaints" is too harsh of a word here. Its just simple criticism. And I wouldn't call 20 hours a "handfull" That's more hours than most would spend on a game.

Also different higher rarity core guns just innately have more ammo. My purple rapid core gun with no ammo mods has 280. So at 10 cost that’s 28 rounds.
Ive got 3 Oranges with extended mag size and none of them go over 45. Either Im just getting bad rolls, or you got a god roll. And by "mods" I am assuming you mean Xen Boosts, and not the primary/secondary rolls on the weapon stats

As for the attachments - The focus was not on the utility feature - its about the buffs / bonuses. Either they dont exist, or I simply havent found them yet, but I have not found a single attachment in the 40+ or so that I have still sitting in my inventory that does not give you bonuses to anything other than Attack, Crit Chance, or Crit Damage. Im aware the Thermal actually works, the grenade launcher actually works, the bipod and long range scope works, etc. Thats not the issue.

Also your test with the rapid core gun was to take a fast firing xen and see how much faster it gets? Generally speed up fire rates is percentile in any game. So it’s completely trash and does nothing on rapid fire options.
Which I guess comes down to poor description / flavor text. Yes, I would expect the ROF to increase on faster firing Xen just as much. 0.3 rounds a second is still extremely slow in terms of SMG / Machine gun standards, and so far Spray is THE fastest Xen Morph I have.

Yeah I think you might be taking me calling them complaints, harder than I mean it.

But yeah by mods. I meant. No rolls no xens no nothing. It’s 280 stock. The modifiers are for damage largely and some crit.

There are only like 4 stats that matter for the gun specifically. Damage, crit chance, crit damage, magazine size. Would be weird if your gun barrel gave you more armor. Not sure what else could fit here unless you want like sights to make bullets travel farther. But that’s what xen system is for. Adding stats like that would overlap with the xen injections.

Yeah pretty much every game does fire rate modifiers by percentile. So 5% faster firing on .3 seconds isn’t even going to be shown on the number.

But 5% on 20 seconds or even 60 seconds will be very notable.

Games do exist that have flat speed ups. But they are rare.

Faster fire rate xen I can think of is light coupled with double barrel. Before xens to speed up.

Also the 3 barrel comment from the next poster was to me because I phrased something weird.

I am kinda amazed you have orange rarity gear and 20 hours playing but haven’t seen much variety yet. Would be interesting to look into. If you’ve gotten a lot of it from infinity seige it might have higher rates for items you’ve seen before. So it doesn’t drop new types often or something.
Last edited by StellarSkys; 4 Apr @ 11:47am
Originally posted by StellarSkys:
Yeah I think you might be taking me calling them complaints, harder than I mean it.

But yeah by mods. I meant. No rolls no xens no nothing. It’s 280 stock. The modifiers are for damage largely and some crit.

There are only like 4 stats that matter for the gun specifically. Damage, crit chance, crit damage, magazine size. Would be weird if your gun barrel gave you more armor. Not sure what else could fit here unless you want like sights to make bullets travel farther. But that’s what xen system is for. Adding stats like that would overlap with the xen injections.

Yeah pretty much every game does fire rate modifiers by percentile. So 5% faster firing on .3 seconds isn’t even going to be shown on the number.

But 5% on 20 seconds or even 60 seconds will be very notable.

Games do exist that have flat speed ups. But they are rare.

Faster fire rate xen I can think of is light coupled with double barrel. Before xens to speed up.

Also the 3 barrel comment from the next poster was to me because I phrased something weird.

Gotcha. He didnt Reply to you so I thought it was directed at me for some reason.

And yeah, that would be a good addition - extending the bullet drop range. Accuracy, Recoil, Rate of Fire / cooldown reduction, and spread are a few stats off the top of my head. Could even have some that reduce the cost of the ammo like the Xen's do.

Barrels giving you armor wouldnt be that much of a stretch considering ive got a sight that projects a forward facing shield when I am aiming down my sight - on that note I think its pretty much already covered with this shield.

I am super happy there is a Drum Mag Core though - Im looking forward to finding one. I still dont think it will come close to giving me a full "Belt Fed MG" style gun with 100+ rounds in the mag, but its atleast better than 20 shots I have so far.
Originally posted by SeveredSkullz:
Originally posted by StellarSkys:
Yeah I think you might be taking me calling them complaints, harder than I mean it.

But yeah by mods. I meant. No rolls no xens no nothing. It’s 280 stock. The modifiers are for damage largely and some crit.

There are only like 4 stats that matter for the gun specifically. Damage, crit chance, crit damage, magazine size. Would be weird if your gun barrel gave you more armor. Not sure what else could fit here unless you want like sights to make bullets travel farther. But that’s what xen system is for. Adding stats like that would overlap with the xen injections.

Yeah pretty much every game does fire rate modifiers by percentile. So 5% faster firing on .3 seconds isn’t even going to be shown on the number.

But 5% on 20 seconds or even 60 seconds will be very notable.

Games do exist that have flat speed ups. But they are rare.

Faster fire rate xen I can think of is light coupled with double barrel. Before xens to speed up.

Also the 3 barrel comment from the next poster was to me because I phrased something weird.

Gotcha. He didnt Reply to you so I thought it was directed at me for some reason.

And yeah, that would be a good addition - extending the bullet drop range. Accuracy, Recoil, Rate of Fire / cooldown reduction, and spread are a few stats off the top of my head. Could even have some that reduce the cost of the ammo like the Xen's do.

Barrels giving you armor wouldnt be that much of a stretch considering ive got a sight that projects a forward facing shield when I am aiming down my sight - on that note I think its pretty much already covered with this shield.

I am super happy there is a Drum Mag Core though - Im looking forward to finding one. I still dont think it will come close to giving me a full "Belt Fed MG" style gun with 100+ rounds in the mag, but its atleast better than 20 shots I have so far.

I mean I was trying to say I don’t think adding the stats xen modify to weapon slots is a good idea. Because then why bother with the xen? Why have 2 systems in game that largely do the same thing? I think the stats on gun parts are more for making the parts not seem bad. But parts are largely for making the gun feel now you want it to feel. Then xen make it actually shoot and what it shoots.

Like sure sights have attack, crit, and crit damage. But I think that’s there largely to just exist and make loot seem better. And to make like purple better than blue. But in reality you use the sight you want because you like that sight. Also the crit stats are likely partly there to show precision over raw damage.

That’s how I see it at least.

I think maybe and possibly not. You want gun parts to work how they kinda work in like any other game or in like survival games. Where as this game is trying to do something different by using 2 different systems interacting with each other.
Last edited by StellarSkys; 4 Apr @ 12:00pm
Originally posted by StellarSkys:
Originally posted by ThatGuyKhi:
As someone on the fence, this was very helpful. I'd enjoy the TD aspects but get severely annoyed from the other gameplay choices, especially Tour Mode.

Tour mode If wanted outside of trying to get blue prints can be completed using “instant explore” which costs more power to do but instantly gives you a (small) pool of loot from that area. So you can only run recovery days if you want or only explore the big nodes and recovery day etc.

It is a lot harder to use instant loot and get rarer resources but you can also do a lot more runs a lot faster to make up for that. Which will also cycle the store more often so you can find what you need and buy it more often to replace what you aren’t getting.
So in a way, one just gets stronger at a slower pace by utilizing Instant Loot? If so, I'm cool with that.
And are the big nodes where the blueprints are?
Originally posted by StellarSkys:
I think maybe and possibly not. You want gun parts to work how they kinda work in like any other game or in like survival games. Where as this game is trying to do something different by using 2 different systems interacting with each other.

I think this is kinda the "nail on the head" I would have expected the parts to more directly modify the "feel" of the weapon in terms of its raw stats and thinking of the Xen stuff as boosts / enhancements on top of the gun's base stats. With traditional weapons, a heavy / longer barrel would typically mean more damage, but here, thats not the case. You'd need to upgrade / switch your Xen Morph to something more powerful to achieve that effect.
Originally posted by ThatGuyKhi:
Originally posted by StellarSkys:

Tour mode If wanted outside of trying to get blue prints can be completed using “instant explore” which costs more power to do but instantly gives you a (small) pool of loot from that area. So you can only run recovery days if you want or only explore the big nodes and recovery day etc.

It is a lot harder to use instant loot and get rarer resources but you can also do a lot more runs a lot faster to make up for that. Which will also cycle the store more often so you can find what you need and buy it more often to replace what you aren’t getting.
So in a way, one just gets stronger at a slower pace by utilizing Instant Loot? If so, I'm cool with that.
And are the big nodes where the blueprints are?
Exactly. Its a trade off of time vs loot. Youll get less loot, but you dont have to spend the 10+ minutes manually searching each node for it.
StellarSkys 4 Apr @ 12:11pm 
Originally posted by ThatGuyKhi:
Originally posted by StellarSkys:

Tour mode If wanted outside of trying to get blue prints can be completed using “instant explore” which costs more power to do but instantly gives you a (small) pool of loot from that area. So you can only run recovery days if you want or only explore the big nodes and recovery day etc.

It is a lot harder to use instant loot and get rarer resources but you can also do a lot more runs a lot faster to make up for that. Which will also cycle the store more often so you can find what you need and buy it more often to replace what you aren’t getting.
So in a way, one just gets stronger at a slower pace by utilizing Instant Loot? If so, I'm cool with that.
And are the big nodes where the blueprints are?

Most of the blueprints. But not all of them. Big nodes just hold more everything and drop higher tier stuff.
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Date Posted: 4 Apr @ 10:54am
Posts: 26