Perfect Heist 2
Light Config in Level Editor
How do you use the light config? When I use it, it just doesn't exist when I playtest. Is there a way to make the light config usable?
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yeswecamp_DEV  [Fejlesztő] 2024. jún. 14., 5:05 

I found a few issues related to loading in the "Light Config" object that caused this problem! They are now fixed, those fixes will be included in the next update, everything should work as expected then, sorry for the inconvenience!
yeswecamp_DEV eredeti hozzászólása:

I found a few issues related to loading in the "Light Config" object that caused this problem! They are now fixed, those fixes will be included in the next update, everything should work as expected then, sorry for the inconvenience!

What about the still persistent issues like updates sin the values not displaying immediately? Sliders being way too off (sometimes 1.0 is too much and you're still able to go up to 1000 - brightness....). Sun Y cords being completely useless?
I doubt this is expected behaviour or is it?
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