Esse Proxy

Esse Proxy

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21 Dec, 2022 @ 5:17pm
Esse Proxy V 2.0.0 - New free content update
New major free update for Esse Proxy

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Showing 1-12 of 12 comments
Marauder Shields 21 Dec, 2022 @ 5:37pm 
Why add Epic Online Services to a single-player only game?
Yeah I wont sign up to Epic if that's now required.
fromsouthgames  [developer] 22 Dec, 2022 @ 10:53am 
The game should not ask to sign in to Epic's online service. We are trying to reproduce the issue to fix it.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Fingolfin  [developer] 22 Dec, 2022 @ 11:58am 
Hi! Developer here. We aren't able to reproduce this issue. If someone else has the same problem and is willing to share with us a screenshot of the prompt requesting epic online services or more information we will be really grateful.

We will keep track of this issue very closely to see what else we can get to fix it.

Sorry for the troubles.

OrochiTabris 22 Dec, 2022 @ 9:27pm 
The difficulty settings are a nice addition. I'm playing on a deck, and it felt like I had barely enough time to aim. I ended up putting the crosshair in their direction and just running it into them, though even that wasn't reliable since they were still quite fast (and doing it around corners was hard). Had to start over to slow the AI down a bit, probably could be adjustable in-game (restarting multiple times to figure out what feels best is kinda meh).

Another thing making it difficult was how I was trying to eyeball the bullet's trajectory, between my gun and the crosshair. This isn't really a problem with keyboard/mouse because the crosshair can be moved quickly and freely all over the screen, and placed directly on a target while moving separately. Much easier to feel out where shots will go. Could an optional targeting line (effectively a laser sight) be offered? Maybe semi-transparent, so it's visible but there isn't just a solid line cutting across.

An unrelated suggestion, it would be helpful if instead of warning about overlapping keys/buttons, the keys/buttons involved were swapped. It's awkward trying to rebind controls like this, especially with a deck/gamepad since there aren't many extra things to temporarily bind to avoid that. Swapping would be better, or even letting them overlap but displaying overlaps in red (along with the warning) until they're fixed.

Additionally, it might be useful to offer a "clear all bindings" button, so everything can be set from a blank slate (which can make it easier to memorize).

Possible bug (unless the directional pad is disabled intentionally), the controls stop working when in the gamepad binding menu. They worked initially, but now, at least when in-game, I have to tap on the bindings to change them, and tap on aim sensitivity and the accept/reset buttons.

Also weird bug, when rebinding gamepad controls, the button descriptions temporarily become much longer. "RT" becomes "Gamepad Right Trigger," and "X" becomes "Gamepad Face Button Left." They return to their proper descriptions when the settings are accepted, and they work fine in-game. Just weird.
Last edited by OrochiTabris; 22 Dec, 2022 @ 9:36pm
Fingolfin  [developer] 23 Dec, 2022 @ 7:51am 
Originally posted by OrochiTabris:
The difficulty settings are a nice addition. I'm playing on a deck, and it felt like I had barely enough time to aim. I ended up putting the crosshair in their direction and just running it into them, though even that wasn't reliable since they were still quite fast (and doing it around corners was hard). Had to start over to slow the AI down a bit, probably could be adjustable in-game (restarting multiple times to figure out what feels best is kinda meh).

Another thing making it difficult was how I was trying to eyeball the bullet's trajectory, between my gun and the crosshair. This isn't really a problem with keyboard/mouse because the crosshair can be moved quickly and freely all over the screen, and placed directly on a target while moving separately. Much easier to feel out where shots will go. Could an optional targeting line (effectively a laser sight) be offered? Maybe semi-transparent, so it's visible but there isn't just a solid line cutting across.

An unrelated suggestion, it would be helpful if instead of warning about overlapping keys/buttons, the keys/buttons involved were swapped. It's awkward trying to rebind controls like this, especially with a deck/gamepad since there aren't many extra things to temporarily bind to avoid that. Swapping would be better, or even letting them overlap but displaying overlaps in red (along with the warning) until they're fixed.

Additionally, it might be useful to offer a "clear all bindings" button, so everything can be set from a blank slate (which can make it easier to memorize).

Possible bug (unless the directional pad is disabled intentionally), the controls stop working when in the gamepad binding menu. They worked initially, but now, at least when in-game, I have to tap on the bindings to change them, and tap on aim sensitivity and the accept/reset buttons.

Also weird bug, when rebinding gamepad controls, the button descriptions temporarily become much longer. "RT" becomes "Gamepad Right Trigger," and "X" becomes "Gamepad Face Button Left." They return to their proper descriptions when the settings are accepted, and they work fine in-game. Just weird.

Hello! Thanks for buying and playing the game :)

Some of these suggestions sound actually really neat and may be implemented in a future patch. For example we could probably add the "laser sight" for gamepads (including the deck) as a toggle for people who find it useful, I see how that "eyeballing calculation" could be annoying.

The gamepad rebinding bug it's already listed on our TODO list, thanks for reporting it anyways! We really appreciate the community help, being only two devs makes every help we can get to test the game extremely helpful !

As always we will keep you posted on future updates so you're aware when these features are implemented.

Hey guys. Congratulations for the game. I like it very much. I think I have a bug or so... in a level where I have to enter Iris and Sophie department, despite being armed, I can't shoot or use melee weapon... it's all there but I can't fight the enemies... do you have a report of this or a solution or something? Thanks
Alexis 17 Jan, 2023 @ 5:57pm 
Originally posted by daniel.infante.perez:
Hey guys. Congratulations for the game. I like it very much. I think I have a bug or so... in a level where I have to enter Iris and Sophie department, despite being armed, I can't shoot or use melee weapon... it's all there but I can't fight the enemies... do you have a report of this or a solution or something? Thanks
Hey, there is a button to equip your weapon (I think it is TAB if you didnt change the bindings), when you go walking with a weapon in hand, if there are cops npc they will attack you.
I Will trubit, thanxs!!!!
Marauder Shields 25 Jan, 2023 @ 7:42am 
Originally posted by fromsouthgames:
The game should not ask to sign in to Epic's online service. We are trying to reproduce the issue to fix it.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

Originally posted by Fingolfin:
Hi! Developer here. We aren't able to reproduce this issue. If someone else has the same problem and is willing to share with us a screenshot of the prompt requesting epic online services or more information we will be really grateful.

We will keep track of this issue very closely to see what else we can get to fix it.

Sorry for the troubles.

You can try not adding it post-launch for no reason to begin with. The EOS dll only got added with the 2.0 update, and for a game without multi-player or any actual Epic services it's useless, so why add it?
Fingolfin  [developer] 26 Jan, 2023 @ 2:28am 
Originally posted by Marauder Shields:
Originally posted by fromsouthgames:
The game should not ask to sign in to Epic's online service. We are trying to reproduce the issue to fix it.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

Originally posted by Fingolfin:
Hi! Developer here. We aren't able to reproduce this issue. If someone else has the same problem and is willing to share with us a screenshot of the prompt requesting epic online services or more information we will be really grateful.

We will keep track of this issue very closely to see what else we can get to fix it.

Sorry for the troubles.

You can try not adding it post-launch for no reason to begin with. The EOS dll only got added with the 2.0 update, and for a game without multi-player or any actual Epic services it's useless, so why add it?

Hello !

We are attempting to launch on Epic, this requires some files from Epic to access the leaderboards and achievements which are features in the game.
The thing is that the Epic build and the Steam Build go in separate pipelines and should not mix the files on the final build.

So far we weren't able to reproduce this issue and nobody else reported it so I'm starting to think that maybe it was some sort of confusion by the reporter? We are still looking for more information regarding this issue, and of course if you can reproduce and share us a screenshot or some sort of information we will be glad. But we asked for help on our discord trying to reproduce it with no luck at all.

Any news on the further patch discussed above? Was just re-watching OTK Expo 2022 and rhis game was certainly one of the most promising.
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