IdleOn - The Idle RPG

IdleOn - The Idle RPG

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Zio 12 Dec, 2024 @ 8:25pm
Gloomie Shroom loot bug
So how do I avoid it? In some bug fix portion he said he'd fixed some bug about them but I don't remember what it was (only that it had to do with AFK gains, I think kills not counting? haven't paid attention to that but the kills overall went down pretty well, so far no need to keep an eye on, I think...), and I keep not getting dragon statues some of the time. My 8th character is a beginner, went in with 4,4 hours of afk gains, ~160k kills per hour, x23 loot drop, 376% afk gains, no statues but some cards dropped (I think, didn't pay attention to those and only focused on the statues because cards were never shy to appear). 9th character next with 11ish hours of AFK,230k kills per hour, x21,89 loot drop , 348% afk gains, bunch of cards (confirmed) but no statues. Characters 3-7 (not checked in order) were all similar to character 9 but all dropped statues in varying numbers, most around x22 loot drop and on around x25, only one below 22 but that one did actually drop statues as well. Checking them all around 20 minutes gained no statues, calculating down from the 11 hours some of them should have dropped a few (between 130-300 on 11 hours, they all dropped around 2 cards though.
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Peroxide 13 Dec, 2024 @ 1:47pm 
Kills per hour isn't an accurate way to judge as your multikill is likely increasing that number, as such, you aren't actually killing that many, just getting credit for that many. The drop rate is 1/100,000 and killing 100k doesn't necessarily guarantee a drop.
Zio 13 Dec, 2024 @ 2:03pm 
Please read in full, and consider the context. Your comment was not helpful.
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