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Will there be a year 5 pass?
I'm really looking forward to solving more puzzles. Will there be more levels, and if so, when?
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Showing 1-3 of 3 comments
Mr.Bubbles 13 Feb @ 12:29pm 
I was wondering the same. This is quoted straight from their discord.

"We will be doing a formal announcement in the coming days but expect to see a new WooLoop DLC every two months and another year of hexceed starting next month!"

They posted that at the beginning of this month.
Last edited by Mr.Bubbles; 13 Feb @ 12:29pm
Keiko 24 Feb @ 2:32am 
I hope so!

This is my ultimate favorite game, I've played every level and will happily buy new year pass for as long as they'll churn them out.
That definitely helps to know that TootsieLabs didn't forget about hexceed Year Pass 5 Mr. Bubbles.
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