Glitchhikers: The Spaces Between

Glitchhikers: The Spaces Between

Unable to find final hiker
I'm at a loss as to what I should do here. I've been searching the Path and the Terminal for the final hiker, playing each over a dozen times, and still they have not shown up. It is the hiker on the third row middle column of the cooler shelf. I really am at my wit's end. There are no guides available, and no other discussions. And even in the community screenshots, i can't find an image of what this hiker is. I know there is a bit of RNG, but is there something else I'm not doing. What am I doing wrong? Please please any help would be very much appreciated. Thank you!
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Floerian  [開発者] 2023年2月3日 9時47分 
Hi there! I can definitely help out. First of all, this hiker must be met first in the Path, before they will show up in the Terminal. In the Path, they only appear in the mystic forest area -- that's the purple region at the very south end of the Park Map. You access it through that portal near the Giant's Eye topiary. (They're near the end of the mystic forest path, so keep following it along until you almost reach the portal out.) Be wary -- this hiker is not humanoid, so it's also possible you're walking past them and don't realize! They do react to your presence though.

Once you've encountered them in the park, they should show up in the Terminal no problem. They're usually encountered at one of the indoor garden areas.
I found them! Right where you said they would be. They definitely had not appeared there before, but right after I read your reply, I checked it and there they were. I was able to meet all the hikers. Thank you so much! Very much appreciate your help and the game. Wonderful!
Floerian  [開発者] 2023年2月13日 15時27分 
Zinc Oxide の投稿を引用:
I found them! Right where you said they would be. They definitely had not appeared there before, but right after I read your reply, I checked it and there they were. I was able to meet all the hikers. Thank you so much! Very much appreciate your help and the game. Wonderful!
Ah I'm so glad you were able to find them :) And thanks for the kind words!
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