Blacksmith Legends

Blacksmith Legends

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Mackerel  [developer] 13 Jan, 2022 @ 9:11pm
Whatever you feel would make the game better or find lacking, please, let me know and I'll consider it for sure! Let's discuss! ;) Or, join the game server on Discord
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Showing 1-15 of 68 comments
Spattznatt 18 Jan, 2022 @ 1:02pm 
The ability to rotate the view of the blacksmith shop. I have a situation where the smelter worker is in line with the blacksmith. It makes it difficult to click on the blacksmith to give orders. I have to move the entire screen to a particular spot to be able to click on the blacksmith. Also if there was a way to have hotkeys for your workers that would be awesome too.
Mackerel  [developer] 18 Jan, 2022 @ 1:10pm 
Hello, there is a hotkey bar option in every worker's crafting menu. It's the green button right from their name, called 'Hotkey'. It will be visible after early stages of the game.
Regarding the rotation, I'll think about some stuff, since full rotation brings more complications than solutions, that's why it's not there. Thanks for feedback! :)
ivyfoo 19 Jan, 2022 @ 6:34am 
I agree with the rotate option, it's difficult to position all the things you need in such a confined space. I'm finding that items are now getting in the way of me clicking on my workers (and I'm not even using many decorative items that boost workers). If rotation isn't an option perhaps a larger shop would solve these issues. Also, in regards to space, the quest are requiring so many items that I need to waste my precious space on multiple storage boxes, so maybe a single storage box that can hold 40 or 50 items, so our shop floors aren't cluttered up with so many storage boxes. The last quest I did required 60 items, so I had to buy 2 more storage boxes just to complete it.
Mackerel  [developer] 19 Jan, 2022 @ 6:57am 
Working on a partial rotation solution that will help out, though it'll take time to implement it. Larger shop is available in Wanborne city, for 400gold. Hmm, sure, perhaps adding +5 inventory space to each chest might help out in the next patch.
Imahavenfun 19 Jan, 2022 @ 4:02pm 
The arena combat fights quickly become exactly the same, which means once you figure it out you fight the exact same way every time. For this mini-game to be a bit more interesting the opponent should vary each time in terms of their strengths, equipment, and strategy.
Mackerel  [developer] 19 Jan, 2022 @ 8:48pm 
Thanks for suggestion. They actually do, though maybe making it more significant might do the trick I guess. Will check it out definitely.
drogmarb 20 Jan, 2022 @ 2:39am 
Why is the tax levied on the accumulated amount, and not on earnings?
drogmarb 20 Jan, 2022 @ 2:42am 
Can chests be built into the wall, like a safe, to save usable space?
Mackerel  [developer] 20 Jan, 2022 @ 3:13am 
There will be a slight increase to inventory slots in the next patch for chests.

Regarding tax, it's a tax to the King, not an 'Income tax'. :)
ivyfoo 20 Jan, 2022 @ 10:44am 
The tax issue it a bit confusing. In the beginning of the game I thought it said the King's tax rate was 10%, but my last pay day I was charged 30%. It's making it very difficult to make and retain a profit. Anytime I manage to reach above 200.00 I'm taxed back down to less than 100.00. On top of that, the robber skulks around every other day, thankfully he is mostly unsuccessful but with all the taxes I'm paying where the hell are the town guards? lol
Mackerel  [developer] 20 Jan, 2022 @ 10:47am 
Heh, I've had 30% all the time at first. Then players suggested it to be progressive for beginning, so this was most optimal. It's not that difficult, you just need to get more familiar with the game.
ivyfoo 20 Jan, 2022 @ 10:55am 
Ah, is 30% the limit then? I can understand now why the Parliamentarians fought against the Royalists.
Mackerel  [developer] 20 Jan, 2022 @ 10:57am 
Yes, at the moment, it is the maximum limit. But...there will be Wars in the future and King may increase the taxes! :)
ivyfoo 20 Jan, 2022 @ 10:59am 
Of coarse, how else can he fund his wars. :kcdgkw:
dlmyth 20 Jan, 2022 @ 2:04pm 
Yeah I noticed the tax too and was like OMG that's a lot, lol.
a) Able to hit ESC from the overworld map and have the option to exit to main menu.

b) Rare seller visually showing you that you've already purchased an item.

c) Have our heroes gain XP while exploring the world. To balance it the heroes have a
chance to permanently die. This can be offset if you have a potion on your heroes.

d) Dungeons should be a bit easier at the start. It should reflect your hero gear score so that it's challenging and not impossible like crypt 2 is right now. Short of a tank I have no idea how I'll beat crypt 2.

e) Overseer should be more flexible to give jobs to your smiths. For example if you want X of one thing and Y of the other. The overseer should give X job to one smith and Y job to the other. Or have it so that when you have auto sell on and you turn on the overseer it tells your smith to only do those items to make a profit.

f) Inns should be more interactive with the inn keeper gossip telling you about a new dungeon your heroes can visit.

g) Mines in the overworld should be interactive too. As in sending your heroes to
clear out the mines of monsters. This gives you a bonus of X ore that mine has.

h) Have random bandit camps populate the world map and let us send our heroes. Every so often there's a chance to save a maiden in distress.

I) When moving your smith from one town to the other. Allow passive income coming from that smith via the overseer running things for you. This way you manage your resources a little bit more and makes it so that you either keep the smith in the old town up or sell it to the kingdom.
Last edited by dlmyth; 20 Jan, 2022 @ 2:04pm
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