Ad Infernum

Ad Infernum

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sidneyc1990 2 Mar, 2024 @ 11:38pm
Achieved both ending achievements on first run BUG (SPOILERS)
Finished the game, and was presented with two choices. I picked to betray the angel, and I saw that I also achieved the "kill the watcher" achievement. This feels like a bug.

Aside from that, the AI for the butcher is also kinda jank in terms of its pathfinding - standing on top of shelves or cars, I keep seeing it run off away from me instead of towards me.

Also, on my first playthrough, some items respawned (particularly the desk and green glowing box) when I reloaded a save. I netted myself double nail guns, inventory pouch and baseball bat.

Edit: Just finished hard mode. Achievment/challenge for killing 50 - 100 imps and eyeball things aren't unlocking. They don't have number counters like the other achievements. I've already killed more than 100 of each.
Last edited by sidneyc1990; 3 Mar, 2024 @ 9:48am
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Entropy Phi  [developer] 3 Mar, 2024 @ 10:02am 
Thanks for the report! I've already got fixes for some of the things you mentioned ready to go. New patch is in the works!
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