

MrΩ 23 Aug, 2023 @ 7:22am
new demo feedback
Consistency: I expected the objects I can interact with to display an exclamation mark... not the case in the end. But I dunno where you want to go, it felt kind of misleading, maybe there a better way to "hint" the player that he gets only an exclamation mark "sometimes".

I played with the mouse and the arrow keys... is control remapping planned? (I run elf/linux, x11, then keycodes are enough, no need to resolve the key symbols).
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Registered Nerd 28 Mar, 2024 @ 7:05pm 
Just wanted to add on the subject of consistency. In the pig's section, it's established that gears can easily be pulled off of objects they've been placed on. Then this changes for no apparently reason.
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