Draft of Darkness

Draft of Darkness

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Null Winter 31 Mar, 2024 @ 7:17pm
Bug Report Thread
You might want to make a pinned post or a sub-forum for folks to submit bug reports and other technical related topics on.


Freya's Crippling Shot does not apply Crippled to any enemy; the upgraded version does successfully apply both effects, though.

The rounding on Brace seems off; I can get enough stacks where I should be getting 50% physical damage reduction, but enemies deal the same amount of physical damage regardless. Meanwhile, Protection seems to properly scale and will reduce damage.

The Daemon's movement reveals map tiles if the player has the map open; while this adds a clever way to track where it is if it spawns early, it also causes weird interactions with timers that tick down based on tile reveals.
Last edited by Null Winter; 31 Mar, 2024 @ 10:02pm
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Showing 1-15 of 26 comments
Crawly Games  [developer] 1 Apr, 2024 @ 1:33am 
Just wanted to share a quick tip that might help in pinpointing the issue with Brace or in answering any questions about the calculation of values: You can access the character's detail screen by middle-clicking on the character during combat and hover over any attribute to see a breakdown of the effects influencing it. Additionally, you can hover over the damage values in the combat log to view the damage calculation. By examining the character's defense value with Brace and the damage received, we might be able to determine what's causing the Brace not to increase the defense as expected, or maybe some other condition affecting it. I haven't noticed the problem at first glance, but perhaps you may come across it again and spot something I missed.

Thanks for the thread and bug reports.
Last edited by Crawly Games; 1 Apr, 2024 @ 1:34am
Null Winter 2 Apr, 2024 @ 6:12am 
The Sapphire Cube does not trigger its effect (damage enemies when you heal) if you heal via the Restoration status effect or via something like the watering can; same for the Sapphire Fragments if you crush it.

You might want to change the wording to clarify that it only heals when you specifically use a Mending card for a direct heal.

Sapphire Fragments also has a weird interaction; if the target of a direct heal has something like Leader that applies Marked or another status on damage, then the negative status will be applied to all enemies when the Fragments apply their damage as if that person had dealt the damage.
Last edited by Null Winter; 3 Apr, 2024 @ 5:14am
Null Winter 3 Apr, 2024 @ 5:20am 
I have confirmed that the Daemon forcing you into a fight while you're in the level-up stat selection screen can lock your ability to play cards. Obvious solution: Don't allow the Daemon to move while you have any kind of menu screen open; this would also fix the map reveal bug.
Null Winter 5 Apr, 2024 @ 12:35am 
Critical hit effects (Pinwheel and such) will trigger even if the critical hit is negated by Dodge or are landed on a target that is already dead (Choppy Chop).
Null Winter 8 Apr, 2024 @ 1:50pm 
The time advancement provided by Devil's Tooth seems to work with all DOT effects, not just Bleeding; it will even activate off the instant damage of a physical attack activating Corrosion.
Cal Gore 10 Apr, 2024 @ 6:12am 
Out for Blood failed to give the 5 times base damage converted to bleed when I used a quick slash, only did 2 stacks of bleed, then when using a sneaky blow immediately after it gave the 3 bleed it regularly inflicts but 0 damage and 0 extra bleed. Enemy was a wandering zombie with no buffs so I don't believe it was defense calculation related.
Crawly Games  [developer] 10 Apr, 2024 @ 6:33am 
Originally posted by Cal Gore:
Out for Blood failed to give the 5 times base damage converted to bleed when I used a quick slash, only did 2 stacks of bleed, then when using a sneaky blow immediately after it gave the 3 bleed it regularly inflicts but 0 damage and 0 extra bleed. Enemy was a wandering zombie with no buffs so I don't believe it was defense calculation related.

Base damage is the damage value before scaling with Power. You can see the base damage of cards by middle clicking the card and then clicking the Show Base Values button. Quick Slash base damage is 0.4, so 5x0.4=2 stacks of bleed is correct. Sneaky Blow base damage is 0.6, I'm not use why it didn't give extra 3 Bleeding. I'll need to check that.
Last edited by Crawly Games; 10 Apr, 2024 @ 6:35am
Cal Gore 10 Apr, 2024 @ 6:46am 
Originally posted by Crawly Games:

Base damage is the damage value before scaling with Power. You can see the base damage of cards by middle clicking the card and then clicking the Show Base Values button. Quick Slash base damage is 0.4, so 5x0.4=2 stacks of bleed is correct. Sneaky Blow base damage is 0.6, I'm not use why it didn't give extra 3 Bleeding. I'll need to check that.

Ah okay, I thought it was the damage prior to buff calculations like courage, I understand now. Is it a scenario where sending in a save would help? I'm still on that run.
Crawly Games  [developer] 10 Apr, 2024 @ 7:08am 
Originally posted by Cal Gore:
Originally posted by Crawly Games:

Base damage is the damage value before scaling with Power. You can see the base damage of cards by middle clicking the card and then clicking the Show Base Values button. Quick Slash base damage is 0.4, so 5x0.4=2 stacks of bleed is correct. Sneaky Blow base damage is 0.6, I'm not use why it didn't give extra 3 Bleeding. I'll need to check that.

Ah okay, I thought it was the damage prior to buff calculations like courage, I understand now. Is it a scenario where sending in a save would help? I'm still on that run.

It seems simple, I should be able to test Sneaky Blow with Out for Blood. I don't think a save file will be necessary, thank you.
Cal Gore 10 Apr, 2024 @ 6:09pm 
Originally posted by Crawly Games:
It seems simple, I should be able to test Sneaky Blow with Out for Blood. I don't think a save file will be necessary, thank you.

I'm still on that run and haven't been able to reproduce it, though I have screenshots of it happening the original time with combat log open to confirm it happened once. While trying to reproduce it however I've noticed that Out for Blood doesn't factor in Finisher's stacks, as in if I've attacked 3 times before using a Finisher +1 instead of giving 10 x (0.3 x 3) it'll just do 10 x 0.3. Is this intended?
Crawly Games  [developer] 10 Apr, 2024 @ 10:44pm 
Originally posted by Cal Gore:
Originally posted by Crawly Games:
It seems simple, I should be able to test Sneaky Blow with Out for Blood. I don't think a save file will be necessary, thank you.

I'm still on that run and haven't been able to reproduce it, though I have screenshots of it happening the original time with combat log open to confirm it happened once. While trying to reproduce it however I've noticed that Out for Blood doesn't factor in Finisher's stacks, as in if I've attacked 3 times before using a Finisher +1 instead of giving 10 x (0.3 x 3) it'll just do 10 x 0.3. Is this intended?

No, it's not intentional. I'll look into it. Thanks for the info.
King Dingaling 12 Apr, 2024 @ 2:58pm 
I think it is possible to softlock yourself out of unlocking Pavel if you progress the story too far without registering the usb stick. Either that or I am missing something
Crawly Games  [developer] 12 Apr, 2024 @ 3:32pm 
Originally posted by King Dingaling:
I think it is possible to softlock yourself out of unlocking Pavel if you progress the story too far without registering the usb stick. Either that or I am missing something

Could you please provide some more details? Does the "Little Robot" or the "Security Cabin" events not appear for you in Story Mode anymore?
King Dingaling 13 Apr, 2024 @ 7:24am 
Originally posted by Crawly Games:
Originally posted by King Dingaling:
I think it is possible to softlock yourself out of unlocking Pavel if you progress the story too far without registering the usb stick. Either that or I am missing something

Could you please provide some more details? Does the "Little Robot" or the "Security Cabin" events not appear for you in Story Mode anymore?
Turns out it was me missing something, my apologies. I went to recreate it and screenshot, and discovered I hadnt figured out you had to be Rene to get the usb. Happens to be whom I have played as the least by a good amount. Again, my bad.
Cal Gore 13 Apr, 2024 @ 10:00am 
Originally posted by King Dingaling:
Turns out it was me missing something, my apologies. I went to recreate it and screenshot, and discovered I hadnt figured out you had to be Rene to get the usb. Happens to be whom I have played as the least by a good amount. Again, my bad.

I got it as either Jake or Cara as I hadn't played Rene yet before unlocking Pavel. Just clarifying for people who read this thread later on looking for solutions.
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