Dyson Sphere Program

Dyson Sphere Program

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Grohan 12 ENE a las 7:02
Proliferator feels like magic
How is it logic to spray your products with some liquid coal and get some extra free stuff?
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Mostrando 1-15 de 21 comentarios
dhitch89 12 ENE a las 8:07 
-We play as a person digitally uploaded into a mech suit (since humanity apparently went into the Singularity in the game's backstory, and are no longer flesh-and-blood).
-We have drones that instantly construct whatever buildings we have, and can store a ton of said buildings in our inventory that are bigger than we are.
-We can fly right up to stars, including neutron stars and black holes, and not be affected whatsoever.

Not everything in DSP follows general logic, so I wouldn't worry too much about it tbh.
cswiger 12 ENE a las 8:15 
The logic is easy: this is a game. As a game mechanic, DSP's proliferation is more interesting than Factorio's production modules which make buildings magically produce more.
Coops 12 ENE a las 8:26 
Think of it a lubricant. You are greasing the moving parts of the machine so that it is more efficient.
Bobucles 12 ENE a las 8:52 
The real question is, how can you spray your spray bottles and end up with more spray?
pemmons1 12 ENE a las 8:53 
We might consider proliferator a representation of numerous ways in real life that technological advancement enables us to do more with less. Remember mainframe computers? They used to fill an entire room, consume massive amounts of electricity, but have less computing power than a laptop today, or even a cell phone. Improved gas mileage in cars is another obvious example. Seen in that light, proliferator doesn't bother me.

One unrealistic feature is the relationship between meters, astronomical units, and light years. They are greatly condensed compared to the real definitions .
At sufficient levels science is indistinguishable from magic, that's how.

The juice must flow.
Última edición por Empath demon; 13 ENE a las 7:27
McPlow 13 ENE a las 12:45 
If you want realism, go outside.

Otherwise just enjoy the fact that you are a robot, creating Dyson spheres, combating a giant AI hell bent on your destruction.
Andy 14 ENE a las 11:04 
I don't ever bother with the proliferator because, to me, it feels like a gimmick. I freely admit that feeling this way is sort of like watching Star Trek for a bunch of years and only when you get to the episode where Captain Picard beams himself into a nebula do you say, "that could never happen!"
cswiger 14 ENE a las 11:14 
Publicado originalmente por Andy:
I don't ever bother with the proliferator because, to me, it feels like a gimmick.
That's OK-- I did the same myself for a few games after pro was added.

But I eventually gave it a try, and found that it added some welcome complexity and discipline to building out balanced production lines. So don't use it at all if you like. Or try using it just on research matrix cubes and see how it goes.
ChaosMind42 14 ENE a las 16:30 
I also never use proliferator it just adds unnecessary complexity, doesnt make much sense and is hardly worth the effort in 100% of cases it is just better to build larger production lines instead.
Última edición por ChaosMind42; 14 ENE a las 16:31
Koro 28 ENE a las 12:37 
Publicado originalmente por ChaosMind42:
I also never use proliferator it just adds unnecessary complexity, doesnt make much sense and is hardly worth the effort in 100% of cases it is just better to build larger production lines instead.
I have similar feelings
When I realized it ups the power usage by, is it 100% for a production increase... then it's only worth it on the most expensive products anyway
josmith7 28 ENE a las 13:17 
To be fair, on the largest production lines you need so many fewer buildings (using +product) that the power usage gets close to breaking even.

Let's say I'm making white science using all possible rares, but using old school buildings (arc smelters, assembler mk.III, matrix lab, and chemical plants), at 180/minute.
# needed; Unproliferated
# needed; Mk.III +product
Arc Smelter
Matrix Lab
Assembler Mk.III
Chemical Plant
Miniature Particle Collider
Oil Refinery
547.7 MW
629.1 MW
Power consumption
And that includes the extra building needed to make the proliferator.

So even though any individual building is using 2.5x the energy there are so many fewer buildings required due to the stacking effect of +product proliferation along the very long production chain from ore to white science than the total energy use is only 1.15x of baseline. (And, of course, the whole thing is a lot more compact)
Última edición por josmith7; 28 ENE a las 13:21
Shahadem 30 ENE a las 5:58 
It's not logical.

It is bad game design.

The devs should have simply halved the input requirements for anything requiring two or more of the same input and also gotten rid of the bs requirements where you need the lower tier item to make a higher tier item instead of adding this dumb bs to the game.

I'm surprised we don't have to make an abacus before making an electronic circuit.
Última edición por Shahadem; 30 ENE a las 5:59
Nekogod 30 ENE a las 9:32 
Publicado originalmente por josmith7:
To be fair, on the largest production lines you need so many fewer buildings (using +product) that the power usage gets close to breaking even.

Let's say I'm making white science using all possible rares, but using old school buildings (arc smelters, assembler mk.III, matrix lab, and chemical plants), at 180/minute.
# needed; Unproliferated
# needed; Mk.III +product
Arc Smelter
Matrix Lab
Assembler Mk.III
Chemical Plant
Miniature Particle Collider
Oil Refinery
547.7 MW
629.1 MW
Power consumption
And that includes the extra building needed to make the proliferator.

So even though any individual building is using 2.5x the energy there are so many fewer buildings required due to the stacking effect of +product proliferation along the very long production chain from ore to white science than the total energy use is only 1.15x of baseline. (And, of course, the whole thing is a lot more compact)
Sometimes even less power, depending on where you use it.

Making 60 rockets per minute for example using proliferator mk3 on just the assemblers reduces total power consumption from 507MW to 456MW
Última edición por Nekogod; 30 ENE a las 9:32
Yasik 30 ENE a las 16:55 
Yeah, this is literally only thing I can say I dont like in the game.
Not quite obvious how can I paint a bottle of milk with blue paint and magically make it into 2 bottles on milk, multiplying matter x2.
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