Zero Hour
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M7™  [desarrollador] 24 JUL 2020 a las 15:59
Join The Discord Server | More Active Community
Sorry we haven't been keeping up with people posting here. We believe its better if we have 1 main location where we can take feedback and questions from and that is our discord server. Join our discord community, be humble and be respectful.

Discord Link :

Again, we really apologize for not replying to most people in here as we were more focused in our discord community feedback. The release date is 12th August 2020, we hope to see you in game soon :)
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Mostrando 1-15 de 36 comentarios
PAEHARDLINE 10 AGO 2020 a las 14:10 
NAF1R  [desarrollador] 11 AGO 2020 a las 2:51 
🔷 TheBogt 🔷 12 AGO 2020 a las 7:15 
Также сейчас русскоязычные игроки сидят тут:
Última edición por 🔷 TheBogt 🔷; 12 AGO 2020 a las 7:21
Done. feel free to join us anytime to discuss or promote the game as well. Over 4000 members worldwide. Discord.

Thank you for this awesome game!
small bug 14 AGO 2020 a las 19:43 
ME_GUSTAS 18 AGO 2020 a las 22:14 
Publicado originalmente por loliver:
Red1Alpha 19 AGO 2020 a las 6:12 
The game is on Steam, so you should also give support here. Not everybody uses or wants to use Discord. Just a thought...

Discord, Twitch, Whatsapp, Telegram, Instagram, Teamspeak, and so many other hubs i forget it´s getting freaking crazy TBH.
ME_GUSTAS 19 AGO 2020 a las 10:08 
Publicado originalmente por RedOneAlpha:
The game is on Steam, so you should also give support here. Not everybody uses or wants to use Discord. Just a thought...

Discord, Twitch, Whatsapp, Telegram, Instagram, Teamspeak, and so many other hubs i forget it´s getting freaking crazy TBH.
dude, steam forms are very restrictive, that being said most people who use steam use discord as well. just join it for a second and youll realize why. it also makes it easier for the devs to have direct communication with the community. i joined last night wanting to find out if we are gonna get any other terrorist weapons and i got a reply from a mod within minutes(yes its an MP7).
Última edición por ME_GUSTAS; 19 AGO 2020 a las 10:09
Red1Alpha 4 SEP 2020 a las 9:51 
I have Discord, but do I have to use it, no. Does everybody who uses Steam need to use Discord, again no. Did you buy the game on Discord or Steam? Hint...
ME_GUSTAS 4 SEP 2020 a las 17:35 
Publicado originalmente por RedOneAlpha:
I have Discord, but do I have to use it, no. Does everybody who uses Steam need to use Discord, again no. Did you buy the game on Discord or Steam? Hint...
You aren't entitled to anything other than the copy of the game you purchased. If you don't wanna use discord to get updates, that's your problem. The very fact they put this thread here is doing more than whats required of them. these aren't AAA Devs, its a small indie team with full hands. no one cares whats convenient for YOU. The Devs use discord so if you want update information you will too, otherwise, get over it.
Última edición por ME_GUSTAS; 4 SEP 2020 a las 17:37
Red1Alpha 5 SEP 2020 a las 6:48 
Calm down... Iam sure over it. But this is how alot of folks operate...

If Iam interested in a game, I check out there discussion group first, if I don´t see any feedback from the devs in the discussion group, I might not buy the game. Specially if the game is in EA.

Not everybody bothers with adding Discord, or looking through threads for support/feedback, and they don´t need to be a triple A studio to give support on there discussion group. That´s what a discussion group is for, to discuss anything realted with the game.

Are we entitled to get support as you say? Yes in my opinion because it´s in EA. Once a game is fully released, then the devs may consider not to give it any more support, which depends on the life cycle they want to give the game. On full release you could say your not entitled to get support, but before that, it would be logical to do so.

It´s not about what´s convenient for me, as there´s others out there that don´t want to go throught all the kid reactions on Discord. They want to go that route, fine but not everybody thinks likewise no matter what you think.

You, the team, and everybody is free to do what they want, and Iam not saying anything that´s not real or negative here, if you can´t take it, don´t bother...
Última edición por Red1Alpha; 5 SEP 2020 a las 7:49
ME_GUSTAS 5 SEP 2020 a las 9:42 
Publicado originalmente por RedOneAlpha:
Calm down... Iam sure over it. But this is how alot of folks operate...

If Iam interested in a game, I check out there discussion group first, if I don´t see any feedback from the devs in the discussion group, I might not buy the game. Specially if the game is in EA.

Not everybody bothers with adding Discord, or looking through threads for support/feedback, and they don´t need to be a triple A studio to give support on there discussion group. That´s what a discussion group is for, to discuss anything realted with the game.

Are we entitled to get support as you say? Yes in my opinion because it´s in EA. Once a game is fully released, then the devs may consider not to give it any more support, which depends on the life cycle they want to give the game. On full release you could say your not entitled to get support, but before that, it would be logical to do so.

It´s not about what´s convenient for me, as there´s others out there that don´t want to go throught all the kid reactions on Discord. They want to go that route, fine but not everybody thinks likewise no matter what you think.

You, the team, and everybody is free to do what they want, and Iam not saying anything that´s not real or negative here, if you can´t take it, don´t bother...
all such petty reasons. god forbid you have to see emojis
Última edición por ME_GUSTAS; 5 SEP 2020 a las 9:43
Red1Alpha 7 SEP 2020 a las 7:22 
God has nothing to do with it, and yes Iam glad Iam not in the loop...
ME_GUSTAS 7 SEP 2020 a las 20:06 
Publicado originalmente por RedOneAlpha:
God has nothing to do with it, and yes Iam glad Iam not in the loop...
oh boy, an edgy one...
Slyfisting 9 SEP 2020 a las 17:10 
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