Ys IX: Monstrum Nox

Ys IX: Monstrum Nox

CalokAndQkourQcuarante 2024 年 2 月 20 日 上午 11:56
Where's the colour?
I currently own the demo for this game, and while the combat is great the environments in the demo are... really bland. Coming off of Ys VIII, the most colourful and beautiful game in the series, this seems like a really jarring change.

Is it like this for the full game? I WILL buy the game eventually, no matter what, but I'll hold it off for a while until a significant sale if it turns out it's mostly like this. It may sound picky but it really just seems like there's something lacking without all the varied environments to explore which Ys has had since the very beginning.
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Melon Sc//ence 2024 年 2 月 21 日 上午 5:05 
Well it's tradeoff, colors in exchange for scale.


You will 80% stick to the gray color of the game

This is because not only due to the premise that Falcom chose Balduq (or France inspired) to be a big prison city, they also spend most of the budget to scale the city big, average area size go bigger, adding verticality, and monstrum powers to interact with the city, and each dungeon is one complete connected block in stead of several small areas like Ys VIII like before. In returns, you won't be seeing trees or green or other colors much except one area and your visual effects while combatting.

Anyway, the redemption for both scale and colors will be Ys X, but in exchange of another- playable character count.

Oh well, they have to balance around the budget I suppose.
CalokAndQkourQcuarante 2024 年 2 月 22 日 下午 12:53 
引用自 Melon Sc//ence
Well it's tradeoff, colors in exchange for scale.
Won't read the spoiler, but shouldn't they be able to keep colours AND scale?
Melon Sc//ence 2024 年 2 月 22 日 下午 3:20 
Won't read the spoiler, but shouldn't they be able to keep colours AND scale?
Actually you can read the spoiler, it's just for dramatic effect, nothing serious lol.
CalokAndQkourQcuarante 2024 年 2 月 28 日 下午 3:47 
引用自 Ruya Scarlette
Won't read the spoiler, but shouldn't they be able to keep colours AND scale?
Actually you can read the spoiler, it's just for dramatic effect, nothing serious lol.
I guess I understand the logic behind it, but I'll definitely be holding off on this until a sale.

A lack of playable characters in Ys X is fine. It's almost like returning to its roots. Changing members isn't ultimately that strategic anyway. But if it really does have both colour AND scale, it might be my favourite yet!
最後修改者:CalokAndQkourQcuarante; 2024 年 5 月 13 日 下午 5:57
Melon Sc//ence 2024 年 2 月 29 日 上午 6:25 
I guess I understand the logic behind it, but I'll definitely be holding off on this until a sale.

A lack of playable characters in Ys X is fine. It's almost like returning to its roots. Changing members ultimately that strategic anyway. But if it really does have both colour AND scale, it might be my favourite yet!

Well you def can wait for sales and might be looking at Ys X at Fall 2024 instead, considering Ys X started right after Ys I & II, so you have a little young "Tidus" Adol poking around vast number of lands and islands. Meanwhile IX Monstrum Nox is where Adol being the oldest. And yes colors are back.
Flo Automata 2024 年 7 月 25 日 上午 6:04 
It's just my personal opinion.

I prefer the 9th one over the 8th, because overall 9 has the more interesting plottwist, and the level- and dungeon design is one of the best in the series.

In the second half of this game, you will see way more variation, visiting some cool places outside (and inside) the town of Balduq, with fresh green, mountain paths, swamps, lava areas.

If you liked any other game in the series, you there's no reason to skip this one.
Wayward Raven 1 月 21 日 下午 8:42 
引用自 CalokAndQkourQcuarante
Where's the color?
Look not for color in the prisons and killing fields for they are rightfully dreary, look for it instead in the friends you made along the way. Ys 9 has a really colorful cast.
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