Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2

Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2

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23 Jun, 2021 @ 6:03am
So, what DO the critics make of SGW Contracts 2?
Find out in our brand new Accolades Trailer!

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Showing 1-15 of 19 comments
RezavejTank 23 Jun, 2021 @ 9:25am 
less skins, more missions
RavEn 23 Jun, 2021 @ 9:32am 
yea more missions pls
Sniper Wolf 23 Jun, 2021 @ 10:05am 
Great series :fokus:
Eclipse 23 Jun, 2021 @ 10:10am 
Love this game ! :gtfoheart:
Add more missions please !
ペンギン 23 Jun, 2021 @ 3:48pm 
What critics do i don't know but would appreciate for less Amazon and Microsoft (default on) Spyware/Monitoring in Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2. It's not funny, especially for a singleplayer product with invalid user agreements.

Thanks in advance.

Beside of that, what's the deal? Developers make themselves dependent on large tech companies and pass this on to customers. Unfortunately seems to be a common behavior and bad habit in gaming business and it's a ton of work to look into game connections, to filter them and also to publish them for public blocklists.

Just to get back the own right to data protection.

Examples of involved host, endpoints & Ipv4 from SGWContracts2.exe,,,,,,,,,,

Data example (there is a lot more)
{ "code" : 200, "data" : { "EntityToken" : { "Entity" : { "Id" : "4BEC0F8B9977A962", "Type" : "title_player_account", "TypeString" : "title_player_account" }, "EntityToken" : "xxxxxx", "TokenExpiration" : "2021-06-07T21:11:20.684Z" }, "LastLoginTime" : "2021-06-06T21:08:00.605Z", "NewlyCreated" : false, "PlayFabId" : "B712896ED22E542F", "SessionTicket" : "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx--xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "SettingsForUser" : { "GatherDeviceInfo" : true, "GatherFocusInfo" : true, "NeedsAttribution" : false }, "TreatmentAssignment" : { "Variables" : [], "Variants" : [] } }, "status" : "OK" }
{ "Body" : { "LevelName" : "Shooting_Range_Middle_East", "ObjectiveStatus" : { "ui_Shooting_Range_Middle_East_obj_1" : 1, "ui_Shooting_Range_chall_b1" : 1, "ui_challenge_mission_1_chall_b1" : 0, "ui_challenge_mission_1_chall_b2" : 0, "ui_challenge_mission_1_chall_b3" : 0, "ui_challenge_mission_1_chall_b4" : 0, "ui_challenge_mission_1_chall_b5" : 0, "ui_challenge_mission_1_chall_b6" : 0, "ui_challenge_mission_1_chall_g1" : 0, "ui_challenge_mission_1_chall_g2" : 0, "ui_challenge_mission_1_chall_g3" : 0, "ui_challenge_mission_1_chall_s1" : 0, "ui_challenge_mission_1_chall_s2" : 0, "ui_challenge_mission_1_chall_s3" : 0, "ui_challenge_mission_1_chall_s4" : 0, "ui_challenge_mission_1_chall_s5" : 0, "ui_challenge_mission_1_chall_s6" : 0, "ui_challenge_mission_1_chall_s7" : 0, "ui_challenge_mission_1_chall_s8" : 0, "ui_challenge_mission_1_chall_s9" : 0, "ui_datacenter_antenna" : 0, "ui_datacenter_chall_b1" : 0, "ui_datacenter_chall_b2" : 0, "ui_datacenter_chall_b3" : 0, "ui_datacenter_chall_b4" : 0, "ui_datacenter_chall_b5" : 0, "ui_datacenter_chall_b6" : 0, "ui_datacenter_chall_g1" : 0, "ui_datacenter_chall_s1" : 0, "ui_datacenter_chall_s2" : 0, "ui_datacenter_chall_s3" : 0, "ui_datacenter_chall_s4" : 0, "ui_datacenter_chall_s5" : 0, "ui_datacenter_chall_s6" : 0, "ui_datacenter_jammers" : 0, "ui_datacenter_lars" : 0, "ui_datacenter_pumps" : 0, "ui_datacenter_virus" : 0, "ui_fortress_chall_b1" : 0, "ui_fortress_chall_b2" : 0, "ui_fortress_chall_b3" : 0, "ui_fortress_chall_b4" : 0, "ui_fortress_chall_b5" : 0, "ui_fortress_chall_b6" : 0, "ui_fortress_chall_g1" : 0, "ui_fortress_chall_s1" : 0, "ui_fortress_chall_s2" : 0, "ui_fortress_chall_s3" : 0, "ui_fortress_chall_s4" : 0, "ui_fortress_chall_s5" : 0, "ui_fortress_chall_s6" : 0, "ui_fortress_cruella" : 0, "ui_fortress_manifest" : 0, "ui_fortress_missiles" : 0, "ui_fortress_prisones" : 0, "ui_fortress_traincrash" : 0, "ui_longshot_map2_chall_b1" : 0, "ui_longshot_map2_chall_b2" : 0, "ui_longshot_map2_chall_b3" : 0, "ui_longshot_map2_chall_b4" : 0, "ui_longshot_map2_chall_b5" : 0, "ui_longshot_map2_chall_b6" : 0, "ui_longshot_map2_chall_g1" : 0, "ui_longshot_map2_chall_g2" : 0, "ui_longshot_map2_chall_g3" : 0, "ui_longshot_map2_chall_s1" : 0, "ui_longshot_map2_chall_s2" : 0, "ui_longshot_map2_chall_s3" : 0, "ui_longshot_map2_chall_s4" : 0, "ui_longshot_map2_chall_s5" : 0, "ui_longshot_map2_chall_s6" : 0, "ui_longshot_map2_chall_s7" : 0, "ui_longshot_map2_chall_s8" : 0, "ui_longshot_map2_chall_s9" : 0, "ui_longshot_map2_obj_1" : 0, "ui_longshot_map2_obj_2" : 0, "ui_longshot_map2_obj_3" : 0, "ui_longshot_map2_obj_4" : 0, "ui_longshot_map2_obj_5" : 0, "ui_longshot_map3_chall_b1" : 0, "ui_longshot_map3_chall_b2" : 0, "ui_longshot_map3_chall_b3" : 0, "ui_longshot_map3_chall_b4" : 0, "ui_longshot_map3_chall_g1" : 0, "ui_longshot_map3_chall_g2" : 0, "ui_longshot_map3_chall_s1" : 0, "ui_longshot_map3_chall_s2" : 0, "ui_longshot_map3_chall_s3" : 0, "ui_longshot_map3_chall_s4" : 0, "ui_longshot_map3_chall_s5" : 0, "ui_longshot_map3_chall_s6" : 0, "ui_longshot_map3_obj_1" : 0, "ui_longshot_map3_obj_2" : 0, "ui_ls1_kill_target_1" : 0, "ui_ls1_kill_target_2" : 0, "ui_ls1_kill_target_3" : 0, "ui_ls1_sabotage_antennas" : 0, "ui_temple_bug" : 0, "ui_temple_butcher" : 0, "ui_temple_chall_b1" : 0, "ui_temple_chall_b2" : 0, "ui_temple_chall_b3" : 0, "ui_temple_chall_b4" : 0, "ui_temple_chall_b5" : 0, "ui_temple_chall_b6" : 0, "ui_temple_chall_g1" : 0, "ui_temple_chall_s1" : 0, "ui_temple_chall_s2" : 0, "ui_temple_chall_s3" : 0, "ui_temple_chall_s4" : 0, "ui_temple_chall_s5" : 0, "ui_temple_chall_s6" : 0, "ui_temple_evidence" : 0, "ui_temple_geologist" : 0, "ui_temple_intel" : 0 },

Other critism?
- No manual saving function which is an annoyance together with implemented autosave function
Last edited by ペンギン; 24 Jun, 2021 @ 1:16am
猛喵下山 23 Jun, 2021 @ 5:26pm 
More mission and map.
More weapons ,less skins.
GrimRose0w0[TTV] 23 Jun, 2021 @ 5:26pm 
Would be nice to see the G36 series make its way into the game.
Saint Mattis 23 Jun, 2021 @ 7:20pm 
76561198034531618 24 Jun, 2021 @ 12:30am 
IGN, PC Gamer, Critical Hit, Gamespew, Gameskinny, Gamesource, PC Invasion, NME, Jeux Video, The Xbox Hub and XboxMag and Xbox Tavern...

It doesn't do to worry much about the opinions of such "critics". Much better to listen to feedback from players and prospective buyers.
Last edited by 76561198034531618; 24 Jun, 2021 @ 12:32am
doomedSniper 24 Jun, 2021 @ 12:43am 
Can 'we' please get a real classic contract this time(free dlc)? For old times sake?
Contracts will always be the sniper jewel for many people.
And also next time, please choose an experienced contract killer, to demonstrate your game. Shroud basically had no idea when he was playing. He is a descent guy, so he admitted that he never played contracts before. I guess it would give people something exiting who never played before.
Last edited by doomedSniper; 24 Jun, 2021 @ 12:49am
CG_TAU GAMING 24 Jun, 2021 @ 12:46am 
please help Originally posted by CG_TAU Gaming - New meta:
What this game needs : Attempt 12 - Ring Of Elysium
1. Some sort of way to check for scripts or an anti-cheat system.
2. Motorbike added to Europa.
3. Vehicle modifications on the 2 new vehicles.
4. Change the awful background from Vera to Europa.
5. Add a way to revive fallen teammates so that they can play longer instead of starting a new round without you.
6. Daily check-ins, this is what keeps the gamer to log in everyday and play. - IT WAS HERE FOR A WEEK?
7. You can add more stats to the statistic menu, like how many grenade kills, vehicle kills, kills from glider etc.
8. Just a spitball maybe merge Vera, Europa and Mt. Dione, just imagine.
9.MAYBE UPDATE MT. DIONE TO EUROPA STANDARDS, like why is there no vehicle upgrades, and the use of gadgets like the DPV/SHIELD, No SCAR-H on MT. DIone and remove the carry limit like you take the glider an can only carry 1 gun, 200 ammo, 5 health packs then it is full.
if I get to attempt number 10 I am posting this on Pubg website and call of duty maybe they can buy ring over and save this game.
9.MAYBE将MT.DIONE更新为EUROPA标准,例如为什么不进行车辆升级,以及使用DPV / SHIELD之类的小工具,并取消携带限制,就像您乘坐滑翔机一样,只能携带1支枪,200枚弹药, 5个医疗包就满了。
Что нужно этой игре: попытка 6
1. Какой-то способ проверить скрипты или античит-систему.
2. Мотоцикл добавлен в Европу.
3. Доработки автомобиля на 2 новых автомобилях.
4. Поменять ужасный фон с Веры на Европу.
5. Добавьте способ оживить павших товарищей по команде, чтобы они могли играть дольше вместо того, чтобы начинать новый раунд без вас.
6. Ежедневные проверки - это то, что заставляет игроков каждый день заходить в систему и играть.
7. Вы можете добавить дополнительную статистику в меню статистики, например, сколько убийств гранатами, машин, убийств с планера и т. Д.
8. Просто представьте, что это может быть просто слияние Веры, Европы и горы Диона.
9. МОЖЕТ БЫТЬ ОБНОВЛЕНИЕ MT.DIONE ДО ЕВРОПЕЙСКИХ СТАНДАРТОВ, например, почему нет обновлений для транспортных средств и использования гаджетов, таких как DPV / SHIELD, и отменить ограничение на перенос, как вы берете планер и можете нести только 1 пистолет, 200 патронов, 5 аптечек, значит полно.
Если я попробую номер 10, я размещу это на веб-сайте pubg и в call of duty, возможно, они смогут купить кольцо и сохранить эту игру.
Last edited by CG_TAU Gaming - New meta; 29 A
Good summer ,, and might the upcomming FREE DLC u working on , be
with a Huuuuge Region ,,,, with a mix up "Longshot" and "Standard Calssic Map" Contracts
TY :atorb_goose:
Last edited by [B.A.B] F A T H E R M O C K E R; 24 Jun, 2021 @ 1:40am
Casshern_Sins 24 Jun, 2021 @ 11:50am 
Originally posted by ペンギン:
What critics do i don't know but would appreciate for less Amazon and Microsoft (default on) Spyware/Monitoring in Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2. It's not funny, especially for a singleplayer product with invalid user agreements.

Thanks in advance.

Beside of that, what's the deal? Developers make themselves dependent on large tech companies and pass this on to customers. Unfortunately seems to be a common behavior and bad habit in gaming business and it's a ton of work to look into game connections, to filter them and also to publish them for public blocklists.

Just to get back the own right to data protection.

Examples of involved host, endpoints & Ipv4 from SGWContracts2.exe,,,,,,,,,,

Data example (there is a lot more)
{ "code" : 200, "data" : { "EntityToken" : { "Entity" : { "Id" : "4BEC0F8B9977A962", "Type" : "title_player_account", "TypeString" : "title_player_account" }, "EntityToken" : "xxxxxx", "TokenExpiration" : "2021-06-07T21:11:20.684Z" }, "LastLoginTime" : "2021-06-06T21:08:00.605Z", "NewlyCreated" : false, "PlayFabId" : "B712896ED22E542F", "SessionTicket" : "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx--xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "SettingsForUser" : { "GatherDeviceInfo" : true, "GatherFocusInfo" : true, "NeedsAttribution" : false }, "TreatmentAssignment" : { "Variables" : [], "Variants" : [] } }, "status" : "OK" }
{ "Body" : { "LevelName" : "Shooting_Range_Middle_East", "ObjectiveStatus" : { "ui_Shooting_Range_Middle_East_obj_1" : 1, "ui_Shooting_Range_chall_b1" : 1, "ui_challenge_mission_1_chall_b1" : 0, "ui_challenge_mission_1_chall_b2" : 0, "ui_challenge_mission_1_chall_b3" : 0, "ui_challenge_mission_1_chall_b4" : 0, "ui_challenge_mission_1_chall_b5" : 0, "ui_challenge_mission_1_chall_b6" : 0, "ui_challenge_mission_1_chall_g1" : 0, "ui_challenge_mission_1_chall_g2" : 0, "ui_challenge_mission_1_chall_g3" : 0, "ui_challenge_mission_1_chall_s1" : 0, "ui_challenge_mission_1_chall_s2" : 0, "ui_challenge_mission_1_chall_s3" : 0, "ui_challenge_mission_1_chall_s4" : 0, "ui_challenge_mission_1_chall_s5" : 0, "ui_challenge_mission_1_chall_s6" : 0, "ui_challenge_mission_1_chall_s7" : 0, "ui_challenge_mission_1_chall_s8" : 0, "ui_challenge_mission_1_chall_s9" : 0, "ui_datacenter_antenna" : 0, "ui_datacenter_chall_b1" : 0, "ui_datacenter_chall_b2" : 0, "ui_datacenter_chall_b3" : 0, "ui_datacenter_chall_b4" : 0, "ui_datacenter_chall_b5" : 0, "ui_datacenter_chall_b6" : 0, "ui_datacenter_chall_g1" : 0, "ui_datacenter_chall_s1" : 0, "ui_datacenter_chall_s2" : 0, "ui_datacenter_chall_s3" : 0, "ui_datacenter_chall_s4" : 0, "ui_datacenter_chall_s5" : 0, "ui_datacenter_chall_s6" : 0, "ui_datacenter_jammers" : 0, "ui_datacenter_lars" : 0, "ui_datacenter_pumps" : 0, "ui_datacenter_virus" : 0, "ui_fortress_chall_b1" : 0, "ui_fortress_chall_b2" : 0, "ui_fortress_chall_b3" : 0, "ui_fortress_chall_b4" : 0, "ui_fortress_chall_b5" : 0, "ui_fortress_chall_b6" : 0, "ui_fortress_chall_g1" : 0, "ui_fortress_chall_s1" : 0, "ui_fortress_chall_s2" : 0, "ui_fortress_chall_s3" : 0, "ui_fortress_chall_s4" : 0, "ui_fortress_chall_s5" : 0, "ui_fortress_chall_s6" : 0, "ui_fortress_cruella" : 0, "ui_fortress_manifest" : 0, "ui_fortress_missiles" : 0, "ui_fortress_prisones" : 0, "ui_fortress_traincrash" : 0, "ui_longshot_map2_chall_b1" : 0, "ui_longshot_map2_chall_b2" : 0, "ui_longshot_map2_chall_b3" : 0, "ui_longshot_map2_chall_b4" : 0, "ui_longshot_map2_chall_b5" : 0, "ui_longshot_map2_chall_b6" : 0, "ui_longshot_map2_chall_g1" : 0, "ui_longshot_map2_chall_g2" : 0, "ui_longshot_map2_chall_g3" : 0, "ui_longshot_map2_chall_s1" : 0, "ui_longshot_map2_chall_s2" : 0, "ui_longshot_map2_chall_s3" : 0, "ui_longshot_map2_chall_s4" : 0, "ui_longshot_map2_chall_s5" : 0, "ui_longshot_map2_chall_s6" : 0, "ui_longshot_map2_chall_s7" : 0, "ui_longshot_map2_chall_s8" : 0, "ui_longshot_map2_chall_s9" : 0, "ui_longshot_map2_obj_1" : 0, "ui_longshot_map2_obj_2" : 0, "ui_longshot_map2_obj_3" : 0, "ui_longshot_map2_obj_4" : 0, "ui_longshot_map2_obj_5" : 0, "ui_longshot_map3_chall_b1" : 0, "ui_longshot_map3_chall_b2" : 0, "ui_longshot_map3_chall_b3" : 0, "ui_longshot_map3_chall_b4" : 0, "ui_longshot_map3_chall_g1" : 0, "ui_longshot_map3_chall_g2" : 0, "ui_longshot_map3_chall_s1" : 0, "ui_longshot_map3_chall_s2" : 0, "ui_longshot_map3_chall_s3" : 0, "ui_longshot_map3_chall_s4" : 0, "ui_longshot_map3_chall_s5" : 0, "ui_longshot_map3_chall_s6" : 0, "ui_longshot_map3_obj_1" : 0, "ui_longshot_map3_obj_2" : 0, "ui_ls1_kill_target_1" : 0, "ui_ls1_kill_target_2" : 0, "ui_ls1_kill_target_3" : 0, "ui_ls1_sabotage_antennas" : 0, "ui_temple_bug" : 0, "ui_temple_butcher" : 0, "ui_temple_chall_b1" : 0, "ui_temple_chall_b2" : 0, "ui_temple_chall_b3" : 0, "ui_temple_chall_b4" : 0, "ui_temple_chall_b5" : 0, "ui_temple_chall_b6" : 0, "ui_temple_chall_g1" : 0, "ui_temple_chall_s1" : 0, "ui_temple_chall_s2" : 0, "ui_temple_chall_s3" : 0, "ui_temple_chall_s4" : 0, "ui_temple_chall_s5" : 0, "ui_temple_chall_s6" : 0, "ui_temple_evidence" : 0, "ui_temple_geologist" : 0, "ui_temple_intel" : 0 },

Other critism?
- No manual saving function which is an annoyance together with implemented autosave function

The only data I see here is data specific to the game. Amazon AWS is one of the most common ways of hosting information for so many companies because that is far more cost effective that hosting your own servers while also being far more secure due to it being more fault proof.

Unless you plan on every game company to host their own servers and hire/contract out developers whose sole job is to operate servers and use Hadoop, idk what you expect to be frank. None of this data seems to pertain to the PLAYER but instead to the GAME and more specifically its performance.

How do you think Bug Reports work? When the game crashes you aren't collecting the data for the developers, the program already collected data and is simply asking for your permission to send it. You can criticize the lack of permission, sure, but to act as if anything you just presented is somehow a breach of privacy is laughable. This game does not have any sort of payment history from you or tracking of personal information beyond, maybe, your IP address (which isn't even private to begin with).
ペンギン 24 Jun, 2021 @ 5:42pm 
Originally posted by Casshern_Sins:
I'll only go into one aspect, since you're answer had not really anything to do with my posting or what I was talking about and you're just confirmed exactly one of the problems. Beside of that, the text was not for you either. Moreover, you are mixing statements of mine and insinuating something.

One of my favourite quotes
Users are also unlikely to report problems they encounter, and user reports are often of poor quality, as unfortunately most users don’t have experience with making good bug reports. Automatic crash telemetry has been the best solution to the problem so far, as this relieves the burden of manual reporting from users, while capturing the hardware and software state at the time of crash.
But we don't talk about "Crashlytics" or so called "Bug Reports". Might be good to take a look at the bigger picture? Otherwise the topic should be continued normally

I think it would also be in the interest of the developers ;]
Last edited by ペンギン; 24 Jun, 2021 @ 6:03pm
montysmanor 24 Jun, 2021 @ 10:15pm 
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