Action Taimanin

Action Taimanin

New players
Hey! I'm a brand new player, I remember playing at the release but it doesn't count.
I want to do a forum to help new peoples, including me.

So here's my first questions, knowing that is a gacha and it's simple to spend ressources in the wrong way:
What are the basics to know, the things to not do (about ressources, shops)
and what units, supports or weapons to focus?

Also, if there's a good banner to pull on right now, whch one please!
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Showing 1-15 of 35 comments
You're better off saving gems to buy new characters. The added AP of each new member goes a long way. Don't overdo it on rolling gatchas. If you can afford the first time pull, go for it. Don't fret if you don't get the supporter/weapon on your first pull, they'll be opportunities down the line. Just focus on unlocking new characters for now.
Ray' 8 Aug @ 4:41am 
oh yeah I saw that, it's adding AP
if I understand correctly, I can do the pulls with discounts if I'm appealed by the rate up, but I have to focus on buying new characters?
My general strategy has been to use the gems on characters, skins and first discount rolls.

Real money I usually only spend occasionally on the pass, to get a skin. I have paid for the paid only character, as well as an early character that came with cool skin.

Most gems come from leveling supporters, clearing first time levels, and weekly PvP rewards as well as the weekly goals. So you can be fairly casual (but play daily) to get most free gems.
Ray' 8 Aug @ 8:13am 
Thanks, I got it for the gems.
but what about the rest? when there's consumables and choices to make?
like between weapons or whatever
Get at least three characters that you enjoy the play-style of, you can try their styles out before you buy, but I'd recommend getting Emily. After that, just play the daily missions to amass resources to upgrade your base facilities. Do the events to get the weapon or supporter involved. Once you have three characters, level them up to perform in the arena. Scoring well gets you a decent amount of gems every week. Don't worry if you don't get a weapon/supporter during a gatcha pull, they will appear again. You can also use the exchange facility to, hopefully, swap weapons or supporters to get something better.
Ray' 8 Aug @ 8:30am 
ok incognito, thanks, but why Emily? just tested her but don't understand why her
and also about the class types, I figured out how it works with supporters and abilities, but about the characters, what's the difference between the 3?
seeing Asagi being an "assist" is weird I was sure she would be a simple DPS.
so what are the differences between protect/assist/supress ?
Originally posted by Ray':
ok incognito, thanks, but why Emily? just tested her but don't understand why her
and also about the class types, I figured out how it works with supporters and abilities, but about the characters, what's the difference between the 3?
seeing Asagi being an "assist" is weird I was sure she would be a simple DPS.
so what are the differences between protect/assist/supress ?

It's a type for stuff like "+20% damage to assist characters" and such.

Emily and Shisui have an option for AUTO farming, so they'll do the stage while you afk without Operationnal Plans, operationnal plans allow you to comple completed mission INSTANTLY and REGARDLESS if your character would be able to complete it or not.
Ray' 8 Aug @ 10:03am 
I didn't understand for types, there should be a distinct difference between the 3 of them?
Oh, okay, and so why should I take Emily and not Shisui ?
Ray' 8 Aug @ 4:45pm 
that's a lot, thank you gonna have to read this one again and again
I highly recommend reading through this thread, lots of good discussion for a new player.
you new?
0. save gems. buy 1 chara you like or suggested (axe girl, emily/drone, astaroth, big guardian girl)
1. make that 1 strong - invest all stuff non gem to it.
2. do daily quest.
3. upgrade and enchant weapon UR , Supporter UR
4. make sure that 1 chara is super strong.
5. play any mode to get more content and upgrades.
6. saved gems to buy new chara.
7. make sure that 1 chara is super super strong.
8. piggy ride all other charas.
9. .........your story begins.

why other chara?
- stamina (play times)
- add on skill (extra exp, item, etc)
- some event need charas
- collection.
Ray' 9 Aug @ 4:53am 
I already enhanced Asagi, is it wrong?
you should check out @jc-tips9288 on youtube, he has a ton of videos with useful information
Originally posted by Ray':
I already enhanced Asagi, is it wrong?

You can't really go wrong with enhancements in the long run. I have like 1000 upgrade materials for weapons and 1000 upgrade materials for supporters after having played some 3-4 years.

If you do wrong in the beginning it might just take you a little longer to upgrade something better.
If you have not done so, link your account to Steam and create a login password back up.
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